Is Burning in Hell A Good Reason to Believe in God?

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Minor Axis

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Actually it's an excellent reason to question the entire God:Father in Heaven concept as real or as a myth... If you've read my posts you know I'm Agnostic, having said that...

Philosophically it's a terrible reason because it symbolizes a sick demeaning relationship that no one would willingly accept from their real parents much less a Holy Father.

The problem with worrying about "burning in hell" is that your just taking a GUESS and making all of your decisions in life based on it. Sure if I knew for sure I'd burn if I did not believe, then sign me up! :) But a logical train of thought indicates that if God ( my reference, the Christian God) truly considers us his children, he gave us the ability to reason and to seek the truth, and if he truly loves us, he should either give us some facts, real facts or allow us to find our way and not have to rely on ancient questionable texts, and not threaten us, it's that simple.

If he really wanted to make it easy, he would be out front with us, "Look, here I am and here's a few miracles to boot." But he is not. If he exists as described, then why does he hide in the shadows making us to rely on our emotions to decide if God is real or not? He took the time to speak to Adam and Eve. He spoke to Moses. Ever notice how he picks individuals to talk to? He does not seem to be into public speaking. ;) If he really wants some impact, he needs to be a little more involved in the human race, don't you think?

Again, you'd never willing accept that from your flesh and blood father, why accept it from the Holy Father?
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Why exactly are you on such a hell bent escapade on this subject? If you don't belive in God .. big whooptey doo .. but why must you hound the ones who do by dredging up this kind of shit?

Who cares what we believe in OR why .. we aren't trying to push the shit down your throat. I've not seen one thread from a christian trying to convert people.

Give it a rest for fucks sake.


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That's one way to debate it. :ninja

Not exactly "The meek shall inherit the Earth" though :24:

It DOES get a bit old :smiley24: eh? What gets me is the agnostics, atheists and all other sorts of non-believers are routinely bombarding the site with philosophy/debate threads that are questioning or outright rejecting the presence of God, Jesus Christ as the Messiah (or even at all) and/or the Holy Trinity.

And one of the arguments that those people who do this use often (but not always) is that Christians run around and try to shove their beliefs down people's throats and whatnot, or are annoying with their calls for prayer and the like, and yet they do the same thing over and over questioning why we believe and telling us why we shouldn't.

I'm going to start calling it "anti-Bible thumping" I need a smiley for that!! :thumbup

carry on......


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Actually it's an excellent reason to question the entire God:Father in Heaven concept as real or as a myth... If you've read my posts you know I'm Agnostic, having said that...

Philosophically it's a terrible reason because it symbolizes a sick demeaning relationship that no one would willingly accept from their real parents much less a Holy Father.

The problem with worrying about "burning in hell" is that your just taking a GUESS and making all of your decisions in life based on it. Sure if I knew for sure I'd burn if I did not believe, then sign me up! :) But a logical train of thought indicates that if God ( my reference, the Christian God) truly considers us his children, he gave us the ability to reason and to seek the truth, and if he truly loves us, he should either give us some facts, real facts or allow us to find our way and not have to rely on ancient questionable texts, and not threaten us, it's that simple.

If he really wanted to make it easy, he would be out front with us, "Look, here I am and here's a few miracles to boot." But he is not. If he exists as described, then why does he hide in the shadows making us to rely on our emotions to decide if God is real or not? He took the time to speak to Adam and Eve. He spoke to Moses. Ever notice how he picks individuals to talk to? He does not seem to be into public speaking. ;) If he really wants some impact, he needs to be a little more involved in the human race, don't you think?

Again, you'd never willing accept that from your flesh and blood father, why accept it from the Holy Father?
Good points! Also, we are told that we should forgive those who wrong us and love our enemies....but it would appear that this allegedly compassionate, forgiving god, the god of infinite love, mercy and forgiveness..... is not prepared to do that which he tells us to do!


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fear is a strong strong drive
personally.. i dont worry bout it
i am a christian and i focus more on living my life helping others...

and as a christian... i am STILL human
i fuck like a rabbit, drink like a fish, swear like a sailor, and smoke like a chimney!

christians are human too... i know its hypocritical when some put others down..
but obviously thats human nature too....bc alot of fucking atheists and agnostics do the same damn thing....


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Ok this is where you bring out the white coats!!! my philiosophy is..that god is actually a alien! Ok wait hear me out! We pray to the sky...towards god i.e outerspace? Ok you know what im gonna shh, because i sound like ive been watching way to many re-runs of "men in black" But heres a link that will explain my theory far better than myself..
Welcome to Our Universe, Was God an Alien?


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Why exactly are you on such a hell bent escapade on this subject? If you don't belive in God .. big whooptey doo .. but why must you hound the ones who do by dredging up this kind of shit?

Who cares what we believe in OR why .. we aren't trying to push the shit down your throat. I've not seen one thread from a christian trying to convert people.

Give it a rest for fucks sake.
:homo:there is an aweful lotta God threads... I'm kinda getting tired of seeing a new one everyday

Minor Axis

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Why exactly are you on such a hell bent escapade on this subject? If you don't belive in God .. big whooptey doo .. but why must you hound the ones who do by dredging up this kind of shit?

Who cares what we believe in OR why .. we aren't trying to push the shit down your throat. I've not seen one thread from a christian trying to convert people.

Give it a rest for fucks sake.

My intent was not to offend or upset you, really. But why is this line of reasoning "shit"? And why do we have a Religion forum if not to discuss opinions? If you really find the subject as not worthy of discussion, then my suggestion it to not participate in it.


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My intent was not to offend or upset you, really. But why is this line of reasoning "shit"? And why do we have a Religion forum if not to discuss opinions? If you really find the subject as not worthy of discussion, then my suggestion it to not participate in it.
The recent activity in this forum has not been for "discussion" .. it's simply become a way to bash people's religion .. keeping it just under the belt .. in what seems to be a way to get a rise out of people on this forum.


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The recent activity in this forum has not been for "discussion" .. it's simply become a way to bash people's religion .. keeping it just under the belt .. in what seems to be a way to get a rise out of people on this forum.
Most theists consider any criticism of their beliefs to be "bashing."


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Well the whole thing with pladecalvo is that arguing religion is kind of his thing.

I don't see how you people (and this applies to whoever feels that it applies to them) can continue to argue the subject.

God doe(sn't) exist. There you go.

Edit: I'd also like to point out that there has been a few quality religious threads made within the last month or so... one of them being "Could We Be God?" because it actually proposes a theory that isn't just about arguing which side is right.

Minor Axis

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The recent activity in this forum has not been for "discussion" .. it's simply become a way to bash people's religion .. keeping it just under the belt .. in what seems to be a way to get a rise out of people on this forum.

I assure you that my intention is not to bash your or anyone's beliefs. I approach religion as a logical matter. Some traditional beliefs don't add up to me so I'm generating some discussion regarding the weak points as I see them. One problem I do see is an attitude by some religious people that their beliefs are not to be questioned. If you have "religion" figured out, that is great. But there are some of us here still trying to find our way, and that does not mean we will necessarily arrive at the same conclusions you have. :)

Peter Parka

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The recent activity in this forum has not been for "discussion" .. it's simply become a way to bash people's religion .. keeping it just under the belt .. in what seems to be a way to get a rise out of people on this forum.

Well if you've got a decent answer to the question, it wouldn't keep coming up, would it?

:homo:there is an aweful lotta God threads... I'm kinda getting tired of seeing a new one everyday

So dont fucking read them or post in them then, jeez


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Well the whole thing with pladecalvo is that arguing religion is kind of his thing.
Well the whole thing about arguing religion is that you can only argue with those who want to argue back.

I don't see how you people (and this applies to whoever feels that it applies to them) can continue to argue the subject.
So YOU don't see it.......then leave it to those that do see it.

Well if you've got a decent answer to the question, it wouldn't keep coming up, would it?

So dont fucking read them or post in them then, jeez
:D :clap


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Well this thread surprised me.

Personally I want my beliefs to stand up to scrutiny and be logically coherent, but that's not a universal feeling I know.

I am too new to comment further really - I don't know the history of these threads, but plenty of devout religious people ask themselves these hard questions, and it's part of the reason that different denominations of Christianity exist. I don't think it is bashing anyone's beliefs to discuss GLARING issues.