I'm not trying to argue anything, i'm just having a friendly discussion on world events.
dt3 let me say it this way.
Minium wage has been down everywhere, for years and years and years and years and yet products are not only becoming more expensive, but more people are becoming poor. Also, rich people are becoming richer.
But yet, you say if the minimum wage goes up/higher, things will become more expensive and
people will make more profit.
Ok, please care to explain to me, because from what i can see, things are already more expensive, and it been that way for a very very very very long time, and yet minimum wage never goes up.
You know what people say or tell me " Sir, our checks are becomimg smaller, but everything is going up, health care, rent, etc. You say
capitalism and economics, i say the goverenments of this world are a joke and like most people, nobody really gives a damn about anyone, but thierself.