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Yeah, until I remember how poor I was back then! :) Although I could go the officer route now that I have a B.S. degree....

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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This is what sets the Marines above the rest. Seeing soldiers in uniform in McDonalds still pisses me off. The fucking Army and their untidy uniforms. What you call anal, we call tradition and honor. There's no reason a Marine needs to wear his cammies out in town, none.

Semper Fi and Ooh-Rah!
See, I dont see what sets the Marines above the rest. I'll probably be accused of bashing America for it and not appreciating the army but its not the case, I dont see why anyone should be required to be in or out of uniform when the're out of work. They should only be required to be in uniform while doing their job, there are a lot more important things in the army which still need work than a fucking uniform!


See, I dont see what sets the Marines above the rest. I'll probably be accused of bashing America for it and not appreciating the army but its not the case, I dont see why anyone should be required to be in or out of uniform when the're out of work. They should only be required to be in uniform while doing their job, there are a lot more important things in the army which still need work than a fucking uniform!

Since your not a marine and probably never will be, you will never understand this. I can't make you understand, you have to immerse yourself in the Marine culture in order to truly understand it.

Trust me, if you saw two groups of soldiers, both without their branch insignia and in cammies, you'd know which group was the Marines and which one was the other branch.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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See, I dont see what sets the Marines above the rest. I'll probably be accused of bashing America for it and not appreciating the army but its not the case, I dont see why anyone should be required to be in or out of uniform when the're out of work. They should only be required to be in uniform while doing their job, there are a lot more important things in the army which still need work than a fucking uniform!
well, they do have to maintain an image I suppose.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Well I dont know much but I know that squadies (probably different to Marienes ect) drink in pubs which are no go to civillians. I know this because I had an attempted murder on myself because a squaddie in Wales was drunk and couldn't accept my reaction to being punched for being English was to stick a bottle in his head! I appreciate the good work our army does and sorry if I'm rambling completely off the point but I do know that our army personell over here cause more problems by grouping together as most squaddie pubs are no go areas because of their behaviour!


Well I dont know much but I know that squadies (probably different to Marienes ect) drink in pubs which are no go to civillians. I know this because I had an attempted murder on myself because a squaddie in Wales was drunk and couldn't accept my reaction to being punched for being English was to stick a bottle in his head! I appreciate the good work our army does and sorry if I'm rambling completely off the point but I do know that our army personell over here cause more problems by grouping together as most squaddie pubs are no go areas because of their behaviour!

:wtf:Holy run on sentences batman. Quick, find a translator, I want to know what this lad just said! :eek