Oh I'll take a stab at this. I worked in retail for my very first job and I saw this even back then. The fighting over Cabbage Patch Kids. People trampling each other just to get one. The almighty dollar isn't going to be so almighty much longer unless a lot of things change. We are in a Recession now and if we keep listening to the BS and feeding into the Black Fridays we could wind up in a Depression. Just my 2 cents...And I've only just touched the subject....We're running rampid like a mouse on a wheel.
Cabbage Patch dolls! I remember that hysteria too. I always thought they were ugly as sin - in a cute way of course. I liked the bears instead. It's been so long I've forgotten those expensive bears brand name. I never did buy one. But they were the rage for a few years.
The Tickle Me Elmo was raised to hysteria-level also... Whatever....
Looks like a bunch of Fear Mongering BS to me :dunno
What? Empty shelves? Shit. We get that here if a major hurricane is heading our way. Those that live in hurricane-prone areas know to stock two to three weeks worth of food way before 'the season' hits cuz once the warning goes out there won't be squat left to get. Then you have all these losers in long lines waiting for free water whining about how long it's taking to get supplies in. ppffftttt.....
Meaning our economy? Our economy could indeed tank. Soon. It's pretty shitty as it is now. But could easily get much, much worse.
It was one of the reasons, years ago, we decided to get out of the city when we had the chance. We have room up here. Room to grow food. Room to breathe. Away from the chaos that could indeed occur if the shit completely hits the fan. Room to be self-sufficient - somewhat.
I prefer to be optimistic about the future as I have a kid. But get a sad laugh out of idiots who stampede stores in search of the latest crap. Like the lady who camped out outside a Best Buy in Tampa this year a week prior to BF to be the first in line. Really? Are you really that big of a moron? Oh, but I saved $4k by spending $2k.. I'm sure she isn't the only fool to do that.
:wtf: Again, a sold-out politicians dream. Pay no attention to what's really happening.
Be more concerned w/the cheap crap you can get on sale for the efforts of camping outside of a store for a week.
Perhaps it's me? I'm the idiot? But, if so, I'm a happy idiot.
hehehehehehehehehehehehehe...... It does remind me of a day, many decades ago.. Probably around 1984ish. It was Christmas Eve and I went to Maas Brothers (a now-defunkt department store) and saw two little old ladies having a real tug of war w/towels that were on sale. These two ladies were serious.:mad I was tempted to wait and see which one would deck the other one to get the sacred towel but I was busy last-minute shopping myself. But I certainly would never fight another person for a sale item.
Unless it was chocolate
I do think the video was correct in the fact that if the shit hit the fan, it wouldn't take long for mobs of people to trample over others to get what they want. Me First is definitely alive and well.