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Minor Axis

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Quantum of Solace- Possibly the best Bond film ever made. Of course you'd have to watch Casino Royale first. ;)



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American Psycho - 3/10

So, I decided to watch this movie finally for the first time ... it was pretty blah in my opinion. The character was boring, the story line was not presented very well and the ending left me hanging. As I understand it, the book is much better (as is usually the case) and describes the main character much better than this movie did. I must admit, I was a little biased coming into the film since I don't like Christian Bale very much ... but ... I was not impressed with this movie.

Das Boot - 9/10

This is another favorite classic of mine. This movie does an amazing job at portraying life aboard a U-Boat during WWII ... a lot of down time and then sudden terror with the likeliness of being killed. An excellent movie which I recommend for anyone to see!

Minor Axis

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Short, yet somehow meandering. It never grabbed me. I think at one point Bond climbed out of a hole in the desert and I couldn't for the life of me remember how he got in there.

Meandering??? The plot was absolutely straight forward.

You mean you could not remember him
climbing out of a hole in the desert after he forced the aggressor aircraft to fly into a cliff, while flying a lumbering DC3, dodged the helo, pulled the nose of the aircraft up with the help of cargo that breaks loose in the hold, jumps out with the girl, barely gets hold of her to pull the rip cord before they smack down into a sink hole where they discover the water has been damned up?
If you don't remember that, you weren't really watching... or where high... or fell asleep before that during one of the most rousing car chases in Bond history, lol.

I mentioned it before, but you did have to watch and pay attention to Casino Royale to understand why and what is happening in this movie... I am no longer worried why I like this movie and you did not. :p
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The cake is a metaphor
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Meandering??? The plot was absolutely straight forward.

You mean you could not remember him
climbing out of a hole in the desert after he forced the aggressor aircraft to fly into a cliff, while flying a lumbering DC3, dodged the helo, pulled the nose of the aircraft up with the help of cargo that breaks loose in the hold, jumps out with the girl, barely gets hold of her to pull the rip cord before they smack down into a sink hole where they discover the water has been damned up?
If you don't remember that, you weren't really watching... or where high... or fell asleep before that during one of the most rousing car chases in Bond history, lol.

I mentioned it before, but you did have to watch and pay attention to Casino Royale to understand why and what is happening in this movie... I am no longer worried why I like this movie and you did not. :p

Nah, you're right. I wasn't really watching it. I already said that it never grabbed me. :p It's a pretty shit film, it's biggest criticism has always been it's length and over-editing, something I agree with; it plays out more like an extended advert for a film rather than a film itself. IMO :)

I watched some of The Road again last night. I enjoyed it a lot the first two times I watched it, but I can't really sit through it anymore.