'Fast & Furious' star Paul Walker dies in car accident

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So sad. RIP Paul. :(

'Fast & Furious' star Paul Walker dies in car accident


(CNN) -- Actor Paul Walker, a star of the "Fast & Furious" movie franchise, died Saturday in a car accident, his publicist said.

"Sadly, I must confirm that Paul did pass away this afternoon in a car accident," publicist Ame van Iden confirmed to CNN Entertainment. She said she could not elaborate beyond statements posted on Walker's official Twitter and Facebook accounts.

A post on Walker's Facebook page said, "It is with a truly heavy heart that we must confirm that Paul Walker passed away today in a tragic car accident while attending a charity event for his organization Reach Out Worldwide. He was a passenger in a friend's car, in which both lost their lives."

The website for the charity indicated there was an event in Southern California on Saturday to benefit victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

Along with Vin Diesel, the 40-year-old Walker has been one of the stalwarts of the "Fast & Furious" movie series, characterized by its racing scenes and attractive cast.

The box-office success of the first film in 2001 fueled sequels. The series' sixth installment came out earlier this year, topping the Memorial Day weekend box office.

A seventh film is scheduled for release in 2014.

On his verified Twitter account, Walker described himself as "outdoorsman, ocean addict, adrenaline junkie ... and I do some acting on the side."

Walker also is the star of "Hours," an independent film scheduled to be released December 13 about a father struggling to keep his newborn infant alive in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

Twitter and other social media exploded with reactions to Walker's death.

"Completely numb and saddened to hear of the tragic death of Paul Walker," wrote one posted "Wow."
Hollywood condolences came from Will Smith, Jack Osbourne, DMX and others.

"No, @RealPaulWalker. No. No. No," tweeted Alyssa Milano. "Rest with the angels. You. Sweet boy. #beauty #love #RIP."

LINK: http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/30/showbiz/actor-paul-walker-dies/
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La entrepierna de fuego
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I got called a murderer more than once bc of this. We got hundreds of emails every day for the first few weeks or so.

Joe the meek

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I got called a murderer more than once bc of this. We got hundreds of emails every day for the first few weeks or so.

I've got to tell you, it seems I'm at a all time low for repect for law enforcement now a days.

Seems everytime you turn around, someone with a badge is either abusing their power or killing someone:waving:

This isn't directed towards you, but more along the lines of your profession. I'm starting to think of cops as more or murderers now more than anything else.

Dang, got sucked into a zombie thread! LOL


La entrepierna de fuego
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Ohhh, ok. But wasn't it determined that the accident was due to excessive speed?

Now now, let's don't rely on the FACTS! LOL

I've got to tell you, it seems I'm at a all time low for repect for law enforcement now a days.

Seems everytime you turn around, someone with a bade is either abusing their power or killing someone:waving:

I wish I could disagree with you, but things have been really bad lately. Mom and I were awakened in our hotel room in Boston by protests a few blocks away. To be fair, the only two fatalities in the news lately that I'm unsure of are Eric Garner and the 12 year old with the fake gun. I haven't educated myself on them enough to know for sure, but I'm not comfortable with the actions in either case.

Joe the meek

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I wish I could disagree with you, but things have been really bad lately. Mom and I were awakened in our hotel room in Boston by protests a few blocks away. To be fair, the only two fatalities in the news lately that I'm unsure of are Eric Garner and the 12 year old with the fake gun. I haven't educated myself on them enough to know for sure, but I'm not comfortable with the actions in either case.

I find myself calling a department up in Michigan because their SWAT team basically made a point to shoot a 5 lb dog on a man's lawn. Still waiting for them to call me back. Watching that video really made me sick. I know their public relations person doens't want to call me back, but they may be surprised how determined I am lol

Heck, down in Georgia, it was that toddler with the flash bang grenade (more than one case of the wrong house raided by a SWAT team with someone injured but the city covering it's ass).

Sorry, rant over:p

I know you're a decent person :waving:

Funny though, I've read a couple of articles by former older LEO's who have noted that the taser has been a huge negative over time with police forces. Interesting read. Basically easier to tase someone than to talk to them and try to work it out.


La entrepierna de fuego
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Heck, down in Georgia, it was that toddler with the flash bang grenade (more than one case of the wrong house raided by a SWAT team with someone injured but the city covering it's ass).
Now, I need to look that up again, b/c I remember the facts being that it was the right house but the target wasn't there at the time.

Joe the meek

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Now, I need to look that up again, b/c I remember the facts being that it was the right house but the target wasn't there at the time.

Pick your choice, right house, wrong target or wrong house, wrong target.

The sad fact is that the American police force is becoming more and more militarized and the amount of no knock raid for petty drug use is getting past the point of being ridiculous IMO.

Police can come to your house at 3 in the morning, bust your door down without warning, and if you decided to protect yourself, you can be tried for murder even if the police were at the wrong house. Then, even if you don't shoot and they shoot and kill you by mistake, generally at best is the county admits no wrong doing and may let the shooter off the force to be hired elsewhere.

Just do a internet search on no knock raids and you'll be amazed at what is going on in our country right now. Cops really are starting to think they are beyond the law that they are supposed to serve for.

It use to be I would be sad if I head of a LEO being killed in the line of duty. Now I think to myself and wonder if he had it coming. It's sad I realize, but my opinion is slowly changing for the worst of law enforcement.

That said, I'm in trouble if the law ever comes to my house wanting to use force Some of the deputies who have been over to shoot know what I own and I wouldn't be going down without a fight LMAO


La entrepierna de fuego
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Pick your choice, right house, wrong target or wrong house, wrong target.

The sad fact is that the American police force is becoming more and more militarized and the amount of no knock raid for petty drug use is getting past the point of being ridiculous IMO.

Police can come to your house at 3 in the morning, bust your door down without warning, and if you decided to protect yourself, you can be tried for murder even if the police were at the wrong house.

Just do a internet search on no knock raids and you'll be amazed at what is going on in our country right now.

It use to be I would be sad if I head of a LEO being killed in the line of duty. Now I think to myself and wonder if he had it coming. It's sad I realize, but my opinion is slowly changing for the worst of law enforcement.
I've never seen a no-knock done for use. It has always been for dealing. ALWAYS. I'll try to find the articles later, but I could swear the family at this house said they knew the guy was dealing out of their house with kids there but that they "kept the kids away from it." Yeah...how'd that work out for you?

This is why I always noted the announcements made during no-knocks and quoted them verbatim in my reports. We had one guy on entry that made the announcements as they entered and one guy on a PA that usually said "This is the Blahblahblah Sheriff's Department, we have a warrant, obey the commands of the deputies." That would be repeated constantly until entry called "all clear."

I don't agree with your sentiment, obviously, but I can understand why the attitude has changed. Death is not the solution, though.

Joe the meek

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How about you give me $10 for EVERY video I can post that show that cops don't announce who they are until after the flash bangs?

On a sidenote...

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I believe you find the attitude is changing across the US on what has become police abuse.

Myself being a good example. I consider both my wife and I decent hard working middle class people who don't break the law except for my seat belt violations. I do thank the officer that it is very nice of him to protect me like he does when uncle same didn't give me the same courtesey though LOL

That said, it really is getting to the point where I'm starting to hope the police lose, and that's pretty sad IMO.
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La entrepierna de fuego
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How about you give me $10 for EVERY video I can post that show that cops don't announce who they are until after the flash bangs?

On a sidenote...

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I believe you find the attitude is changing across the US on what has become police abuse.
Umm, no, because we typically DON'T announce until after the flashbangs. I didn't watch the video...sorry. I lived in Georgia...we had the ultimate bad no-knock raid in Atlanta that ended up with police officers being charged with murder b/c they tried to cover their asses when their mistakes were found out.

We're derailing this thread, though...and I have an SEC championship to watch, LOL

Joe the meek

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Umm, no, because we typically DON'T announce until after the flashbangs. I didn't watch the video...sorry. I lived in Georgia...we had the ultimate bad no-knock raid in Atlanta that ended up with police officers being charged with murder b/c they tried to cover their asses when their mistakes were found out.

We're derailing this thread, though...and I have an SEC championship to watch, LOL

Derailing a thread on thread that was dead for close to a year on an actor killed because they we're driving a car too fast? lol

I don't expect you to watch the video. If you work for a police department of some sort, it's hard to justify everything you see now a days with what those who are supposed to "protect and serve" are doing:D

Generally, the mistakes the police make aren't made public because the police do cover for their own unless it becomes impossible IMO.

You have to remember, I was the one years ago arguing with John here on this forum that not all cops weren't bad. I still don't think all cops aren't bad, but the fact is they are by far in the minority now.

There is a chance however that LEO's were always this bad. It's just that with technology, we're finding out about it more often now. Honestly, I'm not sure.


La entrepierna de fuego
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Derailing a thread on thread that was dead for close to a year on an actor killed because they we're driving a car too fast? lol

Generally, the mistakes the police make aren't made public because the police do cover for their own unless it becomes impossible IMO.

You have to remember, I was the one years ago arguing with John here on this forum that not all cops weren't bad. I still don't think all cops aren't bad, but the fact is they are by far in the minority now.
Completely disagree. As with anything, bad news sells. And just being s good cop that goes to calls, writes reports, and occasionally changes a tire isn't going to make the news. It has been horrible lately, no doubt, but it's still a very small percentage of the police force represented.

Joe the meek

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I believe it's getting worse because of the training, mentality and equipment.

Exactly how many local PD's need Personal Armored Carriers? The government is litterally throwing all this gear at our police forces, and the sad fact is, in general, it's become a militarization of our police along with military type "attitudes".

Police now a days would rather use their taser than try to de escalate a situation.

Do some reading within law enforcement per training and attitude, and I don't think you can disagree with my assessment.

I'm now teaching my sons to respect the law, but also to fear the law. A cop does not mean they are looking for the truth or looking to help.

I do believe that having more police departments going to videoing their actions will help. But I do find it funny how some cops never seem to have their dashboard camera working when there is a issue when they pull someone over.


La entrepierna de fuego
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Absolutely agree that dash cams and even body cams are a good idea. Our agencies back home all had dash cams and body mics. Saved their asses more times than not. Actually can only think of a few times it hurt the officer instead of helping and, in those cases, I definitely think the dismissals were justified. In cases where dash cams were not utilized and an issue arose, officers got time off for not turning in their dash cams. They automatically activated when blue lights went on, but they are supposed to activate them on routine calls as well.

Having said that, there is room for technical glitches. I have a friend who was called into the Chief's office and told that the AVL unit in his patrol car put him out of jurisdiction on a major highway running 120 at 2 in the afternoon. Now, I'm sorry, but I've done this for 14 years...you're telling me an officer was out of jurisdiction running 3 times the speed limit on a road that is the perimeter of a busy Air Force Base and not one citizen called and questioned it or complained about it? Bullshit. As s supervisor, I took at least one complaint call per rotation about an officer running lights and sirens and then "just turning them off and slowing down." General public doesn't realize that an officers might call for help, get a lights and sirens response, and then back units responding down which results in what they're seeing.

More departments need to work on community policing. Our busiest department back home had started doing virtual ride-alongs where the PIO rides with an officer and tweets every call they respond to, every stop for coffee, and also takes questions from followers for the officer. It has been wildly popular and the common response is "I had NO idea it was that busy in our town." They also just started an annual Coffee with a Cop event at Starbucks where the public can come out, have a cup of coffee with several officers, and discuss concerns or ask questions. The first one got about 30 attendants, which is very promising, IMO.