Fox Mulder
Active Member
Don't know if anyone else is catching this, but I'v heard/read more than one source of media talking heads already making excuses for Obama--that we are in such dire circumstances that it will take him more than one term to correct it!
Did you ever hear the media talk about the recession Bush was left with in 2000 when he took office or the impact of 9/11 on the economy or the fact that the Clinton Administration forced Fannie May and Fredie Mac to give sub prime rates to high risk people in order to encourage poor and minority home ownership? These fucking media people have absolutely zero ethics--they will slant and distort everything to the positive for the Messiah while they slanted everythng to the negative for Bush. And they have a parade of sheep that believe everything they say as though it was gospel truth.
Did you ever hear the media talk about the recession Bush was left with in 2000 when he took office or the impact of 9/11 on the economy or the fact that the Clinton Administration forced Fannie May and Fredie Mac to give sub prime rates to high risk people in order to encourage poor and minority home ownership? These fucking media people have absolutely zero ethics--they will slant and distort everything to the positive for the Messiah while they slanted everythng to the negative for Bush. And they have a parade of sheep that believe everything they say as though it was gospel truth.