Obama and Communist Platforms are Virtually Identical

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CPUSA, Obama Platforms Are Identical | Sweetness & Light

The Communist Party is supporting Barack Obama--why do you think that is??? There is little difference between a Communist, a Socialist and those that now control the Democratic Party--including Barack Hussein Obama.

And you thought Communism had been defeated! :rolleyes:

communist party? umm...which nation?
thank God for the freedom of self expression for without it we have no voice...


Fox Mulder

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You're on a role. There's nothing in the link that supports your claim.

There most certainly is.

BTW--go to the communist party web site--all they talk about is unions--workers unions since, workers unite--unions that. Like I've told you many times, unions are the building blocks of communism--only through unions can communism ever have a chance to gain a strong hold in America. You refuse to acknowledge it, but the fact is a union is a communist organization. Hell, the Soviet "Union" was one large workers union--that's what it was.

Here's what you'll find all over the communist party site:

Imaging mobilizing one of every 100 Americans, a population equal to that of the entire city of Chicago, and putting them out on the campaign trail. That’s what Barack Obama’s presidential campaign seeks to do. In talks August 5 to the AFL-CIO Executive Council meeting in Chicago, Obama’s top two staffers, strategist David Axelrod and manager David Plouffe, set that as their goal for nationwide mobilization. They now have 1.2 million volunteers.

Obama and unions, Obama and socialists, support for Obaman, Obama mentor (a communist), Obama taking down corprorations and instituting a socialist government and on and on and on. Obama stands for the destruction of the American economic system as we know it. You'd have to be blind not to see it. :rolleyes:

Fox Mulder

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You're on a role. There's nothing in the link that supports your claim.

Here is directly from the siteL

We offer these proposals as a contribution toward the bold policy changes necessary to meet the immediate needs of working people, eliminate poverty and move our country forward with a new President and Congress. Funding to come from monies now being spent on the Iraq war, military budget and tax breaks to the super rich.
1. Immediate Relief
A moratorium on foreclosures and evictions. Reset mortgages so payments are affordable. No bail outs for banks.
Extend unemployment compensation, increase payments and eligibility. Increase food stamps, WIC, children’s health insurance, and low income energy assistance.
Assist deficit-ridden state and local governments so they can preserve services and jobs. Fund “ready-to-go” infrastructure projects. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3044/2744592742_2f54505a4f_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3067/2743755583_d2d7e6386b_o.jpg

2. A Peacetime, Green Jobs Economy for All
Enact massive public works job creation to make existing buildings energy efficient, construct new schools, hospitals, affordable housing, mass transit and bridges. Priority to areas hurt by loss of manufacturing, loss of family farms and highest unemployment areas including the Katrina-devastated Gulf Coast.
Major clean, affordable energy development project for solar, wind and biomass electricity generation. Immediate program to cut greenhouse gas emissions and for environmental cleanup. Restore Federal energy regulation and encourage public ownership of utilities.
Enact the Employee Free Choice Act to enable workers to form unions without intimidation and win higher wages and benefits, dignity and respect.
Enact HR 676 the US National Health Insurance Act to provide universal health insurance with single-payer financing. Fully fund public education from pre-school through higher education and technical training. No privatization of Social Security or Medicare. Expand and improve benefits.
3. Restore Civil Rights, the Bill of Rights and Separation of Powers
Restore Civil Rights Act enforcement, affirmative action in employment, education, and housing. End the “school to prison” pipeline. Outlaw hate crimes. Preserve Roe v. Wade.
Pass immigration reform with legalization, a path to citizenship, due process, no militarization of the borders, and no exploitative guest worker programs. No human being is illegal.
Repeal Patriot Act. Restore Habeas Corpus rights. No more torture. Investigate and prosecute Bush administration violations of the Constitution.
Expand voting rights. Enact publicly financed elections, same day registration, voting rights for ex-felons, verifiable voting equipment, and instant runoff voting. Restore Fairness Doctrine in media.
4. Strength through Peace Withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq with no bases or U.S. corporations left behind. Full care for returning veterans. No war on Iran or expansion of troops in Afghanistan. Assistance to Iraqi people to rebuild their country.
Adopt a new foreign policy of diplomacy and respect for all nations, instead of preemptive war for corporate interests. Renew commitment to UN peace role.
End trade policies that enrich corporations while destroying jobs. Ratify Kyoto Treaty and other climate change agreements.
Enforce nuclear non-proliferation, work to abolish nuclear weapons. Cut Pentagon spending in half, close down US bases around the world.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3194/2744592932_88435d5764_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3236/2743755793_76cdaf39c1_o.jpg

Vote November 4 as if your life, and your future, depend on it!
Defeating the right wing is the first step in the struggle to end exploitation, poverty, racism and war inherent in capitalism.
The Communist Party USA and Young Communist League participate in today’s movements confident that they set the stage for more fundamental change tomorrow.
Throughout our 88-year history we have defended the interests of the working class, fighting for unity and democratic rights. Today we are guided by our motto, “People and Nature Before Profits.” Our vision is a socialist USA, that opens the way for equality, world peace, real democracy, a society in which people control their own destinies in a sustainable world.

With the exception of "inherent in capitalism" all of that you'd find in Obama's platform (and coming out of your mouth).

Here's what I don't get--why don't you liberals just admit what you want and what you are. I don't have a problem saying that I support capitalism and the American economic system. Why don't you admit that you do not because what you want and want the communist party wants and what Obama wants is virtually identical.

Minor Axis

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And why does he refuse to salute the flag? Seriously--that to me say volumes about this man's view of America. Everyone else stands reverently while he looks like he's frustrated and annoyed and having to stand through the national athem.

It says volumes to you because you put more into symbolism then what is in someone's head. Some of the biggest ass holes in the world will salute the flag and it means zip because they don't give a rip about the true health of the country. So you don't think Obama support the U.S.A?

I went to the Principles office one day for not standing and saying the Pledge of Allegiance. We had gotten into a discussion about what does freedom actually mean. The point was that in a free country, you should not be forced to so something like this if you don't want to. The Principle asked me to please humor the teacher... which I ended up doing.

Waiting for you to call me a Godless, communist. Come on I know you can do it! :)

And nope, there is nothing in your link that supports your allegation.


Having way too much fun
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And why does he refuse to salute the flag? Seriously--that to me say volumes about this man's view of America. Everyone else stands reverently while he looks like he's frustrated and annoyed and having to stand through the national athem.

YouTube - Barack Hussein Obama refuses to salute US flag


When you don't have a candidate that can win on his merits and policies, then your only chance is to falsely attack your opponents character and hope enough people are ignorant to believe them.

Minor Axis

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When you don't have a candidate that can win on his merits and policies, then your only chance is to falsely attack your opponents character and hope enough people are ignorant to believe them.

Holy shit Tim, Grand Slam with that second video. Well done! :thumbup Every participant should look at that video, the one posted by Tim. What about that Mulder? How's volume now?


As portrayed in this video this is the kind of crap you get from today's Republican Party. Is this the kind of Party you want in charge? (Subliminal message from Fox News to viewers: "IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE, it's a communist plot.")

And then there is Obama who made a comment about keeping your tire pressure set properly and the next thing you know the McCain campaign is handing our pressure gage's labeled "Obama's Energy Policy" as if this was the center piece of his energy policy. Sad and desperate, and starting to get slimy. Really humorous in a non-funny way is that Bush, McCain, and AAA have all said in the past that tire pressure was a good idea to save gas. See the Time Magazine link.

Time Magazine Article- The Tire Gage Solution- No Joke.

He's so out of touch that he suggested that if all Americans inflated their tires properly and took their cars for regular tune-ups, they could save as much oil as new offshore drilling would produce.

But who's really out of touch? The Bush Administration estimates that expanded offshore drilling could increase oil production by 200,000 bbl. per day by 2030. We use about 20 million bbl. per day, so that would meet about 1% of our demand two decades from now. Meanwhile, efficiency experts say that keeping tires inflated can improve gas mileage 3%, and regular maintenance can add another 4%. Many drivers already follow their advice, but if everyone did, we could immediately reduce demand several percentage points. In other words: Obama is right.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Now matter how you look at it the guy is an empty suit. unqualified. we just got thru 8 years of unqualified. we don't need 4-8 more years. and what he is promoting is pure socialism. like Mulder said why are you liberals afraid to admit that??


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When you don't have a candidate that can win on his merits and policies, then your only chance is to falsely attack your opponents character and hope enough people are ignorant to believe them.

I don't know what his character is, neither do you. All we have to judge upon is the controlled exposure we get on TV. His written policy on various subjects alone is enough to be scared of the idiot. But I will admit he does have two reasonable intelligent economic advisers.

Minor Axis

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Now matter how you look at it the guy is an empty suit. unqualified. we just got thru 8 years of unqualified. we don't need 4-8 more years. and what he is promoting is pure socialism. like Mulder said why are you liberals afraid to admit that??

He's not promoting socialism, that is total BS. The question is what are you afraid of?

So you watched this video on Obama? All the people in that video answered what they thought, but how do you think they got those ideas in their heads? There are forces, primarily conservative Republican forces that doctor videos and spread out right false hoods to trash the opposition and their character. Is it the All American Way or is it despicable? Any comment or is it business as usual as far as you are concerned?

First they erase the word "really" from a sentence Michelle Obama said, now this. What other tidbits are out there floating around?

I don't know what his character is, neither do you.

That can be said of everyone running for national office.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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He's not promoting socialism, that is total BS. The question is what are you afraid of?

His words betray him. He has a socialistic agenda. Plain as day. You are so steeped in anti Republicanism that you just don't see it.

His foreign policy ideas reeks of inexperience
His domestic agenda will further bankrupt our country

We need change but he is just more of the same. Tax and spend.

Fox Mulder

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He's not promoting socialism, that is total BS. The question is what are you afraid of?

What are you talking about--the communist party is supporting and endorsing him for Godsakes. His mentor is an admitted communist--he supports unions, he's anti-business, he's anti-corporations, he's anti-capitalism, he's anti-American. Do you know ANYTHING about Obama outside of what your read on Moveon.org? :rolleyes:

Go back and read the communist party goals and tell me what they support that Obama does not support.


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That can be said of everyone running for national office.

And do you have a point for pointing out the obvious?

You are left with judging a candidate for office by what she or he says and who they associate with. That leaves Mr. Obama in a world of hurt. However, he is now running toward the middle having secured the fringe liberal vote. You're voting for him aren't you?