So a genuin person is someone who doesn't allow emotions or desires to control themselves?
Then you will NEVER find a genuin person based off of that. No matter what people say we are driven by our emotions. Some just chose to keep those emotions and desires to themselves. There isn't a signle living person who can say they never do things based on emotions. They are just so torn up inside they don't see it that way.
Also not sure what someones looks have to do with whether or not a person is genuin. Just because someone is better looking than you and gets more attention doesn't mean they aren't genuin it just means they aren't going to shy away from life just because they are a nice person.
I'm still very confused as to what you are thinking genuin means. But ya based on what I've read from you then I would say you don't know a single genuin person and you yourself aren't even genuin because everyone acts on their emotions and desires at some point and time.