You, V, are hot. Yes, I know you don't feel that way, but you have more than enough people saying you are, who aren't just saying it either. Just to give it some perspective, about 12 years ago the meds I got put on made me go from 145 pounds soaking wet to 225+ in about 3 months time. Despite having worked physically strenuous jobs I have never dropped back below 200 and still have a spare tire. Yep, I can lift one end of a car and I still have a pudge.
If it turns out you do have thyroid problems and they can regulate it, you should be fine. And don't trust weight charts put out in the US, European ones are far more realistic. Stay away from stuff like NutraSweet, it's poison and makes you crave carbs. And for God's sake don't blow your heart up, follow your doc's advice.
tim :eek
thanks. Yes, I do have thyroid problems.. but i guess my thyroid isnt regulated properly. so that will be fixed soon. My heart is doing much better now. My meds were reduced from 2 pills a day to 1 pill a day, so thats a good sign. Im gonna continue working out now since that is better and i wont DIE! lol But it still makes me very depressed that it got this bad.