Jesus as God is problematic.

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Minor Axis

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Umm, I don't know much, but from what I learnt last year and the year before in my religion class is that God already knows who you are before you are born, so obviously he knows Jesus right?
Jesus is an incarnate being - meaning his soul can take form in a physical human body - and that's what happened basically.
I don't see how it's problematic.

The problematic part is accepting what your religion class teaches you without questioning. If you did question, good for you. What you'll find out is that there are no concrete answers anyone can give you, just a story in a book, that has been compiled by a group of people who have an agenda, that being to get you to believe what they believe and asking you to regard this story as the truth, just because... it's plausible? If you are easily influenced then it might appear plausible, but if you spend just a little bit of time, you'll find this version of the truth has lots of holes in it, enough holes to question. And if you want to fall back on faith, it means you really don't have any concrete basis for belief, just a glorified guess, so why commit to something just because your parents have done their part to indoctrinate/expose you?

If there is an intelligent God above us, who respects us as his intelligent children, based on the evidence he/she/it has provided (none), there is no way our loving God should hold "questioning" or lack of commitment against any of us. We are intelligent and have free will, otherwise what is the point? One of the primary tasks in our lives is to figure out life's meaning, not to mindlessly accept Sunday School's non-substantiated explanations just because they did all your thinking for you.

Happy Easter btw! :D
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Minor Axis

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I'm not actually Christian so I don't believe in everything they say, for your's what Orthodox Christians believe.

You mentioned your religion class and made an informative statement regarding Christianity, so I assumed. Dangerous those assumptions. If you want to talk about it, what do you believe or are you just considering at this point? :)


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I just feel like Axs is too zealous in your secularism. Its your opinion to expess, and while I agree that blind faith is weak, I still feel like your arguments go too far sometimes (not in a politically correct sort of way, just invalid due to how far you push it).

As for Jesus, it depends on the faith. To me, he is completely human, but part of the sacred trinity, which is a divine mystery. I also believe (not my own personal creation/though obviously) that when we die and we go to heaven, hell or purgatory, you go in the human form you are.

Minor Axis

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My Catholic school makes us do religion in my senior years. Not religious much though, kind of agnostic...

Searching is good. I hope we all find the answer. Sometimes I suspect that even after I die, I won't be provided with all the answers. And I don't consider it a failure having died, still searching. I apologize if I came across as zealous or overbearing.

I just feel like Axs is too zealous in your secularism. Its your opinion to expess, and while I agree that blind faith is weak, I still feel like your arguments go too far sometimes (not in a politically correct sort of way, just invalid due to how far you push it).

As for Jesus, it depends on the faith. To me, he is completely human, but part of the sacred trinity, which is a divine mystery. I also believe (not my own personal creation/though obviously) that when we die and we go to heaven, hell or purgatory, you go in the human form you are.

All I'm doing is pushing a line of reasoning based on lack of evidence. Usually a line of reasoning is taken to a conclusion, not stopped half way. Have I said anything that is extreme or harsh? If so, I did not mean too, nor to offend, just to express my opinion. :)

I'm very secular if we are talking about the separation of church and state, but to be a secularist does not mean you are not religious or spiritual. Conservative groups tend to use the word to imply a secularist is godless. When it comes to government, it should be godless as far as having the church run things. This country was founded on the concept of secularism because unlike Europe, they did not want the state being run by the Church. Those who describe themselves as "spiritual" typically are trying to separate themselves from organized religious dogma. That would be me and it sounds like a little bit like you.

As far as zealous, I'm prefer the word "diligent" and usually only with those who push traditional religious dogma within the forum. I'm not anti-religious, I'm pro-truth. If faith leads one to worship the Christian God or any God, I don't have a problem with that. The problem I have is when faith is promoted as truth, when the Bible is quoted as a standard for truth as if "it" is stated in the Bible, that is the only standard of truth that is needed. If you are looking for somekind of document that describes the case for God and heaven, the Bible is a very poor collection of stories to trumpet the logic for a spiritual world and our dominion under "God".

Does the Bible promote a good code to live by? The Ten Commandments are good, but other parts of the Bible (mostly the Old Testament) set a pretty terrible standard for modern humans and basically it is ignored. And the examples of God's punishment are an embarrassment. God is supposed to be the most intelligent, most loving, most forgiving, but he resorts to draconian punishment of the entire human race because Eve ate the forbidden fruit or have Noah build an arc so he can flood out all the bad people. They are highly suspect stories. ;)

Regarding heaven, while I can't prove it, I suspect, I hope there is continued spiritual consciousness after physical death. From a philosophical standard, the odds seem to be in favor or it, but by no means assured. Everything else, the description of heaven/hell and a single divine ruler is all conjecture.
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Greatest I am

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I just feel like Axs is too zealous in your secularism. Its your opinion to expess, and while I agree that blind faith is weak, I still feel like your arguments go too far sometimes (not in a politically correct sort of way, just invalid due to how far you push it).

As for Jesus, it depends on the faith. To me, he is completely human, but part of the sacred trinity, which is a divine mystery. I also believe (not my own personal creation/though obviously) that when we die and we go to heaven, hell or purgatory, you go in the human form you are.

More dogmatic crap.
