You misunderstood the an alternative to conventional progressive income tax to generate revenue..... sales tax is regressive and repressive of low wage earners as you've been shown in your absurd flat tax thread that you called....'fair'.
Maybe the concept of percentages is too complex?
The bit about children making purchases for adults is merely simplistic illogical blather
I'm still interested in what Accountable is teaching his students.
But that's not something you can answer.
I suspect he'll avoid it, but maybe he'll surprise me.
You misunderstood the an alternative to conventional progressive income tax to generate revenue..... sales tax is regressive and repressive of low wage earners as you've been shown in your absurd flat tax thread that you called....'fair'.
Maybe the concept of percentages is too complex?
I understand it...its the percentage of tax paid on a tv...the tax is the same for the low wage earner as well as the high wage earner.
Thats pretty standard from state to state {a flat sales tax}
Back to your link below it states the following
Cost of new flat panel television set $2000.00
State and local sales tax rates (combined) 7.50%
Sales tax paid $150.00
Person 1: Sales tax paid as percentage of $10,000 annual income 1.50%
Person 2: Sales tax paid as percentage of $100,000 annual income 0.15%
But you feel this isnt fair and the person that earns more should pay according to what they earn?
Your link clearly uses a percentage of ones income as scale...which means person 2 should pay 1500 bucks tax on a 2 thousand dollar tv set.{to be fair}
But hell 100 grand a year is pretty normal for alot of lets follow your same scale and apply it to someone making 1 million a year.
Their tax would now be 15 thousand bucks on a 2 thousand dollar tv set..:eek
The bit about children making purchases for adults is merely simplistic illogical blather
Not at to save 15 grand on a sending in one of the kids to make the purchase is what would happen,with a ludicrous system of {paying a percentage of what one earns}.
Its flawed from the very start and the very reason it is not in practice anywhere.
Maybe the concept of percentages is too complex?
I understand it fully as shown above.
You have fell victim of your own link was merely shown as an appeal to emotion to provide the lefts with an argument of unfair taxation{which there isnt}