You mean your feelings only apply when
you are for or against someone or something?

So why would the Republican Party be railing about Obama's inexperience and then be ok with Palin? And the reverse happens when you mention the Democrats. Little disconnect there regarding standard application of logic, when it comes to partisan politics, eh?
If I have any reservations about Palin, it's because she's evangelical (or claims to be), she's not that well informed, and she has zero foreign relations experience. Does that mean she could not be a functional President? No, she might surprise us. But I have more confidence in Obama's abilities to function in the international arena. McCain? I don't want a cold war warrior or a Bush surrogate in charge. What ever "maverick" leanings McCain had, he changed all of them to get elected.
However I'll not complain when any politician says he is for less corruption. God knows, I've had my fill for the last 8 years.