Alien Allen
Froggy the Prick
Re: Is there anyone here dumb enough to think the rich will Pay for all Obama's Promi
only an idiot would think you could mandate wages and tax ones way into prosperity.
Atlas Shrugged
Here's one local to me. My county government, the most liberal government in the state, in a state that is considered one of the most liberal in the country (don't ask why I live here :ninja) passed a law that requires ALL county contracts awarded have to pay a "living wage" (whatever the frig that means) rather than the most cost effective. So what happens? County spending dramatically increases for road construction, school construction yada yada yada. Feels good and gives you all the warm and fuzzes doesn't it. And now:
Montgomery Bracing for A Record Shortfall -
As a result they are talking about furlongs for county employees, raising taxes etc etc. And the really sad part is my elected officials DON'T see the connection.
only an idiot would think you could mandate wages and tax ones way into prosperity.
Atlas Shrugged