Gun Control concerning SHOTGUNS/RIFLES

Should you have to Register Shotguns/Rifles like you do a pistol?

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Forget about what this thread is about for just one second. IF you made the laws incredibly strict and the enforcement incredibly tough, like if a police man sees a gun you have to have proof registration and other papers right then and there otherwise it is confiscated and it is a long process to get your gun back, maybe it would be possible to keep people from using guns for anything else but hunting, and for police protection. Statics say that guns used for protection in homes are usually used against the victim anyways.

what the fuck? You don't have 'proof of registration' papers with a gun. It's not a car insurance policy. I have every right to own a gun, and it's registered to me via my police and state records. It's one of the basic principles this country was founded on, no police man can just wander up and take my gun away without probable cause of my having done any wrong doing. Your line of thinking is ludicrous and it infringes on my rights.

as for the bold part, are you just making shit up or are you going to provide proof of this?
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Forget about what this thread is about for just one second. IF you made the laws incredibly strict and the enforcement incredibly tough, like if a police man sees a gun you have to have proof registration and other papers right then and there otherwise it is confiscated and it is a long process to get your gun back, maybe it would be possible to keep people from using guns for anything else but hunting, and for police protection. Statics say that guns used for protection in homes are usually used against the victim anyways.
There are already laws like that in some places and in fact even more strict. For example, if you are seen with a gun you are arrested. But guess what? It does not stop or even slow down people from getting a gun that want to get one.

Goat Whisperer

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There are already laws like that in some places and in fact even more strict. For example, if you are seen with a gun you are arrested. But guess what? It does not stop or even slow down people from getting a gun that want to get one.

Well, they aren't strict enough. Maybe if we could get people to care more they would report others illegally selling and owning guns. I bet you they would if the reward was good enough.

Goat Whisperer

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Uh... duh, child.

You'd have to change your angle of attack with a different weapon. Stop blaming the fucking guns for the problem.

OH MY FUCK. You are so twisting the shit out of my words. If you had ever actually read what I wrote you would realize that I said that guns aren't usually the problem, people like cho should of had more counseling, etc. BUT there are undetected psychopaths in our world. That snap at just about anything. Let me tell you if it isn't so easy for them to get a gun they probably couldn't get one. THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO TO CONTROL THESE TYPE OF PEOPLE. THe only thing we can do is stop them from getting their hands on a dangerous DANGEROUS weapon.

A bat is not a fucking dangerous fucking weapon I swear to god I can't believe I have to explain this to you AGAIN. Yes if I was alone in a room with some crazy guy who had a bat I'd be done for--but if 5 people were they would be able to over-take him, they would simply tackle him at the same time. With a gun he could shoot them all before they moved but with a bat he has to focus one one person for at least 10 seconds.

Fuck. I realize that bullies and extremist parents play a huge roll in most of the shooting but, I know that there are at least 5 crazy people in America that grew up a normal life that are planning on killing as many people as possible. Maybe only one will succeed, but if that one succeeded 50 more people could be dead. Your friend, your brother, your mom, your child. How would you fucking feel then? WOuld your Maucho gun that looks cool on the wall feel great then?

Guns are not the only problem, it isn't the guns fault that people are born into insanity, but it still fucking happens and one it does a lunitic gets his hands on a gun and kills a ton of innocent people. I fucking know that's true. They kill innocent people.


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Abrianna, you've never been in a situation where your life is in danger. You can sit here and calmly quietly tell me that if I was wielding a bat at you and a group of people that they would all just take charge and neutralize me to the point where I'm not a threat. But I know that is not always the case. In a situation where you're stressed, and scared. Your first instinct is to survive and hide from the threat. Not attack the threat.

Guns are not the only problem, it isn't the guns fault that people are born into insanity, but it still fucking happens and one it does a lunitic gets his hands on a gun and kills a ton of innocent people. I fucking know that's true. They kill innocent people.

You're assigning human nature to an inanimate object. Thus you're placing the blame on guns. You bitch me out for telling you that, and then you go and prove me correct with this nonsense right here.

How many times do I have to tell you to stop blaming inanimate objects for crimes? Or do you think the guns brainwashed the 'psychos' into picking them up and using them to harm others?

An inanimate object needs a human to use it to be dangerous. Thus, the blame is on the human being for doing the wrong. Get my point now? Good. Grand. Great.

Goat Whisperer

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Abrianna, you've never been in a situation where your life is in danger. You can sit here and calmly quietly tell me that if I was wielding a bat at you and a group of people that they would all just take charge and neutralize me to the point where I'm not a threat. But I know that is not always the case. In a situation where you're stressed, and scared. Your first instinct is to survive and hide from the threat. Not attack the threat.

You're assigning human nature to an inanimate object. Thus you're placing the blame on guns. You bitch me out for telling you that, and then you go and prove me correct with this nonsense right here.

How many times do I have to tell you to stop blaming inanimate objects for crimes? Or do you think the guns brainwashed the 'psychos' into picking them up and using them to harm others?

An inanimate object needs a human to use it to be dangerous. Thus, the blame is on the human being for doing the wrong. Get my point now? Good. Grand. Great.

If they don't understand wrong then there is nothing we can do. I never said it is the inaminate object fault. That if they didn't have a gun they couldn't do any harm. BUT I would much rather had cho running around with a baseball bat at virginia tech. Those people obviously would of fought, are you forgetting the professors who stood in front of their doors pushing against cho as they were shot over and over again? Giving their students just a few extra moments to prepare for an attack?

If there was a crazy guy holding a bat with the intentions of killing me and 5 other people I would find it kind of... silly? I mean he would easily be over-taken. To say that a man with a base ball bat could of killed 33 people and virginia tech is really stupid and you should just stop defending you claim that all weapons are equally dangerous.

BTW I feel strongly about this subject because one of my friends at my school was their at Trolley Square. She saw people die and she saw her parents shot. She missed school for months and will never be the same. The man that killed those people that day had grown up believing americans were evil. Undetected because his family shielded him from the outside world. Not allowing anyone to know, anyone to help. He easily bought thse guns at a store, and killed so many people while my friend hid under a table watching people die and her parents protect her.

The truth is is that these people are not controlled by guns, they are controlled by nothing. They are dangerous to society because they don't care they do not listen. If we allow guns to go so uncontrolled and they continue to shoot innocent people with these guns it is our responsibility not our guns not the lunitics themeselves. But ours to stop them. And if that requires us to make gun laws more strict and makes us crack down on those breaking gun laws, so be it. I don't understand why not.


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Well, they aren't strict enough. Maybe if we could get people to care more they would report others illegally selling and owning guns. I bet you they would if the reward was good enough.
You can't get any more strict than a gun ban. As far as people reporting crimes, such things are already in place everywhere. Just about every city in the US has a hot line or hot lines to report crime.
I'm sorry to rain on your poorly thought out argument but gun laws do not stop or slow down people wanting to use them in a crime.


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You obviously don't know how incredibly strict they already are. The problem is criminals don't go through the laws or legitimate gun shops to get weapons, you can't regulate everything.

The next step in "more strict gun laws" means damn near impossible.