Ok so I don't know exactly where to put this thread...this is mainly a dental question...when it comes to pain I deal with it and today I couldn't so you know this has to be bad....my mother-in-law is a dental asst so I called her and ended up and the dentist in so much pain I was bawling...She took an x-ray and evidently my wisdom tooth is absessed and unlike the rest of my straight teeth it has grown in completly sideways so its hurting the rest of my mouth and causing me to have an earache..the dentist numbed it and gave me a prescription for an antibiotic and pain meds(the strogest they can give someone and it doesn't even work)
...the only way to get it out is in pieces..great huh?? I know alot of ppl get there wisdom teeth out but I want to know if anyone has had a sideways one...or am I just a freak of nature