I've never thought of him as ""Rated"" -
and I quite enjoyed Run fat-boy run !!!
wasn't expecting much from it, all ive ever seen by him are
run fat boy run
how to loose friends and alienate people
and hot fuzz
id probably rank them in that order , ive never seen Shaun of the dead, never appealed to me
i don't really like British films... i know that sounds stupid but the majority ive seen over the years have either been awful or had characters with really annoying accents.
so its always put me off them, there are some i really like
...the Italian job ... the full monty and so on and i saw no where boy recently that was good. and as said above run fat boy.
what dose every one think of Ricky gervais ? i saw the invention of lying a couple of months back an thought it was brilliant.
dose he go down well in the states?
- back to the topic

im in the process of watching dude where's my car , its taken my about 4 nights so far :S but never seen that before
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