You know the definition of suicide in war has changed over the years. I mean many have made reference to WWII and Japan, my immediate thoughts spring to Kamikaze pilots. They, indeed were on a suicide mission, they wanted to die honorably, but they didn't ram into a church or school, they engaged in other fighters.
Though I don't agree suicide is honorable, I think giving your life for your country is.
I agree with whomever said this thread would be more black and white if it were suicide bombings of military versus civilians.
I abhor bombing indiscrimately on so called intellgence, how often is it wrong.....
If someone is attacking you, defend yourself. If someone has your countrymen, retrieve them. If people are at a marketplace, church, wedding, funeral, school........Nope. I don't believe in killing hundreds of innocent people in order to get one bad guy or making a "statement".
I abhor our men being driven to wanting to commit suicide rather than living in the uncertainty and stress of never knowing where the next bomb will come from....a peasant, a kid, while rescuing somebody.
I support and am proud of our troups....but the politicians that decide where they fight......not so much....
Sorry to digress