Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I think I got a little carried away with logical arguments. I'm going to make a general apology to anyone who thinks I am bashing their religion. I know that many of my statements come across as anti-Christian. But lately I've taken a few pokes at Islam too. Admittedly, I don't have it all figured out. I feel any religious commitment you make is based on a feeling in your heart and a lack of real evidence, which is good enough for many but not for me. I just don't see enough or feel enough to make any kind of a commitment to any particular theism.
And I realize and have previously stated that most religious faith-based debate is a total waste of time to everyone except maybe those sitting on the fence. Maybe we can influence you one way or the other.
I assure you that no one had a direct influence on my Agnostic leanings. It's something I slowly came to realize. When I was a teenager and joined the church, I was just going through the motions to make the adults happy. If you have it all figured out, more power to you. On the other hand, please don't view me as a lost soul. I am perfectly content with where I am in this life. I think we are all in for a big surprise when we make the leap over the gaping jaws of death.
In the future I'll try to limit my comments to picking apart your arguments instead of starting new threads on my own.
And I realize and have previously stated that most religious faith-based debate is a total waste of time to everyone except maybe those sitting on the fence. Maybe we can influence you one way or the other.
In the future I'll try to limit my comments to picking apart your arguments instead of starting new threads on my own.