Denis Kucinich
Chris Dodd
Hilary Clinton
Barack Obama
R u fuckin kidding me? lol. Kucinich? I pulled Mr. Kucinich's views and plans off of wikipedia and they were so stoopid I had to comment....see below
- Announce that the US will end the occupation, close the military bases, and withdraw.
OK well we leave and all is lost
2. Announce that existing funds will be used to bring the troops and the necessary equipment home.
this is retarded....funds will be used to bring troops home. who cares about what and where they come from?!
3. Order a simultaneous return of all U.S. contractors to the United States and turn over the contracting work to the Iraqi government
what iraqi contractors?
4. Convene a regional conference for the purpose of developing a security and stabilization force for Iraq.
Our military is the only "security and stabilization force for Iraq" see the first bullet. we leave and there is no "security and stabilization force for Iraq" Thats why we are still there!
5. Prepare an international security peacekeeping force to move in, replacing U.S. troops, who then return home.
Someone explain that the MNFW is...ummm its the "multi National forces West". There is already an international security peacekeeping force in Iraq. If we leave its going to get smaller by about 100000 troops not get stronger. If we leave then all the sudden other countries are going to send more I dont think so.
6. Develop and fund a process of national reconciliation.
this is a bullet to recruit. WTF does this actually say. Pretty broad to me.
7. Restart programs for reconstruction and creating jobs for the Iraqi people.
2 years ago the military and civilian contractors already had 4500 new schools built in Iraq (but you didnt know that did you?), the myth that Iraq is not being rebuilt is a lie that people love telling.
8. Provide reparations for the damage that has been done to the lives of Iraqis.
I know from first hand experience that "reparations" are being handed out on a daily basis. I had a Lance Corporal that I knew that handed money out to Iraqi's for the damage we did. Giving 10 and 20 thousand dollars becuz a mud hut was destroyed on accident. FUCK REPARATIONS!
9. Assure the political sovereignty of Iraq and ensure that their oil isn't stolen.Thats exactly what we are doing now! If we leave (see bullet 4, if we leave there is no way to ensure the safety of their oil or their sovrienty. this is why we are still there! all of these things that this obviously batty congressman is saying is what we are already accomplishing. The only difference is, is that he is trying to make people think that we are doing it wrong. Someone x-plain to me how we can accomplish everything that this ass says while at the same time withdrawing our troops?....and Im active Marine Corps too.
- Repair the Iraqi economy.
this shit is stoopid, how does he plan on doing this??
there are 2 more points but Im spent. Kucinich is a fuckin turd do not vote for him!