Lucid Dreaming

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wow groovy topic!

I just found out about the term Lucid Dreaming today on another forum, looked it up on wiki and have sense been very intrested as well as shocked at how much I already know the techniques...

I quit doing drugs a little while back and as a result I slept alot... along with that I started to explore things about my dreams... I started to notice that whenever I had troubles moving in a dream it was almost always because I was actually trying to move that way in real life (the paralized dreamer thing or whatever it's called) that became my way of telling if I was dreaming and I used that as my tool for lucid dreaming. I used to really enjoy the fact that I could pull myself out of my paralized state in my dream simply be realizing it was a dream and not focusing on that activity any more and focusing on something else... it was really cool :)

back then I had no idea that there was this whole science thing behind it...

I havent had a lucid dream in a few months so now Ill have to try some of the stuff that wikibooks talks about to see if I can pick it back up because it's really fun being lucid but letting a dream still take it's own direction... that was my favorite :) it was like seeing my own subconcious...

while I have not had a lucid dream in months, pretty much any dream that I remember is prelucid (wondering if it's a dream) which is fun in itself as long as it dont bug you or nothing which sometimes it has :)

anyway this is great timing on a great topic! :) would give rep but I guess I already gave you rep :\ tryin to follow the rules but I guess the prollem is I already did follow the rules last night :\
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I've never NOT had a lucid dream. Well not that I can recall anyways. The ones I remember though are only the ones right before I wake up. But if I wake up in the middle of the night I will remember those too. I used to have very bad sleep paralysis. It made me afraid to go to sleep. I'm 99% sure it was caused by the drugs I was taking at the time.

Sleep paralysis strikes as a person is moving into or out of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the deepest part of sleep. During REM sleep the body is largely disconnected from the brain leaving the body paralyzed. Sleep paralysis is the result of premature (or persistent) mind-body disconnection as one is about to enter into (or exit from) REM sleep.
Sleep paralysis occurs most often after jet lag or periods of sleeplessness that interrupt the normal REM patterns.

Mine would go like this. I would fall asleep with my eyes open, and I could still see everything around me...normally I'd keep the lights on because it was so scary. Then I would start having a dream, and it would occur in a different part of my mind, but i could still see it. I dunno it's a hard thing to describe. Most of the dreams were very painful. The one I remember most was me being on a beach during a hurricane, and having to hold onto something on the ground so I didn't get sucked up. As I was holding on, huge debris was flying against my body hitting me, and it was like I could actually feel this pain. i think it was my neurotransmitters in my brain freaking out, and they were actually sending signals to my body making me feel pain. And I couldn't move, or wake up, no matter how hard I tried...even though I knw it was all fake. At one point I actually started praying really hard because I thought I was really dying. Scary Scary shit. I'm glad it's no more.


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summed up = you were trippin
no really, i wasnt. this went on for about 6 months after i got off drugs. it was so cfucked up!

LAST night, right after reading this thread I think, I went to sleep and had a CRAZY ass lucid dream!!! I don't really like to control them, i like to sit back and watch them unfold like a story. The only thing I control is what I do in the dream. Kind of like real life I guess. It was a badass dream. I lived in a mansion on the beach in Orange County, and there was a hurricane (strange....considering i was talking about my sleep paralysis with the hurricant dream) and we all went to our neighbos house because it ws like 30 feet further back from the water than ours was...the hurricane was very calm..just caused a bunch of sea creatures to be washed up on the beach. Anyways, I saw this mexican family getting in the water and I ran down to the beach to tell them not to because the huge great white sharks were all lurking in the shallow end. I had just seen one eat a man alive for trying to go swimming. It was insane and didn't make much sense. But it was a fun dream, not scary at all.


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You know Ive never had a lucid dream, but I have cautious in my mind well my body was still a sleep, which is the state you need to be in lucid dreams...ive passed the dream phase and am actually tyring to take in one step farther into astral projection, any knowledge on such?


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last night I tried what wikipedia calls the WILD (Wake-initiated lucid dream ) technique... after I woke up for a little while and was going back to bed... the crazy part was it worked! I didnt think it would be that easy... while the lucid part of the dream only lasted a little while it seemed to spark all the rest of the dreams I had last night and they all ended up being very full and like special and stuff :) it was lots of fun :)

You know Ive never had a lucid dream, but I have cautious in my mind well my body was still a sleep, which is the state you need to be in lucid dreams...ive passed the dream phase and am actually tyring to take in one step farther into astral projection, any knowledge on such?

no but I hear they are very similar :)


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last night I tried what wikipedia calls the WILD (Wake-initiated lucid dream ) technique... after I woke up for a little while and was going back to bed... the crazy part was it worked! I didnt think it would be that easy... while the lucid part of the dream only lasted a little while it seemed to spark all the rest of the dreams I had last night and they all ended up being very full and like special and stuff :) it was lots of fun :)

no but I hear they are very similar :)

This is a very effective way of getting lucid. Happens everytime I take a piss in the middle of the night. :D


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If you write down whatever you remember when you wake up. Your recall gets better. You will start remembering them in detail. Its nuts. When I sleep, I never know if I may get wisped away to an adventure in my head.

I've also found that telling yourself heaps of times just as you go to sleep: "i will remember my dreams" works too, honestly. I tried it and remembered my first 3 dreams in about 7 1/2 months. it was cool


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You are correct. I tell myself every night before I go to sleep."I will dream tonight." Over and over and I always dream.