Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
You misunderstand. I am not criticizing Pabst's post. I am agreeing with the bolded passage. I am saying that it is commonplace amongst Americans to use character assassination to discredit the person, rather than what the person is saying.
Thanks for clarifying. I agree. One "so-called" conservative political party has perfected the technique you are referring to. It used to be "you are an honorable person, but your views are wrong". The Republican Party starting about the time of Newt turned it into, "not only are your ideas atrociously evil, but you are a socialistic, commie, pinko fag, anti-christ slime of the earth, who has ungodly relations with your own sister!"
Ok, all exaggerations aside, character assassination, along with all of the wedge issues that divide the electorate, is the Republican Party playbook. It was absolutely so under 8 years of W, it may be less so today as the RP reorganizes itself for a come back.
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