Do you mind if I pick on this post by posing a question? It's not directed at you, just to this line of reasoning.
If people don't take the bible literally, then how can they truly believe there is a god? I mean the bible is used for teaching through parables and stories, so wouldn't it stand to reason that God himself shouldn't be taken literally? Where this no heaven or hell, no god or devil, all just stories to help us lead our lives with love and compassion. :dunno
I lean towards your conclusion although there could be a spiritual existence, strictly my opinion.
Jonah was in the Bible.
Santa was on coke cans.
St. Nicolas has been commercialized, but has a religious basis.
I'll relate a story. Yesterday I had a fight with my wife about some inconsequential thing. Seems I lost part of our mamoth 9' xmas tree, rendering it unusable. Now we are puting up a little skinny tree where the big one would have gone. She was furious with me, I was feeling bad, and I did apologize, but I was still frustrated about some other xmas money related issues which I will avoid going into. So I went for a walk, to cool off (in 15° weather I might add) and while on that walk, which has always been a form of meditation and connecting with the natural world, I started thinking about our lives on Earth. All of a sudden I realized, hey I should practice what I preach about this life being an opportunity to learn. All of a sudden my mood swung 180° and I was happy, all most a high, imagine that. I went home and told my wife how I felt, and poof, the argument was gone at least for the time being. I'm sure she is still miffed if pressed about the lost tree.
So what was that, me connecting with the divine? Me connectin with nature? Me working out something in my head? Those of a religious bent might say God intervened. Some others might say, the divine, worked through me. While I say, maybe I intervened with my self, with who knows, possibly some external influence or possibly not. Bottom line, I say it's beyond a clear understanding, but it made me feel good and I won't draw any specific conclusions from the experience.