Guns and God: as American as apple pie!
Only in America
Reader Simon Hayward, a professor of Urolic Surgery at Vanderbilt University and the staff of Titan, the Ten-Legged Cat, sent this photo he took, which epitomizes the worst of the U.S. His note:
I pass this place every time we go to Wake, and it always reminds me that I’m in Tennessee. So on the way to Sarah’s graduation I noted which exit it was – just south of Bristol on 81. Nothing like an AK47 to reinforce the blessed savior’s message of peace! (The guy even has AK47 in his phone number as an added bonus)
Guns and God: as American as apple pie! (Click to enlarge.)
Only in America
Reader Simon Hayward, a professor of Urolic Surgery at Vanderbilt University and the staff of Titan, the Ten-Legged Cat, sent this photo he took, which epitomizes the worst of the U.S. His note:
I pass this place every time we go to Wake, and it always reminds me that I’m in Tennessee. So on the way to Sarah’s graduation I noted which exit it was – just south of Bristol on 81. Nothing like an AK47 to reinforce the blessed savior’s message of peace! (The guy even has AK47 in his phone number as an added bonus)
Guns and God: as American as apple pie! (Click to enlarge.)