Male Initiation to the Sambia Tribe. Children forced to preform oral sex on men.

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This thread gets derailed from sucking cock to who has the toughest SOG's, and I didn't have a damn thing to do with it.

That said Doc, and with all due respect, throughout history, people who have been outnumbered and outgunned have won wars.

yep,we won the battle of britain......and it took the romans 3 attempts to invade:D
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All Else Failed

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He is just jelous he lives in England. Thats one loser ass place to live. I mean we gained our independence and kicked your ass...our soldiers didnt even have uniforms or weapons on par as yours. You guys even had more numbers then we did.

The 'Royal' Military would crumble to the might of the United States Military. I mean i would be pissed off also if i lived in a country the size of texas. They even have a puppet dictator. Its halarious. What the fuck do they even have a queen for? So she can have no power but live royally off your taxes? LOL @ the English. The United States is clearly better then you and superior in military force.
We were almost utterly destroyed by the British on several occasions during the Revolution, you know that right?

and give it 30 years, we'll be second wheel to China in terms of military power.

The Doc

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We were almost utterly destroyed by the British on several occasions during the Revolution, you know that right?

and give it 30 years, we'll be second wheel to China in terms of military power.

Yes and the war of 1812. Anyways im sorry. I just have a strong dislike for english people. Anyways this culture is what i think would end up happening to the military once DADT get re-appealed. You will have homo seargents trying to get straight privates todo the same thing.

Peter Parka

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What's the untrue assumption? That you were directing the statement towards the US? Or that 99% of your comments like that are directed towards the US? Don't make me go and find all of those threads where you've made oil related invasion comments in regards to the US... you know they're there just as well as I do. :p

That I was directing my statement toward the US when I was actually including my own country, you know, USA's butt buddy?

Peter Parka

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If I had to guess, because of tea time and spotted dick. Kind of funny though when an English guy asks you if you like spotted dick LOL

Then again, that country does give you a whole different perspective as to doing a fag in a snooker room:24:

You mean an illegal activity either way you imply that? Nice try but you


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That I was directing my statement toward the US when I was actually including my own country, you know, USA's butt buddy?

But if you go and look at your previous posts, it was a perfectly legitimate conclusion to draw. However, I was just saying that I was hoping you were including your own country, which appears to be the case now.

Peter Parka

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But if you go and look at your previous posts, it was a perfectly legitimate conclusion to draw. However, I was just saying that I was hoping you were including your own country, which appears to be the case now.

If you look at my previous post you will see that I didn't mention ANY country. I guess this as close as you'll come to an apology though so I graciously accept. :thumbup


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If you look at my previous post you will see that I didn't mention ANY country. I guess this as close as you'll come to an apology though so I graciously accept. :thumbup

I give apologies when there are reasons for them, this wasn't such an occasion. I said that I hoped you were including your own country in your comment, you were. Problem solved.

Peter Parka

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I give apologies when there are reasons for them, this wasn't such an occasion. I said that I hoped you were including your own country in your comment, you were. Problem solved.

I love a contradiction! :24::laughat:

Now back to the topic, what was it again? Oh yeah, Pappas making their kids give them blow jobs, yeah, I still stand by my position that it's disgusting and we (including USA and UK ;) ) should bomb the shit out of them.;)

Peter Parka

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Why though?

Becduse he's a racist along with being a homophobe, anti any religion other than Catholic and an all round biggot (oh shit, am I allowed to say that? Well at least you all will know why I'm on probation if I am, fortunately for you I dont grass on people unless it's really offensive but others do so no doubt someone will be running crying to the mods about this post.:rolleyes:


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Yes and the war of 1812. Anyways im sorry. I just have a strong dislike for english people. Anyways this culture is what i think would end up happening to the military once DADT get re-appealed. You will have homo seargents trying to get straight privates todo the same thing.

Why? People are individuals how can you dislike a whole nation of people you've never met, it doesn't make any sense.

The Doc

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Because he is a racist along with being a homophobe and religionist, bet your arse he would squeal like a pig if I was to say I hate black people

Religeonist? What the fuck? Im guessing that is someone who discriminates against religeon? Oh God Peter im gonna feel bad the rest of the day for making you look stupid now. Please quote me 1 time, just 1 time where i show intolerence for anyone elses religeous beliefs. Throught I am Catholic, I do not tell protestants their religeouns are fake or they are going to hell. Nor do i even say that to other Abrahamic religeous folk like Jews or Muslims. Hell, im friends with heathens who are polytheiestic. What you believe is what you believe. If you ask me, i will tell you all about Jesus and the plan he has for you. If you dont ask me, i wont bother with it. Im not a jehovas witness. I dont shower people with threats of hell.

Also... how is disliking England being a raccist? Last time i checked english wasnt a race. As being part Indian (from india) my great grand father was a freedom fighter. He killed many british police officers. He is a hero in our part of india. Im not to keen on people coming to my native country, raping my ancestors, stealing all their resources then leaving like nothing happened. The whole kidnapping people and forcing them into Fiji, Trinidad and south africa wasnt cool either. But history is history. Any Indian person whpo takes pride in their heritage is raised to hate the British. For the record though, I am born and raised in America.

As for being a homophobe... i think homophobe's are scared of Gays. I just dont like them. Im a HomoDisliker.


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Religeonist? What the fuck? Im guessing that is someone who discriminates against religeon? Oh God Peter im gonna feel bad the rest of the day for making you look stupid now. Please quote me 1 time, just 1 time where i show intolerence for anyone elses religeous beliefs. Throught I am Catholic, I do not tell protestants their religeouns are fake or they are going to hell. Nor do i even say that to other Abrahamic religeous folk like Jews or Muslims. Hell, im friends with heathens who are polytheiestic. What you believe is what you believe. If you ask me, i will tell you all about Jesus and the plan he has for you. If you dont ask me, i wont bother with it. Im not a jehovas witness. I dont shower people with threats of hell.

Also... how is disliking England being a raccist? Last time i checked english wasnt a race. As being part Indian (from india) my great grand father was a freedom fighter. He killed many british police officers. He is a hero in our part of india. Im not to keen on people coming to my native country, raping my ancestors, stealing all their resources then leaving like nothing happened. The whole kidnapping people and forcing them into Fiji, Trinidad and south africa wasnt cool either. But history is history. Any Indian person whpo takes pride in their heritage is raised to hate the British. For the record though, I am born and raised in America.

As for being a homophobe... i think homophobe's are scared of Gays. I just dont like them. Im a HomoDisliker.

I'm Irish, we have plenty of history with Britain too but you can't blame Peter or everyday British people for what the British government and army did in the past, it's not exactly their fault.