Obama's 'emergency' economic plan

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Minor Axis

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Minor did you ever see the blog that Mark Cuban wrote about businesses and taxes. The guy is a billionaire and he is smart as hell. You won't like his ideas :D

Where's the link? There is good for business and there is good for business and citizens. The second option is better.

You lefties should get better candidates instead of liberal socialists. I might actually vote for one again. :unsure:

I see, your going with the "more of the same" vote. I've had enough of "the same", thank you very much. :)

From 2005: Bloomberg.com:

Oil companies such as Exxon Mobil and utility owners such as Southern spent $367 million over the past two years lobbying Congress on energy legislation, according to data from PoliticalMoneyLine and the Center for Responsive Politics. The legislation contains tax breaks of $1.6 billion for oil and gas producers and refiners and $3.1 billion for utilities.

``There are a lot of pigs at the trough and the pigs got fat,'' said Philip Verleger, a senior fellow at the Institute for International Economics in Washington. ``It's the way politics works in the United States.''

Minor Axis

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EXCUSE me while I talk specifics in a non-philosophic manner. Please tell me Mr. Obamanic which country has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world (and can you name the first). And despite that handicap this country has a GNP that DWARFS the rest of the world. China is not even close and never will be. Along come liberals lead by ObamaMessiah and will screw the pooch

I support a candidate so you feel compelled to call me a name? Oh yeah, that's the Republican standard, almost forgot. Well the current sentiment in the country is that the screwing has all ready taken place.

And what are the collective yous trying to prove with these questions? As if that somehow justifies your lousy pick for a President...

One of my favorite quotes: "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." Well you know what he ment... that's kind of how I feel but in a more coherent manner. ;)

as sure as Mulder is ugly.

Something we can agree upon...


Having way too much fun
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It's not the tax breaks for big oil that are the problem... it's the billions in government subsidies that they get.

This is why they have spent almost 400 billion in lobbying in the last two years. They know it will mean billions in return to them. The $4 at the pump we pay for gas doesn't reflect the true cost of a gallon of gas.

So why are we giving our tax dollars in the form of subsidies to the most profitable industry in the world?

Minor Axis

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So are the unions--they are the largest lobbying group in the country--do you see a problem with that?

Not money wise they definitely are not (at least not airline unions). What's your source for that statement? Anyway compared to the corporate interests who spend billions, why can't unions, who represent workers represent themselves? You'd have to eliminate all lobby groups. Then what would those poor voted out of office politicians do for income?

BTW--I don't like having to pay $450 to fly cross country (almost $2,000 for the family) to visit relatives--I'd be paying a significantly less if it weren't for airline unions.

You don't? Poor baby. Try driving. Your time is money and you know it is. Sure you'd save some money if we were working at minimum wage, but I don't want to and neither does anyone else in the industry want to. Airline pay is so low in the commuters, that they are having a hard time finding qualified people to fly their planes. Comforting thought huh... Airline fares are finally back up where airlines can hope to make a profit. But with gas the way it is, they/we are loosing money with full airplanes. The U.S. government has always called airlines a strategic industry but threat them like crap always allowing new airlines to come in and offer $100 one way tickets coast to coast just to get their foot in the door but overall damaging the industry cause you can't be profitable like that and it just drags everyone down. In fact the traveling public in the last couple of years has gotten a totally unrealistic impression of what travel costs.

And regarding salaries, compared to what a plane full of people pulls in gross revenue, and the cost of gas, the airport fees, the rez agents, the caterers, etc, etc, not to mention the greedy executives who think they walk on water, the two pilot's wages are minimal. We are a skilled work force and we fight for our wages. Every worker in this country should be so lucky. I'll be listening for:

The ruination of the country! (gnashing of teeth heard in background.)

If you work on an assembly line (the few that are left), if you work on the floor of a large department store, any job not listed as management in a large corporation, you are 100% better off with a union. Your group is organized. You are not totally at the whims of the corporation. If you in an "at will" state, you can't be fired without cause. (If you are in an "at will" state and are not unionized, you can be fired at any time without any reason offered, regardless of the economy.) If you are hired as a full time worker, you'll get full time wages and as a rule, you'll get better pay and benefits. And keep in mind, I can't sell unions, it's your employer depending on how they treat you are the ones who sell unions. If the work environment is good, a union may not be necessary. It's when the fun and games start is when unions start appearing. Or listen to FM and be a puppet on a string. That's your choice.

Minor Axis

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Most union members are unskilled (that's a relative term--airline pilots and mechanics, for example are skilled, bu represent a small percentage of the overall members)

I can't disagree with this statement in that pilots and mechanics are on the top end of the skilled scale, although I have no idea what level of skill it takes to work in an auto plant. I assume there is skill there.

Look--just face it--as I said before, a union is a marxist organization--it is a microcosm of communism

We've had this discussion before and I disagree with your analysis. Instead of every man for himself, unions give organized workers some bargaining power in the work place. You think it's unfair, I don't. The idea of communism is that everyone is the same. That is just not the case in corporations who have functioning unions. Yes those workers make more than they would without a union.

And I agree with another forum member's statement is that what is needed is balance. If companies would treat their workers decently, pay them decently, give them fair work rules to start off with, there would be no need for unions. But even so, I like contracts where the rules are spelled out, everyone knows where they stand, and opportunities for abuse are less likely.

What abuses could possibly happen? An easy one- I mentioned it before, in an "at will" state where you work at the will of the employer, you can be fired at any time with no explanation, so if you piss off a supervisor you can be history with no questions asked. The exception is if you are being discriminated against for sex, race, or religion. With a union contract you are guaranteed a hearing and you have a means of redress without making the individual hire a lawyer which most workers can't afford to do. There are lots of others, but you strayed us off the topic!


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What do you mean legal? By US law? It became legal to slaughter the best and brightest and keep the country on the brink of destruction in the early nineteenth century. I imagine your name's on death row, or haven't they contacted you yet?
This isn't about you smoking crack so try to focus.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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BTW--I don't like having to pay $450 to fly cross country (almost $2,000 for the family) to visit relatives--I'd be paying a significantly less if it weren't for airline unions.

Thinking about your statement, of the hundreds of cost categories facing airlines (all controlled by people somewhere), you choose to rag on the employees while gas is the number one expense and you have nothing bad to say about oil companies, in fact your very supportive of them. It's very obvious you're anti-worker and pro corporation to anyone who follows your rants. It's corporations that make the world go round, let the little people scrounge.