I like Huckabee's answer to this particular question.

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Pudding Time

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cough cough excuse me??????????or am just pissing up against a wall here?

as a christian i follow teachings of a man who lived 2000yrs ago,to best of my abilities.
i can question the ideas and poetry from a book written to describe the description of creation of the universe to primitive illiterate nomadic peoples 4500 years ago.

I was raised in a very Christian family. Everyone in my family believes completely. And I did too, until I started noticing major contradictions.

I looked at the science behind human evolution. I also looked at the claims of creation in Christianity. Nothing in the creationist theory made any sense to me. Yet practically all of human evolution did make sense. So then I looked long and hard at other Christian beliefs, and started to see that none of it was making sense.

I was only able to realized this because at the time I was neutral and could open my mind to accept either belief based upon what factual evidence they each had to offer.

debbie t

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Young children are taught science that is untrue (Newtonian Physics), because their mind would not comprehend the langauge of modern physics let alone some of the concepts. Now imagine illiterate tribesmen (sorry ladies, Knowledge was only for men) trying to understand the creation of a universe.Now place the discription of genisis next to the modern scientific disciption of the of the creation of our universe..........Science has not yet made a claim as to the cause(God or No God), but only discribes what experimentation and observation shows to be a workable model............Ask a true modern thinker about proof and they will tell you they only work with models

All Else Failed

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More like junk science and outdated theories. ALL creationist apologetics and "evidence" have been utterly crushed under real science. I mean, just watch the video I posted, it just shows SOME examples as to why evolution is real, to deny all of those just doesn't make any sense what so ever.

Can you give me some 100% credible evidence yet or are you just going to pretend you have some?


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More like junk science and outdated theories. ALL creationist apologetics and "evidence" have been utterly crushed under real science. I mean, just watch the video I posted, it just shows SOME examples as to why evolution is real, to deny all of those just doesn't make any sense what so ever.

Can you give me some 100% credible evidence yet or are you just going to pretend you have some?

You say so many things with such certainty, that you have very little actual knowledge of. So NOW you want to have a science discussion? How high should I jump sir?

You've flown your colors when you get into deep water. There is no point in hashing it out with you for the kergillionth time. What you believe, you believe unquestioningly. There is no room to accept that the foundation of what you believe is conjecture. Christians will at least admit there are certain things we don't understand, and will never know. You think you, through science, know everything. You think that the science today has finally achieved the finality that science has thought it's held every year since its birth. News flash... The FACTS that you're so proud of... yeah, they change every couple of years.

I haven't watched your video, and have no intention of doing so. Youtube is not the best place to get your information friend. Fahrenheit 9/11 was a very compelling movie, but it stank of B.S. from top to bottom. Anybody can make a convincing movie. :smiley24:

All Else Failed

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You say so many things with such certainty, that you have very little actual knowledge of. So NOW you want to have a science discussion? How high should I jump sir?

You've flown your colors when you get into deep water. There is no point in hashing it out with you for the kergillionth time. What you believe, you believe unquestioningly. There is no room to accept that the foundation of what you believe is conjecture. Christians will at least admit there are certain things we don't understand, and will never know. You think you, through science, know everything. You think that the science today has finally achieved the finality that science has thought it's held every year since its birth. News flash... The FACTS that you're so proud of... yeah, they change every couple of years.

I haven't watched your video, and have no intention of doing so. Youtube is not the best place to get your information friend. Fahrenheit 9/11 was a very compelling movie, but it stank of B.S. from top to bottom. Anybody can make a convincing movie. :smiley24:
Actually I do know a lot about biological evolution, just not cosmic evolution, to which you are probably referring to. I don't "believe" evolution, I simply accept it as what we know, and what we know doesn't point to creationism in any way. Scientists will admit when they are wrong to, that is how science works...no, actually the main ideas of evolution and its major evidences do not change every few years, they've been there for millions of years, and just recently have we been categorizing them, and we will find much more evidences in the future, I can assure you. The only thing that will change in the future is the number of evidences, which will only rise.

I'm not saying youtube is a credible source, but the guy who made the video IS a scientist who has PHD's in biology, so he knows what he is talking about, and all of his information is referenced. Sooooo knock yourself out. Yes, anyone can make a convincing movie, but when this movie was made by a professional in his field, and when the movie has easily obtainable information to reference, its just plain factual information. I simply posted the video for a quick way to show you that creationism can't exist. I mean, there are so many simple things that disprove a 6,000 year old universe its ridiculous. Let alone life only being, what number do you guys believe in these days 4,000 years old? Or around there? A great flood didn't happen, dinos didn't exist with man, and there's really no reason to believe in such nonsense when real evidence completely disproves them all. I mean, can you honestly say that dinos lived with man??? Thats what creationists advocate.


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Alright, so when you say "a lot" what you're saying is that if I decide to do some math homework, and put to you some tough questions, you won't simply pull your hair out and call me a mean stupid Christian until you successfully kill the thread... Is that what you're saying?

I'll tell ya, I'm skeptical. You led me to believe you knew a lot about cosmic evolution too. :shrug:

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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Alright, so when you say "a lot" what you're saying is that if I decide to do some math homework, and put to you some tough questions, you won't simply pull your hair out and call me a mean stupid Christian until you successfully kill the thread... Is that what you're saying?

I'll tell ya, I'm skeptical. You led me to believe you knew a lot about cosmic evolution too. :shrug:
I don't think I ever said I knew a lot about cosmic evolution? I simply have an interest in it, and nothing more. I know more about biological.

This shouldn't even be a discussion ffs....creationism is a failed hypothesis and I'm a bit embarrassed to be arguing against it to be perfectly honest.

So do you think dinosaurs coexisted with man?


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FYI to mods... It's probably about time this thing gets moved out of Politics. :)

Actually, scratch that... AEF, would you be so good as to create a new thread in an appropriate venue? :)


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I don't think I ever said I knew a lot about cosmic evolution? I simply have an interest in it, and nothing more. I know more about biological.

This shouldn't even be a discussion ffs....creationism is a failed hypothesis and I'm a bit embarrassed to be arguing against it to be perfectly honest.

So do you think dinosaurs coexisted with man?

No, you just said you had undeniable proof about it. Sorry if I was confused.

You know more ... or you know a lot? Are you just going to make a blanket statement that all of sciencdom agrees with you, and you don't have time to do anymore 20 second google searches to give me the answers I'm looking for?

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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You know more ... or you know a lot? Are you just going to make a blanket statement that all of sciencdom agrees with you, and you don't have time to do anymore 20 second google searches to give me the answers I'm looking for?
No I've done reading into the subject, and like I said I admit I do not know a lot about cosmic evolution, and I stopped responding to you because you kept asking questions I answered in the cosmic evolution thread thing.

Oh, and thread made.

EDIT: Undeniable proof huh? The mere existence of background radiation proves that, but this isn't about cosmic evolution, this is about biological.


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No I've done reading into the subject, and like I said I admit I do not know a lot about cosmic evolution, and I stopped responding to you because you kept asking questions I answered in the cosmic evolution thread thing.

Oh, and thread made.

EDIT: Undeniable proof huh? The mere existence of background radiation proves that, but this isn't about cosmic evolution, this is about biological.

Tim made a good point the other day. I was wasting my time trying to get you to do it.

I created the thread in the science section. See you there?