Man, Bush is fucking up...

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Re: RE: Man, Bush is fucking up...

Hurt911gen said:
well all liberals i know i weenies, that doesn't make you look any better tho

This is any example of me losing respect, i may be a liberal and a passifist, but ive never backed down from a fight, im a firm believer of never starting a fight but always finishing it. Its like me calling every black person a gang member because most of the published news about gangs are black, i watch alot of news, or that every white persons a racist bigot because of the KKK and the nazi's, just because i prefer not to fight doesnt mean i can't
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You're right, we (Canada and America) do have far more in common that not. Close allies and friends that have bled together all over the world to defend our common ideals. We (you and I) also have more in common than we first suspected.

You're not as liberal as you think you are my friend. You said you were a pacifist, but if you're willing to fight to defend either yourself or the weak, then by definition you are not. You agree that too much government is never a good thing, so by (American) definition, you're not even liberal. I suspect from our discussion that American 'Liberals' are far more radical than Canadian 'Liberals.'

What you said about communism is also 100% accurate. On paper it looks great. The problem is, (like you said) once you take away the motivation of self improvement, the lazy factor kicks in full gear, and advancments come to a screeching halt.

Sending a lower amount of troops than the first gulf war actually makes a lot more sense than you think. Back in '91, the U.S. was still unsure of itself because of our losses in Vietnam. Iraq at the time had the third most powerful ground military in the world (Behind the U.S. and the Soviet Union). They were well equiped with modern Soviet equipment, and it's always easier to defend than it is to attack. We thought it was going to be a very tough fight. That's not how it turned out. We smoked those guys faster than anybody could have imagined. 100 hour ground war, and just over 100 losses! We went in there with a 50kg sledge hammer expecting to find a brick. What we ended up slaping the shit out of was an over ripe piece of fruit.

When we finished Saddam's military in Kuwait, the people of Iraq rose up against Saddam thinking we were going to move into Iraq and take him out then. (It's a debatable mistake). Those are the people that animal gassed and mass murderd.

Now fast forward to 2003. Iraq had been sanctioned into the ground, and since the Soviet Union collapsed (soon after the '91 war), they didn't have any new equipment. What they did have was falling apart. Sending another half million men in there would have been a waste for several reasons.
1. Money. It would have cost billions more than it did
2. Holding back reserve strength would allow us to move men in and out of the AO more often which would help keep our military members fresh and ready.
3. Why use 500,000 personnel when you can get the job done in 3 weeks with less than half that number?
4. We expected the people in Iraq to party in the streets when we came (and they did), so we wouldn't necessarily need a huge police force in the area (but we would have one availiable for the long term if we did, because we had so much left in reserve)
5. The Iraqi military had no will to fight us, and we knew that. (I've been privy to radio intercepts) When we went in, they offered minimal resistance. We had no intention of imprisoning them all, and thought we were being the good guys by patting them on the back, and sending them home.

So, a smaller force really made a lot more sense than the media gives the U.S. government credit for. Everything militarily did went by the numbers during the 'major combat oporations' phase of the war.

The insurgancy was expected and planned for before the liberation began. Nobody thought it would last this long, but arguably, it would not have if the media had not given it so much attention. Those guys are holding on by the skin of their teeth just in the hopes that the media and the liberals will help them win like they helped the North Viatnamese.

The insurgants have not been able to accomplish a single goal of theirs, and every goal the Coalition has established has gone acording to plan and (almost) schedule. Why the press tells everybody we're losing the war, I have no idea. If you look at it on a scoreboard, you would laugh at how great the effort is going over there.

The finess you're talking about is there. For 10 years we tried to do it the easy way. Remember the inspectors, and remember the run around they were always given before they were kicked out completely? The United Nations passed 16 resolutions saying that Iraq must disarm, or face military retribution. When Iraq said F-off, what did the U.N. do? They passed another resolution, only this time they said "or else." Whoopty Freakin Do Saddam said, and though us the bird again. Every time the same thing. It's like those parents who keep saying to their kids "Don't make me tell you again.... I'm not going to say it again.... Don't make me tell you again...." Forever, and the kid keeps right on doing whatever it is they were doing. Eventually, somebody has to step up to the plate and say this far, and no further. That is what we did. 10 years of trying to use diplomacy is not an 'All force, no finess" type of action in my opinion.

The coalition was stronger than it was given credit for. America has the most money, and the most powerful military. We do a majority of the heavy lifting because it's easier for us. I think it's a shame that the 63 nations that helped enforce the U.N. resolutions are maginalized like they are. In '91 we had the majority of the forces on the ground also, but nobody seems to remember that. About our allies 'jumping ship,' .... Some yes, but most left because they had fulfilled their stated obligations. The goal was to remove Saddam, and disarm (by force) Iraq. When those two goals were accomplished, it came down to a national choice for all those countries weather or not they wanted to stick around and help Iraq get back on their feet. In the end they all made their own choices, for their own reasons, but they didn't just cut and run because they lost faith with the cause. The mission was accomplished. All that was left was the rebuilding. We chose to stay, because we felt it was the right thing to do. Most of our allies are still right there beside us too.

France, Germany, and Russia decided to get into a pissing contest, and compair wanker sizes with the U.S. for some debatable reasons. Canada opted to not send forces, but she did so with honor, and I respect her decision. France, Germany, and Russia did it with no honor, and simply wanted to show the world that their will was stronger than American will. (along with some hefty finacial reasons for keeping Saddam in power)

I'm mostly done, thought I know I've not addressed all of your comments. The last thing I would like to mention is the differance between the American revolution and the terrorists of today. Americans were fighting for freedom from an opressive king. The modern terrorist organization fight in order to establish an opressive king. I think that differance alone is enough to be rattled by hearing somebody compair an American freedome fighter to a terrorist. We fought on a field of battle against unspeakable odds. What those men did in the 1700's was incredible. And they did it without cutting off peoples heads, and setting IED's.

The terrorists we're fighting in Iraq are scum by even their own peoples standards. Their governments have disowned them, and their religious leaders have condemed them. They are alone, unjust, losing miserably, and portrayed in the media as some sort of robust and noble civilization that can never be defeated. I say nuts to that. They want to scrap, then let's scrap. Like you said ealier, you may not want to start the fight, but you're sure as hell not going to lose one either. America did not start this fight, they did. And now they're paying the price, and I see that as a good thing all around.

/soapbox :cool


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Found some possible Avatar pics for ya. Use one if you like, don't if you don't. :D






I had one that was really kick ass w/ both our flags, but it won't come through for some reason. :dunno

The last one is in case you're going to fit in nicely here. :lol


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Well I guessing there is a huge difference between liberals in out 2 countries then, most liberals I know think almost the same as I do. I actually dont think i know a liberal or conservative or NDP, (we have more than 2 parties) like what you've described, all of us, meaning the bulk of Canadians, would be absolutly willing to go to bat for the weak, and we do, we're finally getting some troops and equipment into sudan, which should have happened along time ago.

As for him gasing his own people, that actually occured in 1988, with weapons given to saddam by the US, the chemical weapons and helicopters deploying them were both of US manufactureyes, you (US gov at the time, not you personally) armed him along with most of the middle east at various times throughout the 80's and even early 90's. Notable occuraces are first to iraq to fight iran, then iran to fight iraq, the whole iran contra hub bub, not too mention all of iseral and afganistan. But again the US wasnt the only one and the cold war was still on in the time so some of it i could understand

Personally i still dont see how it made sense to send a lower amount of troops, granted the millitary was going to be less of an obstical but in urban warfare its a whole difference story and everyone knew that going into it but it just doesnt seem like it was well handled well, it may seem as armchair quarterbacking but i actually said long before they took iraq that they werent going to have enough troops to quell the urban combat, especially with the religous furor that arose in the whole area, i'll grant you that they had enough troops to deal with the insugency in iraq but they didnt count on the external factor and would have if they'd have down thier homework, thats what you get for having a C student as a prez. And im not saying that your gonna lose the war, like come on this is a whole differnt animal then vietnam, that was gurrilla combat in the jungle mostly this is a freakin desert with relativly huge cities

As for finesse i wasnt meaning the enitre diplomatic arena with the UN, im talking about GWB in specifics. Yes the whole UN was deadlocked giving a bunch of smaller powers too much of a say but there are other groups the US belongs to besides that, NATO is just one example and there were/are ways of the US working with NATO that in the UN would have been in impossible.

As for the strength of the coalition im sorry i just cant give credit to a coalition that comprises of mostly low tech/low visability allies. One of the countries, dont remember which, said they'd send jsut over a few hundred troops with cattle, freaking cattle, they had absolutly no arms to speak of but were counted anyways. Also yes as the most powerful military/nation you did have the most troops in the last one but what i can i say we have 1/10th your population in an area the size of russia, the people just arent available, but we did send the bulk of our troops not otherwise ingauged in combat, i beleive we had some 10 000 troops in other places at the time working with the UN so ourt forces we basically hamstringed for that fight. Actually i think only China has a larger standing army then you do so thats almost a non-instance as far as im concerned.

I thank you for realizing/stating that we may have said no, but we didnt do it the way the others you mentioned did, most americans i've talked to seem to lump us together with, damn what was that nice little term that jackass american i met last month called us.....coalition of pussies and bed wetters was part of it along with some stupid thing about beavers, it went on for some time before I/the rest of the bar told him to F off and he decided to throw a punch at me, which was his mistake big time BTW, as i said i wont start a fight but i'll damn sure finish it. Not to mention its just bad manners to bad mouth a country while your in the country.

As for the revolution i hope I didnt come off as saying i was comparing it as equal to todays terrorist, i was trying to go the other way actually. As I thought i said it was completly different, i will never agree that hitting a building full of civilians with a plane or strapping a bomb to a kid is a good thing, although i can see why people would say the US was "in for it"(i dont agree with it but i can see why) but i'll never agree that its a noble thing to have done....hitting civies is just wrong on all accounts. I agree that what they did back in the 1700's was a noble and amazing thing, although you may want to read a little of the war correspondse that survived that war because there were somethings that both sides did that was at the time considered unlawful and terrorism (not the word they used, i think it was called ungentlemenly combat or some other thing, different time different wording)

As for the media portraying them as "some sort of robust and noble civilization that can never be defeated" I havent seen that, although i dont get all the american news channels, I have seen them trying to be in the middle of it but some have chosen a side which is wrong in the media, its supposed to be unbias and i think that has been lost in the past decade or so though how and why im not sure, the only channel i see as extremely bias against so called liberals is Fox news, god i hate the talking heads.

Last thing im gonna say is that you actually did start the war in iraq, saddam by all acounts had nothing to do with 911, actually he and osama really disliked eachother, saddam didnt follow the islamic faith and didnt approve of religous involvment with his government, like all dictators he doesnt like someone around that can challenge his authority, and osama saw him has the same kinda opressor the americans are (his thoughts not mine) with that said, yes now that your in there you have a duty to both americans and iraqi's to make the place the best you can and "finish the job" whatever that means, i cant find anywhere what exactly the job is, but thats somantics either way.

I'll finish off by saying i guess things are quite different in terms of liberals and conservatives in our 2 counties maybe because we actually have a parties called the liberals and conservatives, and im glad to see we have more in common then first expected(sorry come to expect the worst from americans/people in general)/suspected....i'll be looking forward to more disscussions in the future


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well you guys sure know a lot on this topic, unlike me :dunno remember tho, arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even is you win, you're still retarded


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Re: RE: Man, Bush is fucking up...

Hurt911gen said:
well you guys sure know a lot on this topic, unlike me :dunno remember tho, arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even is you win, you're still retarded

yes i've heard that before, and i dont believe it, an argument/debate is a good thing anywhere, as long as its civil and actually intelligent, keeps people honest.

and thanks for the avatars intruder, especially like the the last one but it didnt look as good at 140 pixels


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Re: RE: Man, Bush is fucking up...

UncleBacon said:
does anyone have cliff notes :dunno

We see things a lot more similarly than we first thought, but still have respectful differences.

Canadian "Liberal and Conservatives" are party names (like Democrats and Republicans), and generally centrist, vs. American "Liberal and Conservatives" which represent the fringes of our two major parties.

We agree that Saddam had to go, but we part ways when I think we tried it the nice way for long enough first, and he thinks we went in guns blazing too soon.

Canada and America are great allies who have been there for eachother when it really counted, and will continue to be there when needed.

Other than that, nothing too exciting to report. Out of everything, the definitions of Canadian liberals / concervatives were the most important for me.


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Re: RE: Man, Bush is fucking up...

Phreaked said:
As for him gasing his own people, that actually occured in 1988

True, my mistake. He did have mass reprisals of those people though, which lead to the establishment of the northern and southern 'no fly zones' over Iraq.

Phreaked said:
thats what you get for having a C student as a prez.

I don't know why you keep saying that? :dunno
Also, the C&C doesn't actually controll the ground war. They tried that in the late 60's and early 70's, and proved it doesn't work.

Phreaked said:
As for the strength of the coalition im sorry i just cant give credit to a coalition that comprises of mostly low tech/low visability allies. One of the countries, dont remember which, said they'd send just over a few hundred troops with cattle, freaking cattle, they had absolutly no arms to speak of but were counted anyways. Also yes as the most powerful military/nation you did have the most troops in the last one but what i can i say we have 1/10th your population in an area the size of russia, the people just arent available, but we did send the bulk of our troops not otherwise ingauged in combat

What you are saying is exactly why it's important to count everybody who helps. Like the Bible verse of the old woman who threw 2 bits into the donation pot... It wasn't much by most standards, but to her it was a lot. Canada's efforts in the '91 war are greatly appreciated, because you sent a large portion of what you had availiable. That is the same reason the other nations involved in our coalition should be counted, and not mocked or maginalized. They're doing everything they can, and that's all you can ask of them. If cows are all they can offer us to help secure the freedom of the world, then I am truly and deeply greateful for their contribution.

Phreaked said:
I thank you for realizing/stating that we may have said no, but we didnt do it the way the others you mentioned did,

Facts are facts. Even best of friends don't agree 100% of the time.

Phreaked said:
As for the revolution i hope I didnt come off as saying i was comparing it as equal to todays terrorist, .... .... although you may want to read a little of the war correspondse that survived that war

Not completely, but I've heard it said before in certain circles in an attempt to justify the position of our enemies. So I make it a point to challange the idea whenver I come across it, because I disagree so strongly and want to be clear. The terrorists have no justification or position. They are religious extreemists, okay, but their own spiritual leaders have disowned them, and speak openly about how they are betraying their own religion.

War is an ugly thing. Always has been, and always will be. And while it's easy to look at small examples of errors, or things that weren't done properly, each side has an overall ideal or way of doing business that I think history uses as a judge. It's why we punish our bad apples so quickly and openly. We don't want history to remember us for the bad things, when it's such a small percentage of the real picture.

Phreaked said:
Last thing im gonna say is that you actually did start the war in iraq, saddam by all acounts had nothing to do with 911,
911 and Saddam may not have been directly tied, but what 911 did do, was expose that people and nations like Saddam and Iraq did pose a clear danger to our people and way of life. He proved himself an asshole when he invaded Kuwait, so no matter what you think of how things started today, I don't think it would be too far a stretch to say this has been 10 years in the coming. Now the Gulf war is finally on its way to closure.
Phreaked said:
I'll finish off by saying i guess things are quite different in terms of liberals and conservatives in our 2 counties maybe because we actually have a parties called the liberals and conservatives, and im glad to see we have more in common then first expected ... ... /suspected....i'll be looking forward to more disscussions in the future

Here-here. Cheers mate.


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I keep saying he was a C student because he was a C student, that was his average grade in university, and im not just commenting on that either. I was also cosidering the fact that ever job he's had has been a failure, with the possible exception of being govenor, dont know to much about that point in his life other than he found jesus and quit drinking, and i commend him on the quitting drinking although i dont particularly like the infusion of church and state thats been brought about.

Yes your right there were reprisals resulting in the no fly zones

As for the commander and chief not controlling the ground war you also correct, BUT (and this is a big but) he is the uppermost leader of the US millitary in times of war, hence Commander and Chief, which i supposed to mean that all war crimes, and thier have been a few as defined in the geneva convention, the use of white phosporus bombs on human targets is a recent example, it burns the skin to the bone and cannot be cleaned off, are on his shoulders not the military men that used the munitions with the approval of thier commanders, the same goes, i believe atleast, for the whole torture bit.

And again i still cannot agree that every little bit helps, not in this kind of war in this world, the 2 bits in the pot is for the person that has nothing not the most powerful country on the planet if it was say.....the vatican (cant think of another wholy(no pun intended) unarmed country) then yes i would see how it would aplpy, this was supposed to be a war on terrorism not the war to show who supports the US, which it obviously hasnt since most of the US's traditional allies, Canada included, didnt join up and most of the US's tradional foes did, Turkey comes to mind and it was mroe for economic reasons then anything else. Im not saying that they arent their for a worthy purpose, god knows saddam wasnt a good guy in terms of...well still doesnt mean that the contingent sent actually meant much, the few thousand that went were either quickly withdrawn or werent used in any useful fasion, an ally is an ally yes but what good is a stick in a gun fight?

As for the the small errors they are not small at all, they go to the very heart of what america and western ideals are supposed to be about, for decades the west has been against torture in all forms, and for good reason, its not reliable and morally rehensible, now its become a grey area whether or not certain things are wrong or not. Not to mention holding people without charge for possibly forever, that is against every statute ever passed into law in every civilized country, yes holding someone for security reasons is nessary in some situtations but there has to be a point where you charge them or let them go, otherwise we get into interment camps, and that can lead to other bad things, im not saying that it'll get as bad as death camps, not possible in the west (I HOPE), but its still a bad idea.

As for exposing saddam and other governments that pose a clear danger to our people and way of life, thats such a slippery slope with the way it's used. What is the american way of life or the Canadian way of life for that matter, its an idea and idea's change with each new generation and sometimes with new governing parties. Think back in the past do you really think people in the 1800's with thier ideal's would ever have allowed half of the civilized socital breakthrough's that have happened in the past 50 years, i seriously doubt it, we tend to look through history with rose colored glasses and to see the truth we need sometimes to take the glasses off. Great deeds were done in the past no contest, but methods used then can't fly today, it's supposed to be a more civilized time. War may be ugly but today we can see the ugly and we're supposed to know its wrong, also remember the first casuality in war is the truth and the whole of western socity is supposed to be based on truth honor and dignity.

I'll end by saying its agree'd it was 10 years in coming, thats never debated, i just dont approve on methods and in today's world methods mean more then motives, most of the time.

Again here's to hearing your reply :cheer


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Well my friend, I think this is where our debate should come to an end. We've both said our bits, found common ground, and the only thing left is a fundamental differance on how we view the world, (which neither of us are likely to change.)

I respect your opinions, as your opinions, and am glad to have heard them. It's always an interesting thing to get a glimps from another viewpoint.

Thanks for keeping it civil. I look forward to seeing you around more often.

Go Canada. :rock :rock :D


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I agree intruder, i never try and convert people, thats the way of the church (no flaming please just a point of view)

And thank you aswell for keeping it civil, i know my writing style may seem agressive but its always meant with all due respect

looking forward to more disscusions in the future
