I've never voted for a democratic president in my life. Kicker is, the Republican party hasn't been impressing me the last couple of terms.
I view it as a lesser of evils. The Republican Party as it exists today as far as average people go, are ready to run this country off a cliff. They are blatantly pandering to those with money as in, "if we give you more money, you'll do things that are good for those lessers". Supply side, trickle down, whatever you want to call it, is let the rich eat cake and the rest of us can fight over the crumbs that falls off their plate.
So is it a sinister plan or are they (GOP) just deluded? Either way they are bad for this country. Now the Democrats have huge issues to, but at least they are not OUTRIGHT hostile to the working class in this country. Both parties can, are, and will be inept, but damned if I'm going to vote for someone who'll be happy to see most of us working at a fast food joints until we die, living with our parents, unable to afford to see the doctor. Oh, yea the GOP will give lip service to jobs, but try to get them to talk about
quality jobs, not minimum wage jobs, while their friends in high places export every decent paying job they can. So don't vote for Democrats, just vote to keeping the GOPpers out of office will be a start.
As I've said before, the scariest thing about this is the reason they (GOP) are in office is because a huge voting block actually like cutting their own throats, while keeping their guns, their religion, and their self imagined "special status".
For anyone wanting to vote Republican, press you candidate on quality jobs. And stop kidding yourself that all it takes is hard work, and an "A" in school to guarantee you the good life. Pretty soon we are going to just like India was 20 years ago. We'll be over run with college grads with no high paying jobs to be had. Sure there will be a few, but not enough to support a healthy middle class.
And how would you increase that customer base? Maybe through advertising? Advertising costs money.
Wow that is the most simplified solution I've ever heard to solving our problems.
That is not to say that I believe it would work now. Tax rates are very low already. It's easier to make emotionally satisfying tax cuts when rates are high, and it's that emotion more than the actual money that spurs the economy. High taxes are not the reason businesses are not growing, so lowering taxes won't solve the problem.
But wait, Republicans are insisting that tax rates be lowered so once again we'll be rolling in jobs. If that was the case the jobs would all ready be here. Oh wait, except the 2 million jobs that somehow ended in China. Sigh... (not directed at you).
A two party system in our government will never work. Its a he said, she said political mind fuck. No one can sit here and say that one party did more damage to our country than the other, they both equally fucked this all up. Both parties spend more money than is brought in and no business can sustain itself in this fashion.
Your proposal? Is it time for a revolution? If so things are going to get real shitty before they get better.