Well-Known Member
Forget about what this thread is about for just one second. IF you made the laws incredibly strict and the enforcement incredibly tough, like if a police man sees a gun you have to have proof registration and other papers right then and there otherwise it is confiscated and it is a long process to get your gun back, maybe it would be possible to keep people from using guns for anything else but hunting, and for police protection. Statics say that guns used for protection in homes are usually used against the victim anyways.
what the fuck? You don't have 'proof of registration' papers with a gun. It's not a car insurance policy. I have every right to own a gun, and it's registered to me via my police and state records. It's one of the basic principles this country was founded on, no police man can just wander up and take my gun away without probable cause of my having done any wrong doing. Your line of thinking is ludicrous and it infringes on my rights.
as for the bold part, are you just making shit up or are you going to provide proof of this?