Religeonist? What the fuck? Im guessing that is someone who discriminates against religeon? Oh God Peter im gonna feel bad the rest of the day for making you look stupid now. Please quote me 1 time, just 1 time where i show intolerence for anyone elses religeous beliefs. Throught I am Catholic, I do not tell protestants their religeouns are fake or they are going to hell. Nor do i even say that to other Abrahamic religeous folk like Jews or Muslims. Hell, im friends with heathens who are polytheiestic. What you believe is what you believe. If you ask me, i will tell you all about Jesus and the plan he has for you. If you dont ask me, i wont bother with it. Im not a jehovas witness. I dont shower people with threats of hell.
Also... how is disliking England being a raccist? Last time i checked english wasnt a race. As being part Indian (from india) my great grand father was a freedom fighter. He killed many british police officers. He is a hero in our part of india. Im not to keen on people coming to my native country, raping my ancestors, stealing all their resources then leaving like nothing happened. The whole kidnapping people and forcing them into Fiji, Trinidad and south africa wasnt cool either. But history is history. Any Indian person whpo takes pride in their heritage is raised to hate the British. For the record though, I am born and raised in America.
As for being a homophobe... i think homophobe's are scared of Gays. I just dont like them. Im a HomoDisliker.