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So I've always heard that the best way to make an introduction is starting with a joke. So here I am with my first post, hoping to make someone chuckle. This one's an oldie but a goldie.

So this guy's driving in the motorway, speeding like a maniac, when suddenly he hears sirens behind him. Looking through the rearview mirror he spots a policeman after him on a motorbike, coming closer and closer until he's riding his bike right beside him. Sure enough, he tells the man in the car to pull over.
The man complies. The policeman parks his bike behind him, gets off and walks towards the window of the car. The man rolls it down and looks out.
"What seems to be the trouble, officer?"
"Licence and registration, please."
The man looks at the policeman, than begins looking everywhere, in the centre console, under the sun visor, on the side of the door, until he stops and stares at the glove compartement.
"Is there a problem, sir?", the policeman asked.
"I'm afraid I don't know where the registration is. It was probably in the glove compartement, but I emptied it of all papers earlier today."
"Well, where did you put those?"
"Threw them in the bin".
"What? Why would you do that?"
"Well, I didn't really care about the registration, since this isn't my car, and I needed a place to keep the cocaine and my gun."
The policeman's jaw drops.
"Sir, get out of the ca..."
"Oh, wait, the registration might be with the guy!"
"What guy?"
"The dead guy in the boot. It's his car, after all."
At this point the policeman pulls out his weapon.
"Stay right where you are!" He pulls out his walkie-talkie and calls for backup. He then cuffs the man to the steering wheel. Soon enough the place his filling with cops. The policeman reports to his Sergeant what the suspect has told him. The cops open the boot and the glove compartment. They find nothing. The Sergeant walks up to the man.
"Sir. My officer here has made quite a report. Do you have your license and registration?"
The man, still in cuffs, replies.
"In my inside right pocket, sir." The Seargent reaches in and, sure enough, there's the paperwork.
"Sir, my officer has just made quite an accusation. He said you confessed to having a gun, drugs and a dead body in this vehicle. How do you explain that?"
"He must be off his head, sir. Next he's gonna say I was speeding, the nutjob!"
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This is one I always love to watch whenever I feel down and when I seriously want to make anyone laugh in such typical situations. I'm sure this makes you guys laugh like anything.
