Lord, Save Us From Your Followers

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alice in chains

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I agree with you to some extent...unfortunately, in my opinion, the Christian faith has been butchered by the voices of the ignorant people that speak out for them. It is sad to know that someone, like Christ (whether or not you believe he was the son of God), who wanted so much for the suffering to heal, the good to be praised, and the evil to be condemned, has had his teachings twisted and manipulated into something it just simply was NOT meant to be.

Until people realize that the core value of most religions are to be kind to one another, help those less fortunate, and face your sins, then this world is doomed to continue to hurt and destroy. What you said about forcing your beliefs upon others, while I agree with you, I am wondering what you mean by the Bible condoning this behavior? Which behavior is that? Speaking the word of his God, or are you speaking of something different?

Essentially the Bible seems to be intended for intelligent thinkers because anyone who takes it literally and walks around telling people they're going to hell for being gay is extremely delusional and lost from reality as it lies. That behavior I see is condoned by the Bible from lessons of wisdom written in it- sorry I cannot give an exact cut from the Bible because I haven't any by memory...but I'm sure you get the message.
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Peter Parka

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Essentially the Bible seems to be intended for intelligent thinkers because anyone who takes it literally and walks around telling people they're going to hell for being gay is extremely delusional and lost from reality as it lies. That behavior I see is condoned by the Bible from lessons of wisdom written in it- sorry I cannot give an exact cut from the Bible because I haven't any by memory...but I'm sure you get the message.

If it's not to be taken literally, it's pointless because anyone can put whatever spin they like on it to suit themselves which is exactly what happens and why there is so many different and conflicting beliefs in Christianity. If the god of the Bible really did exist and wanted people to worship him, he would be able to make it clear just how. If he does exist, he has failed miserably in this regard.

alice in chains

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If it's not to be taken literally, it's pointless because anyone can put whatever spin they like on it to suit themselves which is exactly what happens and why there is so many different and conflicting beliefs in Christianity. If the god of the Bible really did exist and wanted people to worship him, he would be able to make it clear just how. If he does exist, he has failed miserably in this regard.

I disagree. The Bible ASSUMES that the Biblical God is real. And with no resources of knowing for sure I think it's fair to say that people should at minimally consider the possibility it's real. Everyone in life putting a spin on it is exactly what gives it prestige. Christian's see life as a complete lesson to understand God's intentions, not to tell other people they're wrong. If they really knew what they were talking about, they would point the finger at themselves and not others, which many do might I add. What would be the point of showing your creation how to do something rather than letting them figure it out on their own and striving for the goal that was set for them? It's the same as memorizing 1-10 and then claiming you're good at mathematics. This is from a Christian's point of view.

The Doc

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Yeah, that's a convincing argument to follow that god. :sarcasm

And once again Christianity shows it's detached from reality and living on another planet.
No...People live and follow abstinence. Maybe not alot of people, but people still do it. Its a choice and its commendable. I myself did not save myself until marriage. I wish i could have, and even now do try hard not to persue strictly sexual relations.

You see, with condoms you still have a chance to get aids throught sexual contact. With abstinence you can not catch aids from sexual contact because there is none. Most contractions of HIV come from sexual contact. Some of those are from people who claim to have been practicing safe sex.

People who choose to stay abstinent until marriage arent from another planet. Its their choice and self control. I commend them, because they pulled off something i couldent.

Peter Parka

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No...People live and follow abstinence. Maybe not alot of people, but people still do it. Its a choice and its commendable. I myself did not save myself until marriage. I wish i could have, and even now do try hard not to persue strictly sexual relations.

You see, with condoms you still have a chance to get aids throught sexual contact. With abstinence you can not catch aids from sexual contact because there is none. Most contractions of HIV come from sexual contact. Some of those are from people who claim to have been practicing safe sex.

People who choose to stay abstinent until marriage arent from another planet. Its their choice and self control. I commend them, because they pulled off something i couldent.

If you think people are going to control human urges and stay abstinent, let alone because an 80 year old virgin in a silly hat tells them to, you ARE living on a different planet.

All Else Failed

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Anarchy is the only way because it is the only social behavior that works. People by nature are fucked up and corrupt and want power and are fueled by sex, money, and image. Nothing more. Stop trying to change people and tread your belief upon anothers. Even the Bible condones that behavior. It robs free will.

When will people learn? Probably never so fuck everybody.
1) Anarchy is a pipe dream and impossible

2) People are not fucked up by nature, barring people with actual mental disorders

3) Be more specific. Where does the bible condone that behavior?

I am Catholic. The original Christian. We are different. We sing hymns. We dont fall down speaking in tounges and wierd shit like that.
I'm not sure if there is an "original Christianity". There were tons of Christian cults and sects way before it was the official religion of Rome.
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1) Anarchy is a pipe dream and impossible

2) People are not fucked up by nature, barring people with actual mental disorders

3) Be more specific. Where does the bible condone that behavior?

I'm not sure if there is an "original Christianity". There were tons of Christian cults and sects way before it was the official religion of Rome.

:clap Well said. Though some people may fancy the philosophies that we are all born with sin and this that an the other, doesn't make it true. I am not someone that has grown up blissfully unaware that evil is out there, but I also don't pretend like everyone is out to get me, or that the world, as a whole, is filled with money hungry, sex driven pricks. I certainly don't see how the New Testament, while often misunderstood, should not be condemned simply because a few idiots read between the lines too much.

Additionally, I am not quite sure where the Bible condones the behavior he spoke of...I'd like to know myself.
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alice in chains

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:clap Well said. Though some people may fancy the philosophies that we are all born with sin and this that an the other, doesn't make it true. I am not someone that has grown up blissfully unaware that evil is out there, but I also don't pretend like everyone is out to get me, or that the world, as a whole, is filled with money hungry, sex driven pricks. I certainly don't see how the New Testament, while often misunderstood, should not be condemned simply because a few idiots read between the lines too much.

Additionally, I am not quite sure where the Bible condones the behavior he spoke of...I'd like to know myself.

Wow! You're so fucking intelligent I bet you even knew I'm not a Christian! I'll stop before I confuse you too much. :)

and to the other guy how the hell is anarchy a pipe dream?


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and you're so intelligent that you decided to respond to my post without ACTUALLY responding to anything I wrote.... :D

I was half agreeing with you which was the funny part. Just because I think that a lot of "Christians" are homophobic idiots with way too much time on their hands, doesn't mean I am cynical in the way you seem to be.

alice in chains

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if u want to know where the bible condones behavior read the goddamn thing. you must not speak from a christian's piont of view because you are not one so your view comes straight from your ass.

fuck it, let's argue. how do you see peoples' natures on this planet? where do you find that people are not primarily driven by animalistic behaviors? i intend to show u that people are out to fuck one another and treating each other with respect is a product of advantge and bettering ones own self.

All Else Failed

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Wow! You're so fucking intelligent I bet you even knew I'm not a Christian! I'll stop before I confuse you too much. :)

and to the other guy how the hell is anarchy a pipe dream?
You should probably stop being so rude.

Anarchy simply cannot work on any meaningful scale. The only times it was in existence (most noteworthy Spain during the 30s) it failed utterly because it lacked a command structure.

if u want to know where the bible condones behavior read the goddamn thing. you must not speak from a christian's piont of view because you are not one so your view comes straight from your ass.

fuck it, let's argue. how do you see peoples' natures on this planet? where do you find that people are not primarily driven by animalistic behaviors? i intend to show u that people are out to fuck one another and treating each other with respect is a product of advantge and bettering ones own self.
I've studied the bible. It is called 5 years of catholic school.

Oh sure people can be greedy and violent but I do believe humans are naturally driven towards empathy and sympathy. Certain types of socialization and abuse is what drives people nuts.
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alice in chains

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You should probably stop being so rude.

I don't censor feelings and come here to vent; it is what it is!

Anarchy simply cannot work on any meaningful scale. The only times it was in existence (most noteworthy Spain during the 30s) it failed utterly because it lacked a command structure.

I disagree. What you're describing was a social disrupt. People were attempting to control things. So it wasn't anarchy. I feel like you believe people CANNOT live together peacefully with no command structure and that the absense of any implies violence. I agree the standards and realization of anarchy are high, but it doesn't make it impossible.

I've studied the bible. It is called 5 years of catholic school.

I'm sorry you had to go to Catholic school.

Oh sure people can be greedy and violent but I do believe humans are naturally driven towards empathy and sympathy. Certain types of socialization and abuse is what drives people nuts.

I agree people have empathy and sympathy in their natures definately. But I also feel that is a small portion of the overall picture of humanity. Just my opinion.

EDIT I don't kinow how but most of my post wound up inside the quote lol...just so you'd see it all...


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if u want to know where the bible condones behavior read the goddamn thing. you must not speak from a christian's piont of view because you are not one so your view comes straight from your ass.

fuck it, let's argue. how do you see peoples' natures on this planet? where do you find that people are not primarily driven by animalistic behaviors? i intend to show u that people are out to fuck one another and treating each other with respect is a product of advantge and bettering ones own self.

Hahaha, I am definitely not a Christian. However, I was born and raised one. I know quite a bit about it, and various other religions. I just have the knowledge and ability to know that 90% of religions have at least a few good things to offer. Sure, some shit is ridiculous, and I don't agree with it, but that doesn't mean I am going to ridicule the entire religion.

As far as people's natures, if I wanted your fucking hamburger, I am not going to grab it and eat it, cause it would obviously cause a fight. It's the same with any other desire out there. You have to know how to fucking control yourself, and for the most part, they do. Maybe you've seen some crazy shit, and believe me, I have seen my share of people fucking each other over, taking advantage of each other, and quite frankly, being a waste of life. But are you really going to tell me that you don't know a single person who actually gives a shit? That no one on this planet (including you) has any sort of real love for anyone but themselves?

I really hope that I am just over-reading this and you're not actually that miserable of a person.

alice in chains

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i'm not, i'm actually a very passionate and empathetic person who loves to help people but HATES stupidity and LOVES controversy.

nothing else to say in this thread i dont even feel like explaining myself