Is your opinion disrespectful?

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They dont mind doing it, but a few past girlfriends have treated it like its a favour that needs to be repaid. which I of course oblige!

Diggin Deep

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In response, she's made a thread saying 'all atheists will burn in hell, you all tell me I'm wrong all the time so I'm just telling you what I believe!!'

This is probably why some forums I've been on ban religious discussion. It gets too personal for some people. Personally I like the system here, which appears to be 'you're an adult, grow up and fight your own battles like a man' instead of 'did the bad atheist talk to you? we'll warn them to stop disrespecting you by having different opinions.' But seriously? Do people of a religious mindset believe that atheists and agnostics are openly disrespecting them by questioning their views? And if someone makes a post on a forum on any topic, shouldn't they be prepared for someone to disagree?

At what point does disagreement become disrespect, if at all? Assuming that we're not talking about full-on personal attacks such as 'you're a cock!' but literally just not seeing eye to eye.

It puts a bad taste in my mouth when Christians lash out at those who do not share the same faith. Being a Christian myself...who is not perfect by any means, I find that it greatly diminishes everything we believe and stand for. As Christians, we are commissioned by God to make disciples, followers of Christ. We are suppose to share the Gospel, the message of His death and resurrection. I know...blah blah blah :) I don't remember reading anywhere that we are to judge non-believers and cast them to hell.

I feel that new believers of any faith or belief are not yet equipped with the knowledge to defend their faith, but are the first to try. Anytime they are posed with a question or different opinion, they automatically feel that they are personally being attacked and disrespected. It is difficult for them to differentiate between a disagreement and disrespect. So they defend it with their emotion, feeling like they have been backed into a corner and go on the offensive. "Assuming that we're not talking about full-on personal attacks..."

Personally, I welcome the views and opinions of Atheists, Agnostics, and other faiths. It challenges me and helps me grow in my own faith. The thing that most young Christians, "newbies" if you will, tend to forget and soon find out is that people are going to challenge their faith. How we react to and handle the challenge/debate determines how our faith is perceived. I've witnessed far more people come to know Christ by watching someone walk their faith, not preaching it. We are all different and unique with different views and opinions. What is important is that we learn to accept the person, even if their views are different than ours. The world would be extremely boring if we all thought and acted the same way.