My mind is open Flip. I know it appears otherwise. But the Taliban consists of those who have the strictest interpretation of Sharia Law ever seen in the Muslim world. They have a hatred for the West. The only way working with moderates who no longer are Taliban will work is if they over throw the Taliban and rid the region of that evil which treats women like dog meat. If that is your end game then I am all for it. But if your thinking these moderates can convince the Taliban to ease up in their practices I see that as a non starter.
Cool cool, and nah I don't think it will convince the Taliban to ease up in their practices at all. Completely agree that it wouldn't, I understand exactly how these Taliban people think and their logic to life. There was just a documentary on here in the UK called, Dispatches: Pakistan's Taliban Generation. Click the link to read more on it, interesting watch even though it was pretty sickening and disturbing.