Man, Bush is fucking up...

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Before anything, I'm a republican. This forum maybe infested with crybaby-like liberals, but the question is-"to give a crap or not to give a crap", or better, "Why is Bush fucking up again?"

Yeah, I voted in the last election. It didn't matter if I would go or not, I live in UT, but I still voted. And hoped Bush would do a good job. Actually not, I didn't think anything, one year ago I was different, world was divided like this:



so I voted for Bush because I thought all Dems were stupid fucking liberal pussies, who had nothing to do but participate in tard-ass gay pride protests :D , watch Star-Wars and masturbate at home. And what Reps did, well, what all the cook kids do--fucking cheerleaders, playing football, buying A&F clothes. I do the second one, and once was sinful enough to do the third one.

But the question is:

Why is Bush fucking up again? I don't really like him anymore. Well, don't ask me, fuck I know, or fuck any Republican knows.
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What do you think he's fucking up? And I think this forum has a pretty good mix of political views.


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Because hes on his last term and it doesn't matter what his approval ratings are. He can't run for office again. All we can do is sit back and watch.


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Re: RE: Man, Bush is fucking up...

Hurt911gen said:
as I said, don't ask me why he is fucking up...his approval rating and shit, like that

Ok, so alot of Americans think he's fucking up. Why do you think he's fucking up? You've gotta have a basis for your personal opinion.


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Well, if he fucks up seriously again, why is very very likely, and he has plenty of time to do that, and his approval rating will fall (it's going nowhere but down), he will be, well, fucked.

to dt3: look, man, it's same as asking: "So calling people niggers is bad?" It's as obvious as the fucking blue sky



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Re: RE: Man, Bush is fucking up...

Hurt911gen said:
to dt3: look, man, it's same as asking: "So calling people niggers is bad?" It's as obvious as the fucking blue sky

So, you say he sucks because everybody else thinks so? Way to form a rational opinion for yourself.


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He's doing bad because he failed to respond to hurricane victimes on time such as myself and all of these issues in the white House are crumbling his campain.

He's trying to get back on trail but he has a lot of recovering to do.


Having way too much fun
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This is the point that any President is the most dangerous to the country. Nothing to lose, just do anything they want. :fu


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Re: RE: Man, Bush is fucking up...

cage said:
He's doing bad because he failed to respond to hurricane victimes on time such as myself and all of these issues in the white House are crumbling his campain.

He's trying to get back on trail but he has a lot of recovering to do.

not trying to start a fight here, but HE wasn't the 1 person responsible for all things that didn't go right.

and maybe there wouldn't have been so many problems if the victims of the hurricanes got the fuck outta the way.....


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Why is he fucking up? You have to be kidding....First off i'll tell you im Canadian, which i know is gonna bring a shitstorm down upon me, and i tend to lean towards the liberal side of things, again gonna bring a shitstorm. And no i dont hate Americans, just american policy as of late. Now that aside he is an idiot above all others and really doesnt seem to give 2 cents about come on he takes month long vactions durning the peak of hurricane season, not to mention your fighting 2 wars at the moment, one illegitiment(*sp?), he's a C student and he hasnt succeded at ANYTHING he's done....he used religous rhetoric to get elected and now that he hasnt given the religous right what they wanted, reverse Roe v wade among other things, his base is turning on him...that about sums it, there is more but this is long enough


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Wow. That's really sad that you would think something like that man... :(

We like Canadians. No shitstorm coming your way over that one. :D

:lol :lol

Liberal weenie stuff, and some minor factual errors aside though... :fu

LOL Good to have another voice here in the political section. Welcome, and I disagree with almost everything you said earlier. :banana


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Re: RE: Man, Bush is fucking up...

IntruderLS1 said:
Wow. That's really sad that you would think something like that man... :(

We like Canadians. No shitstorm coming your way over that one. :D

:lol :lol

Liberal weenie stuff, and some minor factual errors aside though... :fu

LOL Good to have another voice here in the political section. Welcome, and I disagree with almost everything you said earlier. :banana

Sad really? I've been flamed so many time i cant remember by americans, both online and in RL, most of the time just for being Canadian, its become expected..but thanks for the welcome..k i have to ask this question...what do you consider liberal weenie stuff, specifically i mean....and as for minor factual error do explain please


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Re: RE: Man, Bush is fucking up...

Phreaked said:
Sad really? I've been flamed so many time i cant remember by americans, both online and in RL, most of the time just for being Canadian, its become expected..but thanks for the welcome..k i have to ask this question...what do you consider liberal weenie stuff, specifically i mean....and as for minor factual error do explain please

I don't know anybody who doesn't like Canadians. I'm sorry you've had a rough time in some places on the Net. If it makes you feel better though, there are places on the net that anybody is hated. Skin color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, etc.... Me, I just steer clear of people who hate white, heterosexual, American males. :dunno

From me to you, honestly: I wasn't being a smart ass when I welcomed you. I'm glad you stopped by.

By liberal weenie stuff, I'm talking about the idea that all the world’s problems can be solved without violence. As soon as 99% of the world disarms, the one guy who decided to keep his guns is going to take over and impose his will on everybody else. Liberty and freedom have to be defended, and you can look in any history book, and they all say the same thing. The weak, and the unwilling to defend themselves gets taken over every time.

Liberal weenie stuff is the idea that everybody should be entitled to the same privileges as everybody else. I'm sorry, but the guy who works his ass off and drives a Bentley doesn't have to feel guilty because somebody who sat on their ass their whole life takes the bus. Here in America at least, you get what you work for. The liberal mindset here however is that everything needs to be taken from the rich, and given to the poor. The poor in this nation have the ability to better themselves if they try, so it's not a matter of injustices or prejudices. It's a matter of effort. If you took the reward away from the overachievers, there would be no motivation for them to continue to push the envelope of humanity. And I say that as a fact, because that's what Communism is, and it has been proven to not work.

Factual errors:
Bush has accomplished more in his life than 99.9% of the rest of the population ever will. He was a State Governor, and he is the President of the most powerful nation on the planet.
He accomplished a second term in office, despite the efforts of the far left liberals.
He attended one of the world’s most prestigious schools, and graduated with an above average grade.
He was the CEO of a multi-million dollar company
I could go on and on with his list of achievements, but I think I've made my point.

Personality: GWB has been gracious to even his most bitter rivals. I'm sure you don't listen to his speeches, but if you ever do, you'll hear him trying desperately to make friends on the other side of the isle. They just don't want to have anything to do with him. That my friend all boils down to politics, and they want to be back in power.

The war in Iraq: The President looked at the same intelligence that everybody else did. It was agreed at the time, that the threat could not be ignored. Liberals and Conservatives saw that same intel, and drew the same conclusion. That is a fact. It was international intelligence by the way, not exclusively American. Now that we're there, we have to finish the job. Why would we surrender to an enemy that doesn't even have the support of their own people? They are a rag-tag group of rejects without a country, or broad public support. Why not surrender the keys to the world to the bum on the corner?? It's the same thing.

If you would like a list of Terrorist attacks against the United States, I would be happy to provide you with one. They've attacked us for years, and we've done nothing, because we didn't want to offend anybody. Well, those innocent bodies started to pile up, and the American people woke up, and now it's ass kicking time. If you think for one second that they would start to like us again if we simply left Iraq, then you’re young in the head. They’ll hate us no matter what we do. We have tried diplomacy for 30 years. They chose to brawl, not us.

Liberals are offended by Abu Ghrabe. HA HA HA. Google the name "Nick Burg." and find out how our prisoners are treated. If I was ever captured by an enemy, and the worst thing that happened to me was I was embarrassed, I would thank God every day for it. In the rest of the world, they attach a car battery to your balls.

I would like to keep this discussion alive and civil. Please feel free to explain to me how you disagree.

And again, I’m glad you’re here. Mike Hawk doesn’t have to be alone anymore. :lol


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oh i wasn't just referring to the net, alot of confrontations occur in real life, i used to live within an hour of the boarder and i love the US, and for the most part i will agree that not everyone down there hates us, i was exaggerating, and i didnt doubt your sincerity on the welcome, again thank you.

So for liberal weenie stuff its basically the hippy lifestyle you have a problem with, and i agree, viloence is often nessarsary to stop some of the more horrific acts that we've seen in this world and i would like to see more action against those governments/people/orgainizations, but not the way it was sorry but sending a lower amount of troops then was used in the first gulf war, where it was more kicking saddam outta kuwait then anything else and bombing iraq from a distance, not to mention international support, is by far a much easier task then holding a country and setting up a government pretty much alone, dont tell me not alone ive seen the numbers it was something like 80% US and a bunch of smaller allies contributing a few 1000 or a few hundred and many backed out quick. As you said the weak are the first to be taken advatage of and bush had a duty to try and keep the peace as much has possible. I just dont think he handled the entire affair very well.....i'll never say saddam was a good guy or didnt deserve to get disposed of, i just have a problem with Bush's methods, all force no finesse.

As for communism, good idea in theory, horrible in practice, and this is not a agreement with communism just the truth, the idea that everyone has the basics of a living is not a bad idea, but the government owning everything is just bad, too much room for corruptiom, and ofcourse the laziness factor is also a major problem with it, democarcy is defintly the way to go.....and before i continue neither Canada or the US is a true democracy, the formers a confederacy the latter a republic, and remember it was "an experiment in democracy" it wasnt ment to be the end of all change....

Factual errors, critique

All jobs given by either father, father's friends or bought with father's money....except the presidency, he got that by the atmosphere after 9-11 where your country was looking for a leader to protect them and avenge the problem with that afganistan was handled almost perfectly, international support good planning all that, no osama though, but where in the hell did iraq come from, you cant tell me that everyone in the world beleived the intell on iraq, otherwise we'd be right there with you, Canada has been your cloest ally for close to a century now and are similarities far outwiegh any small differences we may have, we just didnt believe it, either american or international(mostly British).....again too much force no finesse....when you say stuff like your either with us or with the terrorists it makes the world uneasy, remember one persons terrorist is anothers freedom fighter, during the revolution americans were considered traitors and terrorists, but thats a moot point the kind of terrorism we see now has less to do with freedom and more to do with religous fanatisism and the control of power....most people on this planet beleive that for the most part the US is on the side of the good guys, but again it doesnt look good when your country backs out of treaties and a longstanding way of thinking on personal rights....the whole enemy combatant thing essentially, i agree that measures needed to be taken to protect your country, hell man we have the longest undefended boarder and a threat to you is almost certainly a threat to us, but the measures if you really wanted to make the point that you werent the terroriests but the good guys would have been soooo much easier if high moral standing was on your side, and dont get me started on the beheadings, i've studied religon christianity, buhdism, islam, the jewish faith and all are for the most part are a good thing, nick burg and the rest were atrocities that should never be condoned and isnt in any of the aforementioned faiths, but it cant be an eye for an eye when your trying to make a distinction between "you" and "them".....its supposed to be about being better then for terror attacks against the US its almost wholly been on foriegn soil, embassy's aside" and yes again there should be a response, a measured appropriate response, if our government thought along the same lines we would have put a 20% tarriff on energy exports over the whole softwood lumber issue, but we didnt and we worked within the system, an argument for later.

I would also like to keep it civil, although my writing style does come off a little agressive and rather unorgainized it's meant to be civil, all respect is given until theres a reason to reconsider, so far havet found any your arguments are fair and well thought out, i enjoy a good conversation/debate whatever even if we never agree, its actually expected since alot of people dont see things the way i do