Government to demand no frills cigarette packets

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Sarcasm is me :)
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I really dont see any evidence that most smokers are lazy pricks or have you got any actual evidence to prove how many smokers drop their butts everywhere? I'm guessing it's probably no different to the amount of non smokers who litter.

:homo: I always use the bins for cigerette butts if a place has them. I don't put them in a normal bin becuase I worry about them just not being out.

And cigerette butts on the floor will never be as annoying as chewing gum or dog shit on the floor. It's disgusting to walk along and the floor is covered in chewed gum and piles of dog shit. People could easily put that in a bin.

While I would agree non-smokers are as bad a littler bug as smokers, one cannot claim a they are guilty of throwing cigarette buts on the ground.. :24:
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Peter Parka

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You're right, leaving dog shit, used condoms and tampons, dirty nappies, used chewing gum. tin cans and plastic wrappers is much better than leaving a tiny bit of dead plant wrapped in a tiny bit of paper on the ground.:sarcasm


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I'm mixed on this one. I smoke, but fully realise just how utterly stupid it really is. Every time the govt introduce smoking bans and so forth I actually support them. If they didn't, I would be smoking everywhere.
Really?? You honestly think you need the government to save you from yourself?

I don't see this as an issue of 'trust', this is a public health issue. As much as I sometimes enjoy a cigarette, I do think that smoking has a very detrimental effect on society, it's nice to see the government properly addressing an issue that kills thousands of people a year, and costs the public health system billions of dollars.
How many thousands die in auto accidents? Perhaps the government should take that over as well and only allow public transportation.
Aren't your football events more dangerous in the stands than on the fields? I'm just generalizing from World Cup stories, of course, but maybe the government should try to keep you safe by adding a prohibitively high tax on footie tickets.

You get my point, don't you? When did Australia shelve its image of ruggedness?

The only reason tobacco, a legal product, is still available is because of the tax dollars generated. Imagine the tax increases that would take place in other areas if it were outlawed. If every smoker quit the non-smokers would be yelling for cigs to be legal again. :24:
You're right. I'm sure they carefully calculated how high they could realistically go without actually having any effect. Politicians need that revenue like smokers need the nicotine. :D