a site mod can move this to the computers & technology section, if they so choose too, but i can understand your reasoning in putting it here: its a game problem, so ..
hmm, the geforce 6800 gt should be able to handle those games and their textures and other game related data.
check the ingame settings, and turn them down to the lowest available, usually "low" etc, and then work your way back up. post back with the results if you dont mind :dunno
the other part, though ( which is why i might see why site mod's might put it in the compe & tech section ) is because maybe by the time your person ( in the game ) moves, the time it takes it to read the game data from the memory is just too much for the game, so it goes on the next data manipulation ( 3d verticies, lighting, anti-aliasing, etc
... but that should be on the card, not in system memory ) ... and if you have a geforce 6800, im assuming the system is pretty accomodating to the graphics card:
pretty recent processor: intel p4 3+ ghz / amd 3000+ ...
pretty good size and speed of main system memory: at least 2 gigs @ ddr400 speeds.
a fairly recent hard drive with 8mb caching, and 133mb/s ( if not sata@150mb/s) so that the drive can prefetch and then send the data to memory at a good clip
what size monitor are you running, and at what resolution/refresh rate?
hmm, that is definitely odd that a 6800gt is doing that... :dunno
if you get it replaced, maybe i can take it off your hands :booze