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I just watched this on Net Flix:


I have to say, as an Agnostic, it touched my sensibility and reasonability concerning my view of Christians. If most Christians were like the ones in this documentary, Christianity would not have the reputation for intolerance it has earned in today's world.

I wonder how many Baptist or other fundamental churches would actually play this movie for their congregation?

This quote at the beginning stood out:

“You can tell you have created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates the same people you do.”

You can watch it free here if you like. You just have to endure an advertisement every now and then, or just look it up on NetFlix if you have it.

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alice in chains

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I watched it but it doesn't surprise me and didn't change my thoughts on Christianity or towards Christians. Donnot use the word "True Christians" because that implies there's a difference from them and fake Christians. I donnot even
consider "fake Christians" as any religious people at all therefore Christians are the only ones that are.

Christianity has been all fucked up by publicity and the masses. And that leads to corruption and the mentality of the masses. This is why I have always been pro Seperation of Church and State. The two donnot mix.

Anarchy is the only way because it is the only social behavior that works. People by nature are fucked up and corrupt and want power and are fueled by sex, money, and image. Nothing more. Stop trying to change people and tread your belief upon anothers. Even the Bible condones that behavior. It robs free will.

When will people learn? Probably never so fuck everybody.

The Doc

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I am a Christian, but i wasnt born a christian. the fundamental thing i understand is you cant convert people by hating them or telling them they are going to goto hell. You cant threaten people to christianity. If you truly are a Christian you will realize that God shows his love through His servanmts. You will love on people, npot because ypou like them because its your job. Thats being a Christian.

Joe the meek

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Watched the beginning, will need to make time later. Found it interesting.

Did laugh at his bumper sticker "out of my way, I'm late for church". Made me think of one Sunday driving to a church that we liked, I had some idiot pass me on a rural rural road driving like a bat out of hell. Guess who I saw as I was pulling into the church parking lot? That idiot.

John, you might be surprised if you actually go out looking for churches, you may find one that will actually make you think and ask questions (there are some minsters who tell you it's ok and normal to have doubts and to question things). Heck, I've even found a couple in the Baptist south, though most seem to be Methodist at their "contemporary service" (can't stand singing "I'll fly away" and "Power in the Blood" LOL)
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John, you might be surprised if you actually go out looking for churches, you may find one that will actually make you think and ask questions...

Fuck that noise, lol. I did ask questions - that's why I'm no longer an Xtian. ;)

Heck, I've even found a couple in the Baptist south......

I was raised by the Baptist Taliban. Had enough of that shit for a lifetime.

(can't stand singing "I'll fly away" and "Power in the Blood" LOL)

Gospel music sucks. Never did like it.

But it is a very good movie. I'm hoping millions of Christians will watch it and take it to heart. But I can't imagine too many fundie Protestant churches condoning such heathen sacrilege to be viewed by their congregations.

The Doc

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I am Catholic. The original Christian. We are different. We sing hymns. We dont fall down speaking in tounges and wierd shit like that.

Joe the meek

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I am Catholic. The original Christian. We are different. We sing hymns. We dont fall down speaking in tounges and wierd shit like that.

Keep in mind, the term "weird" is a relative term. To some, the Catholics do some pretty weird shit themselves LOL

That said, I was raised Greek Carpathian Russian Orthodox, so yeah, I know all about weird shit LOL


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I just watched this on Net Flix:


I have to say, as an Agnostic, it touched my sensibility and reasonability concerning my view of Christians. If most Christians were like the ones in this documentary, Christianity would not have the reputation for intolerance it has earned in today's world.

I wonder how many Baptist or other fundamental churches would actually play this movie for their congregation?

This quote at the beginning stood out:

You can watch it free here if you like. You just have to endure an advertisement every now and then, or just look it up on NetFlix if you have it.


This seems like a beautiful documentary. I was born and raised Roman Catholic, but have since diverted my faith. While technically, I am agnostic, I am more willing to say this: I know there is a higher being, I know that something larger helps us on our journey here...However, who am I to say who? I feel that this film may even bring me back on the road of Catholicism, simply by not being so cruel and silly in their teachings. Thanks for this video :)


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I watched it but it doesn't surprise me and didn't change my thoughts on Christianity or towards Christians. Donnot use the word "True Christians" because that implies there's a difference from them and fake Christians. I donnot even
consider "fake Christians" as any religious people at all therefore Christians are the only ones that are.

Christianity has been all fucked up by publicity and the masses. And that leads to corruption and the mentality of the masses. This is why I have always been pro Seperation of Church and State. The two donnot mix.

Anarchy is the only way because it is the only social behavior that works. People by nature are fucked up and corrupt and want power and are fueled by sex, money, and image. Nothing more. Stop trying to change people and tread your belief upon anothers. Even the Bible condones that behavior. It robs free will.

When will people learn? Probably never so fuck everybody.

I agree with you to some extent...unfortunately, in my opinion, the Christian faith has been butchered by the voices of the ignorant people that speak out for them. It is sad to know that someone, like Christ (whether or not you believe he was the son of God), who wanted so much for the suffering to heal, the good to be praised, and the evil to be condemned, has had his teachings twisted and manipulated into something it just simply was NOT meant to be.

Until people realize that the core value of most religions are to be kind to one another, help those less fortunate, and face your sins, then this world is doomed to continue to hurt and destroy. What you said about forcing your beliefs upon others, while I agree with you, I am wondering what you mean by the Bible condoning this behavior? Which behavior is that? Speaking the word of his God, or are you speaking of something different?