Hr 3200

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Minor Axis

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America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009

To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes.

Text of HR 3200

My question: Which part of the US Constitution allows for the federal government to provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans?



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Specifically not delegated, or just not assigned?

The clause "nor prohibited by it to the States" just does not make any fucking sense.


And for fucks sake:

"Are reserved to the States, OR to the people"


The States get choice over the people? That means the people NEVER get power, because if the Federal Government does not take the power, the States will gobble up what is left. Which, it seems, the people were screwed from the first moment these words were etched onto that ancient piece of paper.


I have a difficultly understanding your statement.

An entity with power will not limit said power.
The entity with power is The People. The People created the government and established how much power they would grant the government. Unfortunately, our Founders used an inaccurate word, one that the rest of the world takes to mean "those that are in charge." I'm not smart enough to know what it might have been, but they should have used a different word besides "government."

Perhaps this will help:

The powers not delegated by The People to the United States by the Constitution issued by The People, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively if The People so choose, or to the people if they choose to retain said powers.


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The entity with power is The People. The People created the government and established how much power they would grant the government. Unfortunately, our Founders used an inaccurate word, one that the rest of the world takes to mean "those that are in charge." I'm not smart enough to know what it might have been, but they should have used a different word besides "government."

Perhaps this will help:

The powers not delegated by The People to the United States by the Constitution issued by The People, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively if The People so choose, or to the people if they choose to retain said powers.

Since you capitalized 'the people', I am going to assume you are not talking about the actual populace, since most of them do not really give two pennies. Since I am assuming you are not talking about "The Masses" I shall further assume you are referring to those "in charge" at the time the declaration|constitution was written, which it will be further assumed that "The People" refers to those in the meetings held to write such a beacon of enlightenment and a role model for future governments.

Of course, that is who "We the People" really mean, that lovely select few who thought they could rule a nation with one piece of paper. And therein lies your source for conflict, as they had an agenda, those that followed followed in perfecting footsteps, so on and so forth, until the true nature of a republic with democratic ideals really envelopes:

Two parties, fighting for control, changing names as history drags along for the ride.

Perhaps this would have made things better:

The people reserve all powers, unless so delegated to representatives of them.

Ever so short, even so sweet.

Of course, those that are in charge will still do everything to take the power away from the people (see, no capitalized letters!), no matter what party they associate themselves with.

Sad really, when you can extrapolate such into the future; 't is a bleak one.


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Since you capitalized 'the people', I am going to assume you are not talking about the actual populace, since most of them do not really give two pennies. Since I am assuming you are not talking about "The Masses" I shall further assume you are referring to those "in charge" at the time the declaration|constitution was written, which it will be further assumed that "The People" refers to those in the meetings held to write such a beacon of enlightenment and a role model for future governments.

Of course, that is who "We the People" really mean, that lovely select few who thought they could rule a nation with one piece of paper. And therein lies your source for conflict, as they had an agenda, those that followed followed in perfecting footsteps, so on and so forth, until the true nature of a republic with democratic ideals really envelopes:

Two parties, fighting for control, changing names as history drags along for the ride.

Perhaps this would have made things better:

Ever so short, even so sweet.

Of course, those that are in charge will still do everything to take the power away from the people (see, no capitalized letters!), no matter what party they associate themselves with.

Sad really, when you can extrapolate such into the future; 't is a bleak one.
Not bleak really. Nothing can be stacked infinitely higher. Try to stack sand. The most careful attempt can only be so successful, then the stack collapses. But in collapsing, it shifts, and the foundation becomes larger and stronger.

It is the way. :cool


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Not bleak really. Nothing can be stacked infinitely higher. Try to stack sand. The most careful attempt can only be so successful, then the stack collapses. But in collapsing, it shifts, and the foundation becomes larger and stronger.

It is the way. :cool

It is the *current* way.

Not *the* way.

Secondly, just because the foundation is larger and stronger, does not mean it is the best option.

Sometimes, you need only a few grains to find the best solution.

Why make it bloated?