Light headed & cold sweats are classic heart symptoms. See your doctor if it happens again before you see your doctor take some aspirin & go to the ER or a doc in the box.
With all due respect a person in your line of work shouldn't have to ask that question. You have a husband and kids to think about and if your heart packs it in you'll not have a chance to get another. Make an appointment to see your doctor asap ( I just noticed you did... good girl ) and if the symptoms happen again before you see him / her have someone get you to the hospital immediately. .
If I didn't scare you enough with the husband and kids comment let me know and I'll kick it up a notch.
hi ho hi ho its off to the doc you go!!
Keep us updated, Im sure its just going to be something simple and he will get you right back on track again in no time
If you are prescribed that same medication again, maybe you can get a second opinion for an alternate treatment plan. But don't even be thinking of playing this off as a cold, get your ass to the doc or I'm driving to GA and taking you there myself.