If you were the President.......

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In Memoriam - RIP
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.....what would you do to solve the huge mess we find ourselves in?

How would you go about righting our course in a meaningful way. What are the viable options for all of us in front of us? Can it all be done and if so, how?

How would you bring back accountability to the sold-out group that is our government w/out getting yourself or your family assassinated?

I'm just a PeaBrain. The real, workable solutions escape me. I'd like to hear what those more-educated than myself have to say. If you would be so kind as to indulge, I'd love to hear what all y'all have to say.:cool

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In Memoriam - RIP
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Like my dad always says with strippers, "People would only go to support the single moms"

:thumbup It sucks when dancing is the most viable option. But it pays the bills and the kids are worth it.

On that vein, I'd legalize, tax and export MaryJane. Put our small family farmers back to work. Think of the regions we could have... It could be a boon. I could grow MoonOwl's MajicSwampWeed. You could grow CincinnatiRed or whatever name you like... Like fine wine....


Or am I?
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i'd give better help to disable veterans


:thumbup It sucks when dancing is the most viable option. But it pays the bills and the kids are worth it.

On that vein, I'd legalize, tax and export MaryJane. Put our small family farmers back to work. Think of the regions we could have... It could be a boon. I could grow MoonOwl's MajicSwampWeed. You could grow CincinnatiRed or whatever name you like... Like fine wine....

:24: Oh the possibilities!!!


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Most people here won't agree with me.

To start with, we need term limits, and Congress shouldn't be able to vote for their own pay raises. PACs are the source of many problems and I think they should be outlawed as they have too much influence on the governments inner workings. However, by the very nature of what a PAC is, makes them impossible to control. We need to repeal the 16th amendment and adopt the Fair Tax at max an 18% tax.

I would deregulate the industries, and strip the EPA of most of it's power as it stifles growth and goes to extremes. I would begin by removing carbon emission restrictions from all industries. I would also destroy the CAP and trade program. CAP and trade is going to set the US up for another downed economy as that market is growing on false and biased scientific data which offers no product. It is an industry invented by government regulation. I would also move to allow oil drilling in Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico and encourage nuclear power.

I would end all subsidies, quotas, and import taxes.

I would privatize GM and the US Postal Service and dissolve Freddi Mae and Fannie Mac.

Additionally I would do my best to curb frivolous law suits, i.e. coffee burnt my legs and even though I'm a moron I want $50 million. I would also try to move to end judicial activism, though I'm not sure how to fix this.

I would end all social programs and set the cut off age for SS at 55, otherwise too bad so sad. If you are receiving unemployment you will also be required to take drug tests. People need learn to be responsible for themselves. Stop being a bum.

Government also needs to pull out of the health care industry entirely. People should be able to buy health care plans, like they do car insurance.

There is plenty more that needs to be done, but this is all that is coming to mind at the moment. Also, making weed legal for the excuse that it's something else the government can tax is ridiculous! Are you fucking kidding me? We are a taxed enough as it is. Not to mention other issues with legalizing it.


In Memoriam - RIP
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I don't disagree w/you on alot of the things you propose, KpAtch3s. How to actually get them done is the question.

I understand about the marijuana, but am glad you're not against legalizing prostitution. ;)

I could go for it being a tax-free service also...:)


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i would declare myself the absolute ruler (as such is necessary to do the things that need to get done without waiting four years); this would entail dissolution of the legislative and judicial branches. yes, this would be a dictatorship, but for only as long as it is necessary to steer the course back onto a positive and bright future. the result of these actions would eventually result in new codes of law (the dictator's word, and the work-in-progress development for the new republic/democratic/whatever system would result).

it would not (start off, at least) in socialism, but there may be a period of socialism, such that the people can get an understanding of how different government types (which may mean the government may evolve into many different forms) work.

when i am confident that the people are ready to run their government again, i would reinstate the legislative and judicial sections (reducing the executive branch's powers, obviously), hold elections, and forfeit any type of power attributed to my prior status as dictator.


some of the things that would occur if i were dictator:

- drugs of any kind would be banned initially, and heavy penalties would be handed to those who disregard this law; however, as time progresses and studies are conducted on the effects of drugs that the populace wishes to partake, some bans on said drugs may or may not be lifted. stringent requirements for the lifting of the ban would be determined by me, as well as set forth in the new government's laws to allow such repeals of bans in the future.

- borders: strict governance and patrolling. my government will know every single atom that crosses our borders, in and out. period. if you have a problem with this, do not come or, if you wish to leave, you will be permitted to. this includes all trade and military actions (which will go by me personally, because i will be ordering such things, and will have perfect inspections on such transfers).

- the government's participation in the lives of its citizens should be minimal. the necessary precautions will be present, but hidden as much as possible. infrastructure will be a major budget piece, along with military and space exploration.

- all technological developments will be accounted for (no bullshit patents - you have to be as specific as possible), readily available to anyone's use (you will have to make sure the appropriate concerns are taken care of), and protected by the government (which will assume any patents for companies unable to continue operations).


these are among the top concerns i have presently. the economy does as it wishes as long as it does not destroy the citizens' livelihoods.


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I don't disagree w/you on alot of the things you propose, KpAtch3s. How to actually get them done is the question.

I understand about the marijuana, but am glad you're not against legalizing prostitution. ;)

I could go for it being a tax-free service also...:)

lol, the prostitution thing kinda skipped my mind

How to actually get them done? Well you need to be a President who won't back down. I guess essentially the way Obama is as far as that goes. He seems to be able to do just whatever the hell he wants without repercussions. I would be the President that doesn't give a damn about the public opinion.

Problem is, to get things like I mentioned done, it takes a lot more than just a President. You'll need to have majority in both the House and Senate with like minded Conservatives.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The first thing I would do is to decriminalize drugs and then legalize pot and sell it like booze. The amount of money saved could easily fund national health care. The pushers would have to find something else to do to make money and kids in poor areas would no longer live the dream of making big bucks by being a pusher. And also the police would be freed up more to actually fight crime.

Legalize prostitution. You can not legislate all morality. Might as well make money off it and again this frees up the police to fight real crime.

Eliminate Term Limits along with Political Action Committees and Lobbyists and having public funding of elections. Term limits eventually guarantees you will run out of decent candidates. I have seen it first hand and can tell you in MI the lobbyists and the staffers have far more control of what it going on. It has gotten so bad that in some areas the parties hired head hunters to find people to run for office. Term limits is just an excuse for people to not take their rights to vote seriously.

Those are just a few ideas.


In Memoriam - RIP
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i would declare myself the absolute ruler (as such is necessary to do the things that need to get done without waiting four years); this would entail dissolution of the legislative and judicial branches. yes, this would be a dictatorship, but for only as long as it is necessary to steer the course back onto a positive and bright future. the result of these actions would eventually result in new codes of law (the dictator's word, and the work-in-progress development for the new republic/democratic/whatever system would result).

it would not (start off, at least) in socialism, but there may be a period of socialism, such that the people can get an understanding of how different government types (which may mean the government may evolve into many different forms) work.

when i am confident that the people are ready to run their government again, i would reinstate the legislative and judicial sections (reducing the executive branch's powers, obviously), hold elections, and forfeit any type of power attributed to my prior status as dictator.


some of the things that would occur if i were dictator:

- drugs of any kind would be banned initially, and heavy penalties would be handed to those who disregard this law; however, as time progresses and studies are conducted on the effects of drugs that the populace wishes to partake, some bans on said drugs may or may not be lifted. stringent requirements for the lifting of the ban would be determined by me, as well as set forth in the new government's laws to allow such repeals of bans in the future.

- borders: strict governance and patrolling. my government will know every single atom that crosses our borders, in and out. period. if you have a problem with this, do not come or, if you wish to leave, you will be permitted to. this includes all trade and military actions (which will go by me personally, because i will be ordering such things, and will have perfect inspections on such transfers).

- the government's participation in the lives of its citizens should be minimal. the necessary precautions will be present, but hidden as much as possible. infrastructure will be a major budget piece, along with military and space exploration.

- all technological developments will be accounted for (no bullshit patents - you have to be as specific as possible), readily available to anyone's use (you will have to make sure the appropriate concerns are taken care of), and protected by the government (which will assume any patents for companies unable to continue operations).


these are among the top concerns i have presently. the economy does as it wishes as long as it does not destroy the citizens' livelihoods.

ssl, some of the things you mention make good sense. But use of the "D" word doesn't strike my fancy. Once you establish a Dictatorship I imagine it is damn near impossible to 're-institute' Freedom & Liberty. Restoring the checks and balances built into our system might be a better path taken.

lol, the prostitution thing kinda skipped my mind

How to actually get them done? Well you need to be a President who won't back down. I guess essentially the way Obama is as far as that goes. He seems to be able to do just whatever the hell he wants without repercussions. I would be the President that doesn't give a damn about the public opinion.

Problem is, to get things like I mentioned done, it takes a lot more than just a President. You'll need to have majority in both the House and Senate with like minded Conservatives.

KpAtch3s, finding conservatives (and liberals) who haven't sold out is getting more and more difficult. Until we get vote fraud under control NO politician has to give a damn about public opinion. They haven't appeared to be listening for quite some time.....

The first thing I would do is to decriminalize drugs and then legalize pot and sell it like booze. The amount of money saved could easily fund national health care. The pushers would have to find something else to do to make money and kids in poor areas would no longer live the dream of making big bucks by being a pusher. And also the police would be freed up more to actually fight crime.

Legalize prostitution. You can not legislate all morality. Might as well make money off it and again this frees up the police to fight real crime.

Eliminate Term Limits along with Political Action Committees and Lobbyists and having public funding of elections. Term limits eventually guarantees you will run out of decent candidates. I have seen it first hand and can tell you in MI the lobbyists and the staffers have far more control of what it going on. It has gotten so bad that in some areas the parties hired head hunters to find people to run for office. Term limits is just an excuse for people to not take their rights to vote seriously.

Those are just a few ideas.

Good ideas they are too Alien Allen. There is quite a bit of work that needs to be done. How to effectively do it is the question?

It can be baffling to contemplate....;)


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ssl, some of the things you mention make good sense. But use of the "D" word doesn't strike my fancy. Once you establish a Dictatorship I imagine it is damn near impossible to 're-institute' Freedom & Liberty. Restoring the checks and balances built into our system might be a better path taken.


whilst someone with the goal of domination, such as N. Korea's leader, yes, the issue of reinstatement of the previous ideals of freedom and liberty might be difficult.

however, my aim is not to dominate, but to fix. the point of throwing 'the d word' is because it would take that level of obedience in my actions to actually get the ball rolling to get to the point where the 'freedom and liberty' government will have a chance to flourish in such a way that does not lead to the predicament that we are currently in.

my preferred style of getting things done is behind the scenes, showing face only when absolutely necessary. that is just who i am; and that is what i think this country needs in order to get where it needs to go.

oh, and another thing: you would still be able to exercise many freedoms and liberties in the 'd' government i would setup, such as freedom of speech. you may exercise your freedoms as long as they do not interfere with others' exercising their freedoms, who will give you the same level of respect.


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The first thing I would do is to decriminalize drugs and then legalize pot and sell it like booze. The amount of money saved could easily fund national health care. The pushers would have to find something else to do to make money and kids in poor areas would no longer live the dream of making big bucks by being a pusher. And also the police would be freed up more to actually fight crime.

Legalize prostitution. You can not legislate all morality. Might as well make money off it and again this frees up the police to fight real crime.

Eliminate Term Limits along with Political Action Committees and Lobbyists and having public funding of elections. Term limits eventually guarantees you will run out of decent candidates. I have seen it first hand and can tell you in MI the lobbyists and the staffers have far more control of what it going on. It has gotten so bad that in some areas the parties hired head hunters to find people to run for office. Term limits is just an excuse for people to not take their rights to vote seriously.

Those are just a few ideas.

Can't legislate all morality? Well hell, why should we even have laws against murder? Making murder against the law doesn't seem to stop people, we should just legalize it and while we are at it, just destroy all our laws and then there won't be the need for police, because you can't legislate morality.

Why do you want to fund national health care? Run out of good people because of term limits? So lets just remove the Presidential term limit, maybe we can have Obama elected as our president 3 more times? Maybe 4 more and set a new record?

KpAtch3s, finding conservatives (and liberals) who haven't sold out is getting more and more difficult. Until we get vote fraud under control NO politician has to give a damn about public opinion. They haven't appeared to be listening for quite some time.....

Sold out to who? Voter fraud is taking place a hell of a lot more with liberals than conservatives. Acorn anybody? Term limits will ensure politicians can't stick around long enough to gain too much power, which I think will help solve a lot of issues.

I'm not trying to jump down anybodies throat here, I know sometimes I just kinda get on a rampage in these threads. It just blows my mind the line of thinking some people have and their justifications for it. I literally can't comprehend the reasoning some people have on this forum.


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Being an outsider I will mention abt foreign policy. Firstly help to solve the Palestine problem which results in a win win solution. Secondly treat Israel just like any other foreign country and show the muslim world that there is no bias.