Obama Had His Shot. Options for next election?

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Minor Axis

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You are too near sighted in today's politics.

Tim, please give me some credit. Our countries political environment first started going to hell with Reagan and the Slimey Salamander. ;)

Supply side worked. More money DID come in.

You are hopeless and myopic seeing just what serves your prejudices. Greed has destroyed the Middle Class. Don't talk about it...
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Joe the meek

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I've never voted for a democratic president in my life. Kicker is, the Republican party hasn't been impressing me the last couple of terms.


Having way too much fun
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Supply side worked. More money DID come in.

The spending side was a failure and just gets worse by the day.

Wow, even the guys who came up with the idea of supply side economics knew it wouldn't work... you have been drinking way too much kool-aid

You're in business, please explain to me how it works.

I know my business won't do better if we increase our supply. We only do better if there is a demand for our product. Why in the hell would we produce more product when we don't have enough customers to buy what we already make? Should we just bring back the 15 guys we laid off to make as much as we can so our business grows? Is that how you do it? Or would you rather meet demand...
I don't know about you, but I would much rather have a larger customer base (demand side) than to just make shit hoping people will buy it (supply side)


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Wow, even the guys who came up with the idea of supply side economics knew it wouldn't work... you have been drinking way too much kool-aid

You're in business, please explain to me how it works.

I know my business won't do better if we increase our supply. We only do better if there is a demand for our product. Why in the hell would we produce more product when we don't have enough customers to buy what we already make? Should we just bring back the 15 guys we laid off to make as much as we can so our business grows? Is that how you do it? Or would you rather meet demand...
I don't know about you, but I would much rather have a larger customer base (demand side) than to just make shit hoping people will buy it (supply side)
And how would you increase that customer base? Maybe through advertising? Advertising costs money. A dependable, predictable decrease in tax burden frees up some funds to spend on that increased advertising. Studies would presumably show that if the customer base also has that dependable, predictable decrease in tax burden, giving them more money to spend on your product or service. The combination of more disposable income and catchy advertising recommending a place to spend it increases demand. And the ball starts rolling.

That is not to say that I believe it would work now. Tax rates are very low already. It's easier to make emotionally satisfying tax cuts when rates are high, and it's that emotion more than the actual money that spurs the economy. High taxes are not the reason businesses are not growing, so lowering taxes won't solve the problem.


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A two party system in our government will never work. Its a he said, she said political mind fuck. No one can sit here and say that one party did more damage to our country than the other, they both equally fucked this all up. Both parties spend more money than is brought in and no business can sustain itself in this fashion.

Minor Axis

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I've never voted for a democratic president in my life. Kicker is, the Republican party hasn't been impressing me the last couple of terms.

I view it as a lesser of evils. The Republican Party as it exists today as far as average people go, are ready to run this country off a cliff. They are blatantly pandering to those with money as in, "if we give you more money, you'll do things that are good for those lessers". Supply side, trickle down, whatever you want to call it, is let the rich eat cake and the rest of us can fight over the crumbs that falls off their plate.

So is it a sinister plan or are they (GOP) just deluded? Either way they are bad for this country. Now the Democrats have huge issues to, but at least they are not OUTRIGHT hostile to the working class in this country. Both parties can, are, and will be inept, but damned if I'm going to vote for someone who'll be happy to see most of us working at a fast food joints until we die, living with our parents, unable to afford to see the doctor. Oh, yea the GOP will give lip service to jobs, but try to get them to talk about quality jobs, not minimum wage jobs, while their friends in high places export every decent paying job they can. So don't vote for Democrats, just vote to keeping the GOPpers out of office will be a start.

As I've said before, the scariest thing about this is the reason they (GOP) are in office is because a huge voting block actually like cutting their own throats, while keeping their guns, their religion, and their self imagined "special status".

For anyone wanting to vote Republican, press you candidate on quality jobs. And stop kidding yourself that all it takes is hard work, and an "A" in school to guarantee you the good life. Pretty soon we are going to just like India was 20 years ago. We'll be over run with college grads with no high paying jobs to be had. Sure there will be a few, but not enough to support a healthy middle class.

And how would you increase that customer base? Maybe through advertising? Advertising costs money.

Wow that is the most simplified solution I've ever heard to solving our problems.

That is not to say that I believe it would work now. Tax rates are very low already. It's easier to make emotionally satisfying tax cuts when rates are high, and it's that emotion more than the actual money that spurs the economy. High taxes are not the reason businesses are not growing, so lowering taxes won't solve the problem.

But wait, Republicans are insisting that tax rates be lowered so once again we'll be rolling in jobs. If that was the case the jobs would all ready be here. Oh wait, except the 2 million jobs that somehow ended in China. Sigh... (not directed at you).

A two party system in our government will never work. Its a he said, she said political mind fuck. No one can sit here and say that one party did more damage to our country than the other, they both equally fucked this all up. Both parties spend more money than is brought in and no business can sustain itself in this fashion.

Your proposal? Is it time for a revolution? If so things are going to get real shitty before they get better.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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another Minor rant where he never finds any fault with the democrats

as long as people like you blindly follow the democrats we will go nowhere as a country. The liberals running the democrats are just as evil as those on the far right you rant about.

there is no middle ground anymore that is consistent. Those in the middle don't have a clue what they want so they switch parties at a whim. Which plays right into the game the far left and the far right play


Well-Known Member
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For anyone wanting to vote Republican, press you candidate on quality jobs. And stop kidding yourself that all it takes is hard work, and an "A" in school to guarantee you the good life.
NOTHING guarantees "the good life," least of all dependence on the government to determine your needs and provide as they see fit. Hard work, liberty, and embracing the fact that you are the only person who is responsible for you, is the best way to go. "The Good Life"? Maybe. A good life? The odds are definitely better.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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From what I have heard Minor that is correct. The enhanced interrogations and some wire tapping were how they got wind of that Currier. It took em that long to figure out who he was and to track him down but without those interrogations it would seem unlikely that OBL would have been found yet.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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From what I have heard Minor that is correct. The enhanced interrogations and some wire tapping were how they got wind of that Currier. It took em that long to figure out who he was and to track him down but without those interrogations it would seem unlikely that OBL would have been found yet.

I can't really argue against this, however it if it true Bush gets 1 pat on the back and 100 kicks in the butt for his handling of the War on Terrorism. He is still a loser.

U.S. Concludes Bin Laden Escaped from Tora Bora. True he was not commanding troops, but his Administration micro-managed the emphasis of the conflict from the start, especially diverting troops from Afghanistan to go after Iraq for falsified reasons.