Lost Where For Art Thou?

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I dunno.......I guess they all died in the plane crash except Michael and the tailies (Ana Lucia, for example). Then they played out their heavenly life on the island (Heaven) and dreamed of how their lives would be if they had all lived???

I dunno.........

They weren't all dead and what happened on the island actually happened to them. Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Lapidas (sp), Richard, and Claire all got off of the island. That happened. We can assume Hurley, Ben, and Desmond did not and we saw Locke was killed and Jack obviously died. Not to mention the others killed in previous seasons: Christian, Michael, Sun, Jin, Shannon, Boone, Charlie, Ana Lucia, Libby, Juliet and Ecko (who didn't even get a mention, poor bastard!)

The sideways flashes as it was explained in the last episode were there as a means for the ones that Jack loved or that had an impact on Jack to all be together in the end when he died (the plot was really about Jack's journey). As his father Christian Shepherd (groan...really? Christian Shepherd? Dumb it down a little for us, eh?) said when Jack asked if they were all dead, his father said 'everyone dies. Some died before you, some will die after you' (and then I'll paraphrase) this was how you all planned it so you could be together in the end. He goes on, "The most important part of your life was the time that you spent with
these people. That's why all of you are here. Nobody does it alone, Jack. You needed all of them and they needed you. For what? To remember. And. To Let Go."

Having said all of that, I thought the ending was a little trite and saccharine for a show that really illicited some emotional responses from me over the years. Sun and Jin dying made me cry buckets! Boone dying and Claire giving birth to Aaron...poignant! But this just sort of felt like...and I've said this before so sorry for the repeat...that I'd waited six years for my Little Orphan Annie decoder pin and I was just aching for the message and it was "be sure to drink your Ovaltine." :-\

I get it...I understand the message...I just thought they could have done a better job. I did like the fact that Jack fell in the same place he landed when the plane first crashed and I loved that Vincent came to him just like he did in the opening. They eye close was good but did we really not see that coming? I dunno. I have mixed feelings on it.
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Accidental Bastard
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I liked it. I don't really believe they had it all mapped out from the beginning like they said but I think they had most of it. Like Smokey monster and his Moms bodies being in the cave back in season 1.

I expected the final scene to be Jack and Locke/Smoke playing the game on the beach with Locke asking Jack if he had any idea how badly he wanted to kill him.

One thing about Ecko. He was content when he died and he accepted his fate. I think that would remove him from the flash sideways purgatory the others found themselves in.


Doddering Old Poop
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How Lost should have ended.



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I just started watching it on Netflix

still on season one and loving it, wish I woulda watched it sooner. Luckily all the seasons are available on watch instantly. Of course not the last season

Minor Axis

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I just watched the end tonight on On Demand.
I liked it although I thought dealing with Smokey was a bit anti-climatic if you were looking for an epic ending. I really thought it was clever how the parallel story as if setting off the Nuke undid everything and showed how their lives would have been if they had not landed on that island. But instead (as Black Cherry explained), it was just a setup for them to remember their lives and move on together as a group. In the end I feel like a story approaching an epic nature ended for me. Probably the best show I've ever watched on network TV.
I think the hardest aspect of this series, the part requiring suspension of disbelief, is to wrap your head around the aspect that many of these people have interrelated pasts, many of them were Jacob's candidates, and they all (most of them) ended up on that plane. I don't remember if Desmond was a candidate. Was it the greatest occurrence of chance or was it manipulation on some level by Jacob? I have to assume the latter since (I think) they all arrived together.

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Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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How Lost should have ended.


Hillarious! :)

I expected the final scene to be Jack and Locke/Smoke playing the game on the beach with Locke asking Jack if he had any idea how badly he wanted to kill him.

I thought they would be immortal in that they were unable to hurt each other, and the possibility of that scene crossed my mind, but I guess pulling the stone out of the hole changed that and also removed Smokey's smoke turning him back into just a guy? One lousy bullet and it's over?

I just started watching it on Netflix

still on season one and loving it, wish I woulda watched it sooner. Luckily all the seasons are available on watch instantly. Of course not the last season

That show had such a strong presence, just seeing the characters interact with each other was an event (for me). I"m pondering a "buy" decision, but it is such a commitment to get through six seasons. It might be better to leave it in my fond memories category.
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I just finished season six of Lost (I waited for BB to get it on DVD). I'm disappointed. I loved the first two seasons. But overall, Lost failed.

Mr. Plank said it well:
A significant portion of the show's appeal was always about the characters. These characters were the lifeblood of the show. However, therein lies the rudimentary flaw of LOST's vast pile of unanswered questions and, in retrospect, cheap gimmicks that pervaded the survivors' lives on The Island. If the characters were the lifeblood of the show then the Island itself was most definitely the heart that pumped those characters into our own. It provided the framework for Lindelof and Cuse to weave their tale, allowing them to craft mystery upon unanswered mystery. These mysteries are what made the characters compelling; how the characters responded and dealt with these mysteries were an inherent part of who they were and who they became.

By casually ignoring these [unanswered questions] as if they never mattered, all we are left to believe is that the entire six season run was filled with minutia that kept us occupied until the next big twist came. That we were nothing but rats in a cage chasing a piece of cheese which never existed in the first place.

When those mysteries are the vehicle you use to drive the storyline, it raises the question of whether Lindelof and Cuse were the ones who were truly lost all along. As the house of cards began to fall, and the mysteries of The Island became too much to unravel, they piled more and more on top of each other, eventually finding the gall to call it creativity. In reality, they were throwing whatever clever nuance they could find, attaching it to the rudder of the ship, and calling that creativity. All the way until the white light enveloped Christian Shepard in one of the most glorious pieces of melodrama network television has ever seen, we wanted to believe in the masterful storytelling prowess that the show possessed.

Unfortunately, it was nonexistent. (full article)
I can't help but wonder if things would have been different if the network wouldn't have given Paul Dini the boot after season two. Christina Kim failed as the new executive story editor. Then after she left, no one filled that role. Leaving Lost without any sense of direction whatsoever.
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