"Neighbor" Vigilantes Who Arrested Moving-in Couple Are Arrested

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All Else Failed

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Just because someone isn't stupid enough to be thrown in jail doesn't mean their intelligent enough to own guns IMO.

I use to think that some of the indoor gun ranges we're nuts for some of the rules and regulations they strictly enforced, but then after thinking about some of the numb nuts at the outdoor ranges I came across, can understand why you need to try to regulate stupidity.

Ted Nugent is a prime example of why I gave up my NRA membership LOL

Yeah there are idiots who own guns but I'm willing to say that most gun owners aren't irresponsible assholes.
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Jackass master

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The wait for an LEO to even find my place requires a gun to handle any situation where the police would be needed. Again this is on MY property. I go by the premise that if I did not invite you there is no reason for you to be here. I don't get many folks who end up driving 3/4 mile off the road to get here by accident. Those that do meet several big dogs and me with a gun and are reminded of what the signs say that they chose to ignore. I don't consider that wild west, rather it is common sense for an old man with health issues. Too many folks fall victim to crimes or death because they are not prepared to defend themselves and their property.

Kakapo Dundee

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The wait for an LEO to even find my place requires a gun to handle any situation where the police would be needed. Again this is on MY property. I go by the premise that if I did not invite you there is no reason for you to be here. I don't get many folks who end up driving 3/4 mile off the road to get here by accident. Those that do meet several big dogs and me with a gun and are reminded of what the signs say that they chose to ignore. I don't consider that wild west, rather it is common sense for an old man with health issues. Too many folks fall victim to crimes or death because they are not prepared to defend themselves and their property.

Again, it saddens me that the quality of life in the USA appears to be so low.Spending your days in a state of siege is no way to live. There are billions of other humans on this planet, and like it or not, some of them will try to interact with you.

AEF is willing to say that most gun owners aren't irresponsible assholes. His measure of such behaviour is different to mine.
I'd no more carry a gun around my property for self defence than brandish a knife at anyone who took the trouble to visit...but then I live in a different world, I guess.

Jackass master

Old and worn out
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I don't run around my farm armed all the time. At the same time the dogs will delay you long enough for me reach a weapon if I don't know you. There are always a variety of them loaded in both the house and barn. I also have to deal with bears and coyotes and bobcats all too often up here on the mountain. It sure ain't none of any government's business how I live on my own place.


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I'd no more carry a gun around my property for self defence than brandish a knife at anyone who took the trouble to visit.
Neither would I, but I don't think it's right to impose my own preferences on others by force of law simply because I think they should agree with me.


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Neither would I, but I don't think it's right to impose my own preferences on others by force of law simply because I think they should agree with me.

I agree but then we are accustomed to living in a free country that is a world super power. Some people don't understand that.


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The situation was definitely handled very poorly and the "vigilantes" definitely went overboard. I think it was a good idea of them to go check the situation out and confront the people, but they did it completely wrong. Before they saw the people the legitimately thought that the people may have been robbers, and robbers carry weapons, so carrying a smaller weapon would have still been acceptable. But whenever the victims provided a logical explanation, the vigilantes should have backed off and apologized. Even if they were robbers with some huge masterplan (I'm giving the "vigilantes" the benefit of the doubt in saying this was what they thought) they should have let the victims go. I mean if these "vigilantes" true concern was the house getting robbed then they would have realized that the victims (who they thought to be robbers) would obviously not rob that house anymore. It would be much to risky after being stopped.

This is how it should have went down:
Best thing thing to have done: Call the cops...nuff said.
acceptable thing to do: Approach the suspected robbers armed with a pistol. Don't put the pistol to their heads, just have it in case it turns out to legitimately be robbers. Then ask them who they are and what they are doing. When they tell you their story, but don't have papers, tell them that you are very sorry for scaring them. If you wanted you could politely request they come back in the morning with the proper papers. That would still be improper, but much better and more acceptable than what went down.