Dakota Jim
I give ya props Bri for trying but many don't believe there was a Holocaust, Man on the moon, etc....They'll believe what they believe just as you and I believe the scientific community on this issue.
I'm about 85% positive that you just got almost all that you have said from 1-3 sources from people who actually have been reading stuff back 15-20 years. And I am also about 85% certain that these sources have misconstrued and left plenty of shit out of what they told you.
Well if you're gonna call me a liar then this conversation is over other than the following...
Whoopty do that glaciers are receding. All that tells us is that climate is changing which I've never expressed any skepticism over. I'd actually be worried if there was no evidence of climate variability as it makes no sense for a complex dynamic system with multiple feedback paths.
I've also never expressed any skepticism that we are having an impact. The base science of CO2 makes that a ridiculous assertion.
My skepticism is only over the claimed magnitude of the impact, model predictions and the claims of imminent catastrophe, none of which have been backed up by any empirical observations. The empirical observations show temp increases somewhat lower than the exponential decay curve predicted by the basic science of CO2.
That right there pretty much invalidates the models and claims of catastrophe. Keep in mind, I model physical systems for a living, albeit one's much better understood than climate. If you use positive feedback loops in a model, and you're model outputs are way high compared to the observed data, then you're feedback loops are wrong.
Stop complaining that they fucked up the data? No sir I will not be quiet. When people in power are talking about burdening the entire economic system and by default me, in order to curb some perceived threat, then I expect, nay I demand that the decision be based 100% on sound data and best scientific practices along with the work being done in an open, honest and 100% transparent manner.
I'm not about to accept anything of that nature based on data integrity/QC and shoddy methodology that would get me flunked out of my senior labs.
Considering the guys pulling this ridiculous bullshit, were main figures in the IPCC, which is the primary document being used by gov't both national and international to make policy decisions, I have a serious fucking problem with it.
If you have a problem defending the quality of your work and want people to accept what you say and do based on faith, then perhaps you should have gone to seminary instead of sitting on a glacier for the summer....
I'm not going to waste my time responding, night.
Everyday I hear conflicting reports regarding the polar ice cap. Who should I believe and why?
By the way, I know the IPCC was bullshit, and I am just as mad as any one else that it's relied upon so much.
Groups with the most reputation, that have the most to lose if they are caught in a lie. Like NASA.
Well good at least we have that in common.
Now maybe you can explain why climate science seems to have such a problem any sort of skepticism?
There is a boatload of technically educated people like me out there who are more than willing to accept the conclusions if the conclusions make sense and are reached in a manner consistent with best practices.
No other scientific discipline has the "barbarians at the gate" mentality of climate science when it comes to skepticism.
The original data is GONE:and there is still no explanation as to why the data is wrong. you can't just say something is wrong--it doesn't work.
Science is based on the concept of recreation. If somebody can prove something, it has to be able to be recreated by others for it to be scientifically valid. If the original data is GONE, how are you supposed to go about that? You can't.
The original data is GONE:
Science is based on the concept of recreation. If somebody can prove something, it has to be able to be recreated by others for it to be scientifically valid. If the original data is GONE, how are you supposed to go about that? You can't.
If it was inaccurate and useless, why did they collect it the first time? It's the very foundation of their entire claim.Yeah, but it's not like they 'threw it out' to stop skeptics form seeing it--or because it even indicated cooling. Just because they needed computer data, and to them at least, the info was inaccurate and useless to them. And yes, I say incarcerate, because it hadn't been adjusted to the way the temperatures were taken.
Therories are great, but they don't mean jack without supporting data. If the data used to validate the theory is flawed, then the theory itself is flawed. You don't use a theory to prove the data, it's supposed to be the other way around. The data is supposed to be inarguable scientific fact.But going back to my main point--even without any of all this data we have backing up our theory, even if it is all wrong, the theory itself still has not been validly disputed.
This is actually the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in a debate, ever. Stop arguing the data? Because there's no solid proof the data is correct? Again, if the data is wrong, then the theory is wrong.Stop arguing the data, because there is no solid proof it is correct or incorrect, for either side. Argue the actual theory itself, like green house, carbon, etc. Argue it past what I already know is misconstrued and taken out of context, or without full understanding of how the climate and Malkovich cycles work.
I make no claims. It's not my job to prove global warming is wrong, it's "science's" job to prove it RIGHT. The "climate scientists" are the ones making claims, and you're admitting their data may be WRONG, but you still believe their theory?The data is just evidence supporting our claims, until it's all proved tainted AND you find more substantial data supporting your claims, and you find away to say why all of our theories are wrong (that's consistent and makes sense), backing up your claims, until then, you can't say you've "proved global warmig is a scam," but before that, no you can't.
Therories are great, but they don't mean jack without supporting data. If the data used to validate the theory is flawed, then the theory itself is flawed. You don't use a theory to prove the data, it's supposed to be the other way around. The data is supposed to be inarguable scientific fact
Funny, I think the highest possible construct in science would be a fact, or the truth. Not a theory. Here's what wikipedia says about theories:In science, a Theory is the highest possible construct. A theory is an explanation of facts and hypotheses. Without Theories, data and facts, which are a dime a dozen to scientists, are useless.
The theory of all of the aspects of climate change is so vast that one small area of it turning out to be false doesn't bring down the entire theory. The theory still holds a scientific consensus.
This is like the theory of evolution being brought down by the Piltdown man.
This whole mess just shows that scientists are fallable and that they're up against some major vested interests with the whole GW thing.
A theory, in the scientific sense of the word, is an analytic structure designed to explain a set of empirical observations. A scientific theory does two things:
Funny, I think the highest possible construct in science would be a fact, or the truth. Not a theory. Here's what wikipedia says about theories:
In the case of this thread, it's the very "empirical observations" that is being called into question. You simply cannot dispute the validitiy of the empirical observations and still accept the theory.
And an argument could easily be made that the "vested interests" are far greater on the side trying to shove global warming down our throats and receive massive government funding to prove it. :dunno
Wow, perhaps the biggest scam in recorded history?
It was announced Thursday afternoon that computer hackers had obtained 160 megabytes of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in England. Those e-mails involved communication among many scientific researchers and policy advocates with similar ideological positions all across the world. Those purported authorities were brazenly discussing the destruction and hiding of data that did not support global-warming claims.
Professor Phil Jones, the head of the Climate Research Unit, and professor Michael E. Mann at Pennsylvania State University, who has been an important scientist in the climate debate, have come under particular scrutiny. Among his e-mails, Mr. Jones talked to Mr. Mann about the "trick of adding in the real temps to each series ... to hide the decline [in temperature]."
Hopefully this will put an end to the Cap and Tax debacle that Obama has been trying to get passed, and perhaps put the final nail in the coffin of so-called global warming. I mean come on here, deleting data and e-mails that disagree with their own beliefs, manipulating data to show warming trends where there were actually cooling trends? It's disgusting on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin.
Alright, fair enough. You don't want me to question the data, and you say NASA is trustworthy. So let's look at some NASA data, using the following 2 sites:Groups with the most reputation, that have the most to lose if they are caught in a lie. Like NASA.
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