happy hour at the white house today...

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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You still wouldn't be able to find a jury that would convict him of disorderly conduct... and I don't care if he was black, white or Asian...

Massachusetts law used to provide that "unreasonable noise or offensively coarse utterance, gesture or display," or to address "abusive language to any person present" was disorderly conduct. The courts, however have said that violates the Massachusetts Constitution's guarantee of freedom of speech.

There are two recent appeals court decisions on this matter in Massachusetts that specifically address the issue of whether verbal outbursts against police officers consitutes disorderly conduct -- Commonwealth v. Lopiano, (2004), which held that it was not disorderly conduct when a person yelled at an officer that his civil rights were being violated; and, Commonwealth v. Mallahan (2008), where the court held that a person who engaged in a profanity-laced tirade against a police officer in front of spectators could not be convicted of disorderly conduct.
I already said that a jury would never convict. And that is why the prosecutor dropped the charges. Does not mean that the cop was unjustified in making the arrest.
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Having way too much fun
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I already said that a jury would never convict. And that is why the prosecutor dropped the charges. Does not mean that the cop was unjustified in making the arrest.

Yes, that's my whole point. The cop shouldn't have arrested him in the first place since he wasn't breaking any laws. The power of defusing the situation was in the hands of the cop. He took it upon himself to let it escalate to the point it did... :dunno

and for the record, I would be saying this about anyone in this situation. This is not a police state, if you are upset at the police for something they did, you are allowed to curse them out for it and they should not use the long arm of the law to settle an argument.

I view this the same as this forum. If you and I got into a heated debate over this topic and we got into a shouting match over it, it would be wrong for me to ban you for creating problems or getting "loud". It would be wrong for me to win the argument by banning you. And in this scenario you may be in violation of the site rules by getting abusive in the argument, but I should have defused the situation when it started and not let it escalate to that point. That's my job.... to prevent problems, not create them.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Yes, that's my whole point. The cop shouldn't have arrested him in the first place since he wasn't breaking any laws. The power of defusing the situation was in the hands of the cop. He took it upon himself to let it escalate to the point it did... :dunno

and for the record, I would be saying this about anyone in this situation. This is not a police state, if you are upset at the police for something they did, you are allowed to curse them out for it and they should not use the long arm of the law to settle an argument.

I view this the same as this forum. If you and I got into a heated debate over this topic and we got into a shouting match over it, it would be wrong for me to ban you for creating problems or getting "loud". It would be wrong for me to win the argument by banning you. And in this scenario you may be in violation of the site rules by getting abusive in the argument, but I should have defused the situation when it started and not let it escalate to that point. That's my job.... to prevent problems, not create them.

He did break the law you silly goof. Freedom of speech is limited. I dare you to try verbally abusing a cop. I guarantee you that you would get hand cuffed and arrested. It happens all the time. However I think most times the charges end up being dropped or there is a plea bargain. Get some new glasses without the rose colored tint :D

As to the last part. I know you mean that but I guarantee ya it aint gonna go down that way. You liberal power mongers would squish us if it go out of hand. . :24:

Minor Axis

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Too bad no one here witnessed. ;) If I was in my home and the police knocked on my door asking me for identification due to a call about a possible break-in, I'd happily show them my ID, unless of course they had attitudes, like "don't move, spread'im hands against the wall" until you prove to us you're not a robber. I'll bet anyone here that color more than likely had something to do with someone's attitude, police, victim, or both.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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It was stupid. With all of the major problems facing out nation the time a publicity stunt was not now.

plus he drinks terrible beer

This has become a race issue because of the media.
And there was nothing wrong with him saying that the police acted stupidly, I don't care if everyone was white in this story. For an officer to let it escalate to the point it did was stupid. Once the officer saw that the 78 year old gentleman who walks with a cane WAS the actual owner of the home it should have ended there. I would be pissed as well if an officer just walked into my home and started questioning me like I was some criminal. Once I had the facts (someone reported a possible break in and they were doing their job investigating it) I would understand at that point why he did come in. But don't arrest me for getting pissed and telling you to get the fuck out of my house (which is not a crime)

If you are going to blame anyone for blowing this out of proportion, blame the 24/7 media which makes something out of nothing to fill their time slots.
or maybe if the guy wasn't so high and mighty and uncooperative none of it would have happened.

If anything, he should be GLAD that his neighbor was good enough to call the police if she thought something was happening to his house, and he should be glad they were that suspicious of him. They were doing their job.


old, but new
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It was stupid. With all of the major problems facing out nation the time a publicity stunt was not now.

plus he drinks terrible beer

or maybe if the guy wasn't so high and mighty and uncooperative none of it would have happened.

If anything, he should be GLAD that his neighbor was good enough to call the police if she thought something was happening to his house, and he should be glad they were that suspicious of him. They were doing their job.[/QUOTE]



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Wasn't the arresting officer actually a teacher at not how to be racist? That's what it said in the news anyways...


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yes he was, chosen by his department to teach the new recurits

TBH i think it may of just been more of a publicity stunt...I mean a letter or a public speech would have been surfice i think....but then i don't really know how your American politics go so i just shut up...:D


old, but new
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TBH i think it may of just been more of a publicity stunt...I mean a letter or a public speech would have been surfice i think....but then i don't really know how your American politics go so i just shut up...:D

politics = money lined pockets :D

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
Reaction score
Too bad no one here witnessed. ;) If I was in my home and the police knocked on my door asking me for identification due to a call about a possible break-in, I'd happily show them my ID, unless of course they had attitudes, like "don't move, spread'im hands against the wall" until you prove to us you're not a robber. I'll bet anyone here that color more than likely had something to do with someone's attitude, police, victim, or both.
Years ago I pulled off the road to enter my apartment complex. It was probably around 1 or 2 am

As I pulled in all of a sudden the lights lit up and two police cars came out of no where. I rolled the window down and asked what the heck was wrong. I was told in so many words to shut up and just relax and if all checked out I would be free to go. Turns out my car fit the description of a stolen car.

I did not rant that I was being singled out as a young whipper snapper. I shut my mouth and did what they said. Good thing too as I had an ash tray full of roaches. :24:

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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I think the whole thing is hilarious though poor showing by Obama. At least when Tony Blair got into 10 Downing Street, he invited cool people like Noel Galagher round for a beer. :24:


Having way too much fun
Valued Contributor
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It was stupid. With all of the major problems facing out nation the time a publicity stunt was not now.

plus he drinks terrible beer

or maybe if the guy wasn't so high and mighty and uncooperative none of it would have happened.

If anything, he should be GLAD that his neighbor was good enough to call the police if she thought something was happening to his house, and he should be glad they were that suspicious of him. They were doing their job.

Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. has sent a bouquet of flowers and a note to the woman whose 911 call led to his arrest earlier this month.
Wendy Murphy, lawyer and spokeswoman for Lucia Whalen, said yesterday that Gates had sent her client a bouquet of flowers as an “expression of gratitude.’’ Murphy said she believed it was a bouquet of tulips. The flowers came with a note from Gates, the contents of which Murphy would not disclose.

Sounds like he was grateful :dunno