Life's 5 Ws.. List one of today's Curve Balls..

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Sarcasm is me :)
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What do you do if you don't mind me asking?

I am in high tech sales..

I visit customers and show them the best of technology so that manufacturing can use it.

I do it at the manufacturing level.. I love my job and am told I have a fantastic reputation for being prompt and worrking hard for my customers and getting answers from a technical aspect.

This last company came after me big time and was determined to bring me on.. It was a great feeling to know my work was well regarded..


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I don't mind answering questions and sometimes in questions are answers..

The issue I have is people judging the problem without knowledge.. One cannot understand what it's like without having been thru a similar issue I guess and many ahve been judgemental of me. They think I will drop dead in front of them they are so ignorant it is scary... And what if I did.. :p

I have no warning of it coming on and when I wake up I know exactly where I am and come quickly to realize what happened. This always amazed the paramedics who attend the scene when called. The few who have seen me say I drop straight down, no warning while I was talking to them, then it looks like a seizure to them. Of course anything relation to the brain ( passout, blackout or failure ) is a seizure.

I have been to many clinics, universities and done the sleep tests. In fact my first test was a sleep test.

I had a few years when I had quite a few of them ( blackouts ) together but we were able to put 2 and 2 together and find it was medication induced. The two medications they gave me where not compatible and causing the issues :mad.. Which brings me to a point I made, how do we know the problem is not medication induced further.. I have been allergic at some point to each medication I was given ( gone totally red rash wise from head to toe ). Could it be my allergies are causing thye problem but each doctor I talk to says I am not a medical person and don't know what I am talking about.. It is very frustrating..

One of the things they thought as well was strokes and we have checked my heart.. Many times with each doctor I have seen. If it was up to my heart I will live till 199 years old accoding to tests :D so no go thyere as that was all fine everytime.. We also checked breating and blood pressure in case of sudden drops.. All are perfect most of the time.. Unless I get a new doctor and need to ask for something else checked and then my blood pressure goes way up for a different reason.. :willy_nilly:

Ugh, I'm with you on that last bit, although I think mine is more of a slight fear of doctors than frustration. (they've learned to take my BP towards the end of my appointments now).

You're right, there probably aren't many who can understand what you're going through. I would guess it's more a fear and a helplessness though than it is mean spirited. In three of my past jobs I had students who were epileptic and suffered from grand mal seizures and one who was diabetic and went into diabetic shock which led to a seizure while I was teaching class. While I became quite adept at handling those situations, for those in the room who'd never experienced something like that, it is pretty frightening. I realize your not having seizures like they did and your condition is very unique, but for the inexperienced onlooker, they probably just don't know what to do. Your unfortunate task, particularly since your job may be at stake is to be an educator so people don't fear your condition or judge you inappropriately. I'm sure you're weary of this at this stage of your life, but if it can help you, particularly on the job, it would be worth it.

Francis I read your post(s) and for some reason I can't get this out of my head.....

That was also a thought I had too, Guy...and why I asked if Francis had a sleep study but you answered that one.

I really want this resolved and can deal with any "Conclusive" result.. It's the doctors "Professional Assumption" I no longer have faith in.. Each has his own and none has been right to date.. Personally most of you have had better guesses then the egg heads that have diplomats and pump me full of shit..

The sad part is they try to bullshit me and tell me they know how it fells... I am fed up of the lies.. I rather an honest doctor who tells me he doesn't know then one who tries to bullshit me and say his "professional opinion" is I should take X pill and Z pill that do fuck all to stop it and mess up my sleep, stomach and health..

If you want my honest opinion of what it is, my gut feeling, here is what I think.. I am no medical doctor, but having lived this, this is what I believe..

The blackouts in my opinion were originally caused by Stress and my bodies allergic reactions to foreign contaminents. They ( doctors ) have now have made me dependant on the medications that have been pumped into my system for 28 years and now create the very issue they are to resolve as my immune system attacks them with time. As the immune system learns to fight them they become inaffective and cause the very issue they are suppose to suppress. There is such a disorder known as Non-Epileptic seizure but not one damn neurologist will discuss it because it removes the patien from them to Psychiatrists who can really help. The issue is this is worse then having Epelepsy if you understand the problem..

Let me tell you I have done a lot of research on this the last few months.. :).. Probably more thenh most egg hads that don't listen and discard what I ask them..

Something you said here made a little alarm bell go off for me. Again, it's interesting to note the span of time in between your episodes has become shorter. It started off at 11 years then 8 then 5 etc. Given what you said about your cycle of meds, it's interesting to note that you did in fact have increased occurrances (or less time in between) as your doctors started toying with meds. First let me stress I'm not advocating you just stop taking your meds, but when you have that conversation with your docs, do they have any advice? Would they be open to weaning you off of them to see if that would have a positive effect? Also, have you talked to anyone about (and you're probably chuckling at me for asking that as I know you've pretty much jumped through every hoop on this issue...apologies) combining traditional medicine with a holistic approach? I know it sounds a little out there, but yoga, massage, meditation, or even homeopathic supplements may be helpful. Again, I'm not a doc, just trying to think a little outside of the box.

Outside of your network of docs you are working with, is there anyone studying these non epileptic seizures? From the sound of it, it's right on and SOMEONE has to be working with it/on it...particularly in the University hospital setting...if you email that Epilepsy Support Center, they may be able to point you in the right direction for your area.

Lastly, my sister in law is a doctor. Her specialty is pediatrics, but for a time she focused on pediatric neurology as she was originally going to be a pediatric neurosurgeon. She switched, but she may have some colleagues familiar with this. Again, I'm in the States, but it can't hurt to ask. was a long response...sorry!


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Francis I would talk to a lawyer if they threaten to fire you. The American Disabilites Act might apply to this.
He lives in Canada so it wouldn't apply. What Francis is concerned about is loosing his drivers license which can legally be pulled by a doctor if one has blackout spells. He needs that license in order to keep his sales appointments. If it's pulled he can no longer do his job so the company is within it's legal rights to terminate him.


V.I.P User
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I am in high tech sales..

I visit customers and show them the best of technology so that manufacturing can use it.

I do it at the manufacturing level.. I love my job and am told I have a fantastic reputation for being prompt and worrking hard for my customers and getting answers from a technical aspect.

This last company came after me big time and was determined to bring me on.. It was a great feeling to know my work was well regarded..

I have a friend that goes from business to business, all over the country and out who consults on computers.

She lost her license due to DUI, a few of them, but she is valuable enough they fly her everywhere and then she takes taxis.

It sounds like your employer might too. I mean they know she is an alcoholic, something she should be able to control, you problem is not might be in more a bargaining position than youy know.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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He lives in Canada so it wouldn't apply. What Francis is concerned about is loosing his drivers license which can legally be pulled by a doctor if one has blackout spells. He needs that license in order to keep his sales appointments. If it's pulled he can no longer do his job so the company is within it's legal rights to terminate him.

Thanks I forgot that

Geeze we are more progressive on this than you guys eh :24:


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Thanks I forgot that

Geeze we are more progressive on this than you guys eh :24:
No....... we would be on the same page.

I think what you're missing here is it wouldn't be the employer that stopped him from driving. In Canada, and I'm sure it's the same in your country, a doctor has a legal obligation to suspend a persons drivers license if he feels the person is a danger to himself or others due to a medical condition. That's the issue Francis is facing from what I understand. He's concerned that " a doctor " will find or " believe to find " something that prohibits him from driving and if that's the case he's dead in the water. eg: When I had my heart surgery the doctor had my license pulled for six weeks. I knew it was going to happen and fully expected it. If I would have driven and been involved in an accident during that time I would have been without insurance coverage due to the medical suspension. The same applies for hip or knee replacement. I'm sure there's more but that should be enough to get my point across.

When it comes down to it his employer would be under the same legal constraints if he allowed someone to drive knowing the person had an illness that could place the driver or anyone else in harms way. He would be a fool to allow said person to drive.

That being said, if Francis looses his license he wouldn't be able to preform his duties as a salesperson and the employer would be well within his legal rights to terminate him for just cause.


Well-Known Member
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Who? Who was involved? Me
What? What happened (what's the story)? I Farted
Where? Where did it take place? Here
When? When did it take place? Just Now
Why? Why did it happen? Its a Natural Bodily Function
How? How did it happen? ^^ See Above^^



Sarcasm is me :)
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I have a friend that goes from business to business, all over the country and out who consults on computers.

She lost her license due to DUI, a few of them, but she is valuable enough they fly her everywhere and then she takes taxis.

It sounds like your employer might too. I mean they know she is an alcoholic, something she should be able to control, you problem is not might be in more a bargaining position than youy know.

No not in the type of position I am in.. I must deal with other people and rely on myself to get around.. Cost is a factor of business I must pay myself and paying atxis at $50.00 each way to each account call per day ( 3 of them each day ) would quickly add up to 300.00 a day extra to have me around. A cost they are not willing to spend..


Sarcasm is me :)
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Thanks I forgot that

Geeze we are more progressive on this than you guys eh :24:

Its not how pregressive the US is compared to Canada. They are subject to the same conditions and would be terminated for the same reasons.. It's called liability and in the US it's actually a bigger factor.


Sarcasm is me :)
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Francis how many miles do you put on a car while working ??

Out of curiosity what difference would it make if he didn't have a valid license to drive one?

It's not the miles you put but how many visits you make and who you go see.. I can drive 5 miles in one day and visit 3 accounts and on other days drive 50 miles and visit 1..

Having the DL is a requirement of the job, no if's an or buts about it.. How can you do customer calls without a car in the lower mainland ?

In fact 99% of jobs require a DL in the lower mainland unless you are lucky enough to live right next to the company you work for..


Sarcasm is me :)
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No....... we would be on the same page.

I think what you're missing here is it wouldn't be the employer that stopped him from driving. In Canada, and I'm sure it's the same in your country, a doctor has a legal obligation to suspend a persons drivers license if he feels the person is a danger to himself or others due to a medical condition. That's the issue Francis is facing from what I understand. He's concerned that " a doctor " will find or " believe to find " something that prohibits him from driving and if that's the case he's dead in the water. eg: When I had my heart surgery the doctor had my license pulled for six weeks. I knew it was going to happen and fully expected it. If I would have driven and been involved in an accident during that time I would have been without insurance coverage due to the medical suspension. The same applies for hip or knee replacement. I'm sure there's more but that should be enough to get my point across.

When it comes down to it his employer would be under the same legal constraints if he allowed someone to drive knowing the person had an illness that could place the driver or anyone else in harms way. He would be a fool to allow said person to drive.

That being said, if Francis looses his license he wouldn't be able to preform his duties as a salesperson and the employer would be well within his legal rights to terminate him for just cause.

Basically.. The legal requirement under ICBC is 6 months for all surgeries and illnesses now.. It was as far as 1 year in the past but they relaxed it a bit.. Your doctor has the discretion of telling you 6 weeks but if you happen to have an accident 6 months is the minimum by standards..


Sarcasm is me :)
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If you read back in my posts you will see what I believe..

My biggest issue is that I believe this is stress related and cause by medication I should never have been given.. Doctors have created a mess that I must now live with. But at 48 how do you change a life you have established.. It's hard to go back and sue the multitued of doctors who have been part of this process and can state the lack of proper technology was the cause..

Thursday will be a big day.. :willy_nilly:

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I asked about the mileage and you explained that it would be too costly

As to the meds I would find a doctor that is willing to work with you weaning off of them if you think it is worth trying.

You may have a point about the meds now being a problem and not helping but hurting

Good luck


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Basically.. The legal requirement under ICBC is 6 months for all surgeries and illnesses now.. It was as far as 1 year in the past but they relaxed it a bit.. Your doctor has the discretion of telling you 6 weeks but if you happen to have an accident 6 months is the minimum by standards..
That's weird considering...
- My mom just had her hip replaced and was told 6 weeks. (she doesn't drive thank goodness)
- My father in law is set to have a hip replacement in the near future and he was told 6 weeks.
- My landlady had had her hip replaced and was told six weeks.

They all had different doctors yet were told the same thing ???


Sarcasm is me :)
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So had my doctors visit today..

From the worlds greatest machine..

Still no answer..

The result may sound great but still leaves me wondering WHAT if and WHY does it happen.. :(

My best guess is Stress...