I just read a joke in the humour section and I started thinking...
I work in a law firm, and we do a lot of ministry work (child support, spousal support, blah blah)
ANYWAYS, if a client doesn't provide their yearly income, we take the median of incomes and their child support payments are based on that.
For women, the median is $36,000.00
For men, the median is $52,000.00
Why is this? The lines of work men more likely take? (ie, danger pay jobs, construction) or is it a double standard and women just aren't worth as much?
I work in a law firm, and we do a lot of ministry work (child support, spousal support, blah blah)
ANYWAYS, if a client doesn't provide their yearly income, we take the median of incomes and their child support payments are based on that.
For women, the median is $36,000.00
For men, the median is $52,000.00
Why is this? The lines of work men more likely take? (ie, danger pay jobs, construction) or is it a double standard and women just aren't worth as much?