At no point did I say that we had more sources of news in the 60's than we do today. I actually acknowledged that in my post. But we were talking about media monopolies and then you started in about the media monopolies of the 60's. Well let's just go back 25 years and see who controlled the media...
Now how can you call numerous corporations controlling media a monopoly? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that when these companies are all bought up and controlled by 3 corporations in the US that it's a monopoly?
left wing bullshit? You're right, the media is liberal and I want all conservative talk shut down. Hail to the fairness doctrine!!!
Do you ever stop and listen to yourself? I'm not standing up for liberal or conservative media and I'm not railing against either as well.
I am talking about corporate controlled media. And if you of all people cannot admit that having 1 corporation in charge of presenting all points of view in a given area is bad, then you are being intellectually dishonest. I don't care if it's the left, the right or corporate giants, I don't want any one person controlling the media.