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The OG
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You, V, are hot. Yes, I know you don't feel that way, but you have more than enough people saying you are, who aren't just saying it either. Just to give it some perspective, about 12 years ago the meds I got put on made me go from 145 pounds soaking wet to 225+ in about 3 months time. Despite having worked physically strenuous jobs I have never dropped back below 200 and still have a spare tire. Yep, I can lift one end of a car and I still have a pudge.

If it turns out you do have thyroid problems and they can regulate it, you should be fine. And don't trust weight charts put out in the US, European ones are far more realistic. Stay away from stuff like NutraSweet, it's poison and makes you crave carbs. And for God's sake don't blow your heart up, follow your doc's advice.

tim :eek

thanks. Yes, I do have thyroid problems.. but i guess my thyroid isnt regulated properly. so that will be fixed soon. My heart is doing much better now. My meds were reduced from 2 pills a day to 1 pill a day, so thats a good sign. Im gonna continue working out now since that is better and i wont DIE! lol But it still makes me very depressed that it got this bad.
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Dakota Jim

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So how do you take your meds?? Im just wondering cuz i heard if you dont take it a certain way than it wont work.

And since mine is enlarged, does that always mean they have to remove it? Is it better to be removed than to keep if your having problems with it?

My wife had part of hers removed due to benighn "lump". It had nothing to do with weight.


V.I.P User
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So how do you take your meds?? Im just wondering cuz i heard if you dont take it a certain way than it wont work.

And since mine is enlarged, does that always mean they have to remove it? Is it better to be removed than to keep if your having problems with it?

I take it right when I wake up and then wait an hour to eat. I avoid soy and calcium for a couple of hours after I take it because they can interfere with it.

As far as a goiter (enlargement), most of the time, they only remove it if it's causing breathing or swallowing problems. I know they remove it with hyperthyroidism if they can't get it under control. Mine was removed because there was concern that there was cancer. My biopsy came back indeterminable and then continued to grow. It wasn't cancerous. My aunt had hers removed because it calcified, which was the first time her surgeon has seen that. You have hypothyroidism, right? They can treat it with a increased dose of your med to try and trick the gland to make it smaller.


The OG
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yes, mine is hypo.. Maybe the meds will work. Im inpatiently waiting for them to call me on monday. lol

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I get the impatience with losing the weight. 30 years ago I could lose 20 lbs in less than 6 weeks. Now it has taken over 6 months. That is with a ton of walking. Without the walking I would not lose any. The weight will come off. Try to not get on the scales. That will depress you as one day you might be down a pound and the next are back up a couple pounds. Water retention can do that. Better to ignore the scale and judge how you are doing by how the closes feel.

Patience will reward you. How far are you running? Beware that it is building muscle so initially it will add a pound or two. But then the muscle will burn fat quicker so it more than makes up for it. If you are only going a mile or so then walk another couple miles. Or run for a minute and then walk and alternate. That is supposed to help. And be careful doing too much running to start. I used to run a lot and could quit and start up and be able to do the miles but I would get sick after about a week.
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The OG
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I'm always impatient when it comes to lab results.

me too.. I hate it. I just want my body fixed!! I hate all this : (

I get the impatience with losing the weight. 30 years ago I could lose 20 lbs in less than 6 weeks. Now it has taken over 6 months. That is with a ton of walking. Without the walking I would not lose any. The weight will come off. Try to not get on the scales. That will depress you as one day you might be down a pound and the next are back up a couple pounds. Water retention can do that. Better to ignore the scale and judge how you are doing by how the closes feel.

Patience will reward you. How far are you running? Beware that it is building muscle so initially it will add a pound or two. But then the muscle will burn fat quicker so it more than makes up for it. If you are only going a mile or so then walk another couple miles. Or run for a minute and then walk and alternate. That is supposed to help. And be careful doing too much running to start. I used to run a lot and could quit and start up and be able to do the miles but I would get sick after about a week.

Im just jogging and walking.. mixing it up.. Ill run when I feel I can. right now, I can only jog for about 5 minutes, then have to walk for a few - back and forth.. Im trying to start slow because I dont want to overdo it with my heart getting better. too much will hurt me.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
me too.. I hate it. I just want my body fixed!! I hate all this : (

Im just jogging and walking.. mixing it up.. Ill run when I feel I can. right now, I can only jog for about 5 minutes, then have to walk for a few - back and forth.. Im trying to start slow because I dont want to overdo it with my heart getting better. too much will hurt me.
That is a good way to start out. I assume you are doing this under the directives of your heart doctor and not on your own. I am sure once they get the thyroid figured out things will fall into place. Just gonna take time.


Well-Known Member
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V when you said your wedding vows did zach say 'i take thee weight' or 'I take thee veronica'? I'm sure he didn't marry you b/c of your weight...and he loves you just the same.

Everything will work out, and if youre so concerned why don't you talk to your doctor about losing weight, or special diets. I mean there are so many programs out there too that you can try. I have your opposite problem, but I promise you that I feel the way that you do. And I get rude comments too from people I don't even freakin know... And then I become my own worst enemy and wonder if my husband finds me hideous like other people. Believe me....I KNOW.


The OG
Valued Contributor
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You are FAR FAR from hideous. You are beautiful!! I know zk loves me, but I worry. Im just not happy with myself. And Ive gotta get happy with me.

Allen, Doc said I can work out, but I have to be careful and not let my heart rate get too high. If i feel light headed again, then they will have to up my meds again. :(


V.I.P User
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That is a horrible situation to be in! That really sucks!

And yes you are of course still beautiful, but you don't feel it and you don't feel like you have control over your body!

I understand! And if those doctors don't give you answers you beat them over the head until they do!