Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
I say if your middle class, or working class U.S. citizen, you need to get out and vote for either Obama or Hillary. Why do I say that?
First if you can stand a little historical perspective read this paragraph, otherwise skip... Capitalism is a pretty good system, but raw capitalism, capitalism with out any laws that protect workers is pretty darn ugly. If you look back at the 1800's in the U.S., there were titans of industry standing on the shoulders of the workers. Labor laws were either non-existant or minimal. Giant trusts were anti-competitive. Child labor, minimum wages, etc, etc. But the big boys, those in charge got rich. They were also called Robber Barons because while they got filthy rich, the worker bees worked their asses off and got pennies for payment. As you may know out of the 1880's we moved to the roaring twenties and because it was like the wild west of finance, the great depression pulled the plug on the good times.
Out of this mess came the best time for workers, trusts were broken up, labor laws were enacted, pensions were created, banks were given more responsible rules to follow and the middle class rose up. Out of high school people used to be able to get good jobs, jobs at the local factories, buy a house, raise a family. The 40's-50's were prime time for the middle class. I admit it is not quite that simple as the country was experiencing tremendous growth, but it did happen.
Flat out I'll say that, you'll never ever see conservative forces pass labor laws that helps labor. As far as they are concerned, anything that interferes with profits is bad whether it be wages, health benefits, or environmental laws. And ever since the 50's, conservative forces have been trying to take away the good times for the working class and hand in hand with globalization, they are succeeding. The Middle Class is evaporating. All those good paying jobs, most of them are now minimal wage jobs.
Corporations especially those today are only as good as the leaders. There might have been a time (even today) when entrepreneurs create a great company. That company was their baby and they wanted it to succeed, along with all of their employees. But today more times than not, greed and personal gain controls the board room. The company is no longer their baby, it's a cash cow waiting to be shipped to the slaughterhouse. I can say from my own experience that the owners of my company arrived several years ago and since then they have been sucking every dime out of the company and sticking it in their pockets. They do things not for the long term good of the company but for their short term advantage. And when they sail off to the sunset on their golden parachute, the career employees are stuck with the mess if there is still a company left. And it's legal.
So today, instead of acting like a all-for-one, one-for-all country there is a lot of back stabbing going on. I'm talking about these corporations who with glee will ship your job overseas as soon as they can. You, working-class worker bee are just an expense, an expense, the owners would rather do without if they can get away with it.
What is your defense? Unions are looking rather shabby these days. Most workers are not unionized. But in certain industries if you don't have a union, you have nothing. You serve at the pleasure of the owners without a contract, without any ground rules. Unions always rise for a reason- lousy work conditions and lousy pay. Many states are "at will" states. Which means you serve at the will of the employer. It means you can be let go for any reason with no explanation. In an industry like mine (aviation) contracts are a must because besides pay, there is are just too many quality of life issues that can be trampled on.
Besides unions, the only real effective option is to have a government in place who is sympathetic to the workers of their country, the 99% of us, and not in the pocket of corporations and special business interests. Only when laws are in place that protect jobs, when companies are penalized for destroying U.S. based jobs and for shipping manufacturing capability out of the country is there a chance.
Your never going to get that chance with the Republican Party as it exists today. Yes they are all for God and guns, (while they have one of the highest scandal rates), and they too are all about corporate profits. That's why they are currently trying to get a trade agreement passed with Columbia, a country where labor organizers are murdered.
I am not a Democrat btw, I'm Independent and when I listened to the debates, I heard the Republicans talking about how good we had it and I heard the Democrats talking about the current tough times. The Democratic Party is far from perfect, but they are sympathetic to the working class. How effective they will be remains to be seen but they represent the only real chance the working class have to recover.
Feel free to disagree.
First if you can stand a little historical perspective read this paragraph, otherwise skip... Capitalism is a pretty good system, but raw capitalism, capitalism with out any laws that protect workers is pretty darn ugly. If you look back at the 1800's in the U.S., there were titans of industry standing on the shoulders of the workers. Labor laws were either non-existant or minimal. Giant trusts were anti-competitive. Child labor, minimum wages, etc, etc. But the big boys, those in charge got rich. They were also called Robber Barons because while they got filthy rich, the worker bees worked their asses off and got pennies for payment. As you may know out of the 1880's we moved to the roaring twenties and because it was like the wild west of finance, the great depression pulled the plug on the good times.
Out of this mess came the best time for workers, trusts were broken up, labor laws were enacted, pensions were created, banks were given more responsible rules to follow and the middle class rose up. Out of high school people used to be able to get good jobs, jobs at the local factories, buy a house, raise a family. The 40's-50's were prime time for the middle class. I admit it is not quite that simple as the country was experiencing tremendous growth, but it did happen.
Flat out I'll say that, you'll never ever see conservative forces pass labor laws that helps labor. As far as they are concerned, anything that interferes with profits is bad whether it be wages, health benefits, or environmental laws. And ever since the 50's, conservative forces have been trying to take away the good times for the working class and hand in hand with globalization, they are succeeding. The Middle Class is evaporating. All those good paying jobs, most of them are now minimal wage jobs.
Corporations especially those today are only as good as the leaders. There might have been a time (even today) when entrepreneurs create a great company. That company was their baby and they wanted it to succeed, along with all of their employees. But today more times than not, greed and personal gain controls the board room. The company is no longer their baby, it's a cash cow waiting to be shipped to the slaughterhouse. I can say from my own experience that the owners of my company arrived several years ago and since then they have been sucking every dime out of the company and sticking it in their pockets. They do things not for the long term good of the company but for their short term advantage. And when they sail off to the sunset on their golden parachute, the career employees are stuck with the mess if there is still a company left. And it's legal.
So today, instead of acting like a all-for-one, one-for-all country there is a lot of back stabbing going on. I'm talking about these corporations who with glee will ship your job overseas as soon as they can. You, working-class worker bee are just an expense, an expense, the owners would rather do without if they can get away with it.
What is your defense? Unions are looking rather shabby these days. Most workers are not unionized. But in certain industries if you don't have a union, you have nothing. You serve at the pleasure of the owners without a contract, without any ground rules. Unions always rise for a reason- lousy work conditions and lousy pay. Many states are "at will" states. Which means you serve at the will of the employer. It means you can be let go for any reason with no explanation. In an industry like mine (aviation) contracts are a must because besides pay, there is are just too many quality of life issues that can be trampled on.
Besides unions, the only real effective option is to have a government in place who is sympathetic to the workers of their country, the 99% of us, and not in the pocket of corporations and special business interests. Only when laws are in place that protect jobs, when companies are penalized for destroying U.S. based jobs and for shipping manufacturing capability out of the country is there a chance.
Your never going to get that chance with the Republican Party as it exists today. Yes they are all for God and guns, (while they have one of the highest scandal rates), and they too are all about corporate profits. That's why they are currently trying to get a trade agreement passed with Columbia, a country where labor organizers are murdered.
I am not a Democrat btw, I'm Independent and when I listened to the debates, I heard the Republicans talking about how good we had it and I heard the Democrats talking about the current tough times. The Democratic Party is far from perfect, but they are sympathetic to the working class. How effective they will be remains to be seen but they represent the only real chance the working class have to recover.
Feel free to disagree.