How far should you go to protect your child's view of their parent?

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My ex husband is court ordered to pay $348 per month in child support. To date, he's paid a total of $60. He recently let me know he would be sending $500 to start catching up on what he owes. Because my kids are in clothes two sizes too small and without proper shoes for cold, wet winter weather, I borrowed from money I had set back for bills to buy them clothes and boots. I also splurged on a toy each, lunch at a restaurant and some new sheets and comforters for their beds.

Tomorrow, I will be returning the clothes, bed stuff and toys to the store because my ex has now decided it is more important to treat his new girlfriend and her kid to a weekend in the Florida Keys than it is to send the money he promised... the money he owes.

I have always done everything I can to protect my children from knowing what kind of person their father is. I've lied to them and covered for him more times than I can count. I even bought extra presents on Christmas and put his name on them, so they wouldn't know he didn't send anything.

This, I've been told time and again, is the right thing to do. No matter what the problems between you and your ex, you're never supposed to let the kids know. You're always supposed to speak of the other parent with respect, and encourage a relationship.

However, I'm to the point where I've got to ask... when does enough become enough? What do I do when I take the toys and clothes and baseball sheets from my kids tomorrow and tell them I've got to return them to the store? When they ask me why I'm taking the stuff they were so happy and excited to have, what do I say? "Daddy didn't send money like he promised, so I have to take your stuff." or "Mommy messed up the bills and I need to take it back to get the money in order to make up the difference?"

Yes, I know I shouldn't have spent money I didn't have. However, the idea of finally making them warm enough to go out and play and finally getting to buy them something they've wanted for so, so long was too tempting.

All that aside, however, at what point does preserving a relationship between my children and their father take a backseat to preserving their relationship with me? Because if I don't tell them the truth, that their father didn't keep his promise, they're going to be mad at me.
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Duhhhlicious Pants Lady
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it's tough, Laure

last year i signed off on $30k so Pimp & Afro's dad wouldn't go to jail
(I did it for the kids)
then a month later, Pimp gets in all that trouble
and costs me $15k in lawyer and has an $88k restitution
his dad has not even written him or put a dime on his commisary


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you need to call friend of the court and have them drag his ass back in there for a hearing to see if they cant hold him in contempt of a court order


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you need to call friend of the court and have them drag his ass back in there for a hearing to see if they cant hold him in contempt of a court order

Already been done. He's in another state, so they can't pick him up on the warrant.


Active Member
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it's tough, Laure

last year i signed off on $30k so Pimp & Afro's dad wouldn't go to jail
(I did it for the kids)
then a month later, Pimp gets in all that trouble
and costs me $15k in lawyer and has an $88k restitution
his dad has not even written him or put a dime on his commisary

That's what people keep telling me I should do. They say I should sign off on the child support so the kids can see their dad. As long as he owes the money, he can't come into the state or he'll be arrested. This is keeping him from visiting.

However, I can't bring myself to sign off on all that money (money I need) when he's out running around and partying it up on the beaches of Florida.


Slightly Acidic
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That's what people keep telling me I should do. They say I should sign off on the child support so the kids can see their dad. As long as he owes the money, he can't come into the state or he'll be arrested. This is keeping him from visiting.

However, I can't bring myself to sign off on all that money (money I need) when he's out running around and partying it up on the beaches of Florida.

I think you're doing the right thing here. YOU aren't keeping him from seeing his kids, HE is.


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oh they will and he will have to pay something to get out and that money will go to you

I called Child Support Enforcement in my state and the state he's living in. I gave them his address, telephone number, social security number, physical description, best friend's name... basically everything except his blood type, so they would have no trouble finding him. Their response was that they cannot pick him up on an out of state child support warrant.

They had him in jail on a grand theft charge, saw the warrant for child support in the system, and let him out when his time was up because it was from another state.


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That's what people keep telling me I should do. They say I should sign off on the child support so the kids can see their dad. As long as he owes the money, he can't come into the state or he'll be arrested. This is keeping him from visiting.

However, I can't bring myself to sign off on all that money (money I need) when he's out running around and partying it up on the beaches of Florida.

go back down to friend of the court and fill out the right paper and they will go to where he is and arrest him and bring him back to your state. you need the money then do what you have to do. your kids go without while he out there living it up is wrong, thats not a father


Duhhhlicious Pants Lady
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That's what people keep telling me I should do. They say I should sign off on the child support so the kids can see their dad. As long as he owes the money, he can't come into the state or he'll be arrested. This is keeping him from visiting.

However, I can't bring myself to sign off on all that money (money I need) when he's out running around and partying it up on the beaches of Florida.

if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't sign off


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That's a tough one. You don't want to lie to them yet you don't want to break their hearts. I'm sure there has to be some way that you can explain to them why you have to take back the things you bought and why daddy isn't helping. But at the same time still encourage them to love their father and want to see him. As they get older you don't want them to resent you for talking shit on their'll want them to be able to figure out on their own the kind of person he is.

My mom's first husband was a complete piece of shit. He used to beat her, neglect my sisters when they were babies and when they were separated he rarely payed support...but my mom never talked bad of him in front of my sisters...never discouraged them from seeing him. When they were older they eventually figured out the prick he was and stopped talking to him.


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That's a tough one. You don't want to lie to them yet you don't want to break their hearts. I'm sure there has to be some way that you can explain to them why you have to take back the things you bought and why daddy isn't helping. But at the same time still encourage them to love their father and want to see him. As they get older you don't want them to resent you for talking shit on their'll want them to be able to figure out on their own the kind of person he is.

My mom's first husband was a complete piece of shit. He used to beat her, neglect my sisters when they were babies and when they were separated he rarely payed support...but my mom never talked bad of him in front of my sisters...never discouraged them from seeing him. When they were older they eventually figured out the prick he was and stopped talking to him.

That's my way of thinking as well. If I just let them eventually see the kind of person he is for themselves, then there is no chance they will someday resent me for anything he's done. That's why I try so hard to cover for him.

My question, however, is how to do that and not make it look like I'm the piece of shit. How far do I go to cover for him? Hell, when he killed their pet turtles, I told them I accidentally forgot to feed them and they died. It's always been that way. They think he's a saint, because I don't want them to know what he's really like. I just can't keep pretending to be the person responsible for their broken hearts, when I'm the one who is bending until I'm nearly broken to keep their hearts in one piece.


Duhhhlicious Pants Lady
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He stepped on them. I forgot to take his wallet out of his pants before I washed them and ruined a money order he had in there. That was my punishment.

he sounds like a mean motherfucker

I shouldn't tell you what to do..
but i would probably keep him away if he's that mean
for the kids' safety

what happens if they do something he doesn't like and you're not there to protect them?


Active Member
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he sounds like a mean motherfucker

I shouldn't tell you what to do..
but i would probably keep him away if he's that mean
for the kids' safety

what happens if they do something he doesn't like and you're not there to protect them?

He's seen them twice in the last two years, and both times I was close by. I won't let them be alone with him, but he's not making any great effort to try to visit, either. So, that's not much of a worry. If he ever tried to challenge me in court to see them without me close by, I have a box of hospital bills and pictures detailing the injuries he's given me over the years that I'm sure would keep any judge from letting him be alone with them.

That's just not ammunition I want to bring out unless absolutely necessary. It's very embarrassing, so if I can keep it out of court, I'd rather do it that way.


Duhhhlicious Pants Lady
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I'm not psychic, but I seriously doubt he'd challenge you in court
if he has only attempted a viist twice in the last year
plus he'd have to part with money that he loves to pay a lawyer


Duhhhlicious Pants Lady
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I have to get my ass to bed..

but BIG HUGS to you for having to go through this
I wish there was some way you didn't have to take the kids' stuff back :(