I was over in AEF's SUV's are evil thread, and he said something along the lines of "Under my plan, such and such" (Very presidential candidate sounding BTW)
If somebody gave you the keys to America for a year, and you were the unchallenged super authority, and nobody could tell you otherwise, how would you run with it?
You can change school policies, government structure, laws, products on the market, foreign relations, taxes, you name it. AEF can even make going to church illegal if he wants to.
How about it?
(PS: I don't have time to do mine now, but I will)
-I would get rid of the electoral college
-Make a massive overhaul on campaign finance. How much they can raise, and how much they can spend
-Universal health care system
-Introduce a proportional election system, like Europe's.
-Make it viable for various third parties to have a chance in presidential elections
-Put forth legislation for car companies to introduce a car that *MUST* have at least 35-38 miles to the gallon.
-Strengthen public transportation and encourage it's use
-A nationwide maglev train system
-Legalize marijuana.
-Lower the drinking age to 19
-Legalize prostitution
-Make all education free, including college and university
-Install social programs that get people off of welfare
-set up and encourage city and town communal gardens
-A massive overhaul and evaluation of our current prison systems to encourage rehabilitation for those who can be.
-Make the death penalty illegal
-16 years of education for all
-Mandatory recycling
-Change the immigration process to America so that its actually viable for poorer families to have access to it.
-Slash defense spending and use it for various local and national community projects
-Actually enforce existing gun laws.
-establish public lyceums where anyone can come and learn on various subjects that may not be offered in their current route of education.
-Take in god we trust off of money and out of the pledge
-Ban sugary products such as soda in schools
-Put forth an international coalition of great minds to use stem cell technology/nanotechnology to cure all forms of cancer and currently incurable diseases.
-Install a sufficient amount of giant windmills off the east and west coasts of America to power entire cities from wind power.
-Establish more "solar farms".
-Make it mandatory that all new buildings and houses being constructed MUST have solar panels on them.
hmm......I'll come up with more later.